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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

BB73;1217871; said:
Exactly. Would anybody rather not be on that list, like Nebraska and Florida State?
Florida State should probably still be on it. I don't think there's a single team in any conference anywhere that is unanimously hated by all fans of that conference like Florida State is in the ACC. The glee when they get brought down by scandals like they did last December is palpable.

It's a good list though. Replace Michigan, Texas, and Alabama with Virginia Tech, FSU, and Nebraska, tack on a spot for Little Brother, and shuffle them around a bit, and you have my own list.

EDIT: and I forgot Maryland. Can't believe I forgot Maryland.
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Fiutak defends tOSU while answering some idiot who wants tOSU to schedule some "big dogs". :lol:


Do you think in our lifetime we will ever see a pre-season ranking that will show us the real top 25 teams? I'm tired of teams being put on the list simply because of the name of the school. Why not put Ohio State at #25 and let them work their way up the rankings as other teams have had to do. Are they better than USC? The press always makes them out to be a great team and every year we have to watch them show how overrated they are while losing yet another championship game. USC will beat them simply because they are not from the Big-10 nor a bottom dweller like they usually schedule. If OSU wants to run with the big dogs then they should schedule the big dogs. ? CL

A: Uhhhhh, isn?t Ohio State playing USC at USC? If that?s not the nastiest non-conference road game possible, it?s close. What else do you want? Didn?t the Buckeyes play Texas two years in a row? Back when it was booked, going to Washington appeared to be a nasty trip for last season. I?m going to keep saying this, no one?s going to listen, and I?m going to end up saying it again in about ten minutes: Ohio State lost the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP two years in a row. It didn?t lose the International Bowl, or the Holiday or the Outback. It lost to Florida and LSU teams that would?ve beaten the other 117 teams in the nation, too. And again, Ohio State 31, Miami 24 in the 2003 Fiesta Bowl. This team has won plenty of big games and deserves more respect. (BTW, I HATE having to come across as an OSU apologist
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What's sad is that you can't even read the comments to articles on news sites or clips on YouTube re: Ohio State without the trolls.

Miraculously, over the past two years SEC fans have somehow trumped us in obnoxiousness. That is very hard to do.
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You can't have anything on the internet regarding tOSU now without SEC trolls; I mean nothing is sacred - we've had our share of problems. Obviously you've pointed out Youtube.

But its everywhere, and to be honest, its become well beyond the range of damn old.

Beat USC, beat the SEC Champion... end this shit this season, I want to see some NC rings on fingers!
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My theory is that most SEC fans, UF specifically, on average get more enjoyment from trying to belittle their opponent than they do from the pride they feel in their team actually winning. It all stems from a regional inferiority complex. They aren't content being good, they have to make sure you know they are good. When someone suffering from little mans complex has his 15 minutes of fame, you can be sure he is going to let everyone know about it.

A lot of the trash is based on the age/tradition of the program in question as well. LSU fans were by and large pleasant compared to UF fans mainly because they know how to handle success.

UF fans are like the local trailer dweller who hits the lottery. The money gets spent in loud and obscene ways but in the end all thats changed is the price of the car on the blocks in his front yeard.
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HailToMichigan;1217976; said:
It's a good list though. Replace Michigan, Texas, and Alabama with Virginia Tech, FSU, and Nebraska, tack on a spot for Little Brother, and shuffle them around a bit, and you have my own list.

If MSU is tsun's little brother... than tsun is MSU's big brother who still thinks it's cool to wear a Rick Springfield "Success Hasn't Spoiled Me Yet Tour" t-shirt.

Ya may have been cool once, but watch out... lil bro is going to exact revenge for all those years of torture.
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I'm currently sitting in the Seoul airport, waiting for my freaking long ass flight back to Cleveland (through Chicago). Anyways, I overheard a lady ask her husband if the Trojans would be favored over the Buckeyes. I interupted and mentioned that I'm certain the Buckeyes will be underdogs, but the line really hasn't been set yet. So, the husband asked if I was a USC fan, and I obviously said no and made it clear that the Buckeyes are the best team in the land. Anyways, he said he is going to the game (they live in LA I guess), and he is really looking forward to seeing how many Buckeye fans make it to the game. He said that the talk is that the Buckeye fans ALWAYS travel in full force and will swarm LA on September 13th. He also said that the impression is that the Buckeye fans are rude, annoying, and vulgar. However, he quickly followed that up with saying that he knows that isn't the case from his experience at the OSU/Texas game in 2006. I guess he was in Dallas for an extended business trip, and he grew up a Longhorns fan, so he scalped a ticket and went to that game. Basically, he said that the Buckeye fans did take over the place, but everyone was very polite and respectful. So, we spent about 30 minutes talking about how Buckeye fans "earned" the reputation of being rude, crazy fans. It was a pretty cool conversation, and both of them were very respectful and interested in the Buckeyes past.

Although it's nice that Buckeye fans have a reputation for being committed and intense, it's unfortunate that the impression is still out there that things get out of control. Oh well. LA will quickly learn what Austin did - Buckeye fans know how to appropriately celebrate a victory.
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I just got back from Vegas a few weeks ago and pretty much "lived" in my #33 White Buckeye jersey every time I went out in public.

The response from folks out there was amazing. Strangers yelling "O-H" in my face. "Go Buckeyes" and high-fives were all over the place. Guys from Nebraska, North Dakota, Ontario (Canada), and New Mexicio were some of the better conversations I had, all interested in this years team and giving props to our Bucks. The most common thread that I heard was that others "out there" were basically sick of the SEC and ready to see us come out and finally win the whole thing this year.

The really cool part was how many people actually knew our #33, and were able to pronounce his name correctly. L'il Animal has some followers out there from around the world.

So, at least from my experience, I'd say we have alot of folks outside of Ohio that are all for us.

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Yertle;1231580; said:
I'm currently sitting in the Seoul airport, waiting for my freaking long ass flight back to Cleveland (through Chicago). Anyways, I overheard a lady ask her husband if the Trojans would be favored over the Buckeyes. I interupted and mentioned that I'm certain the Buckeyes will be underdogs, but the line really hasn't been set yet. So, the husband asked if I was a USC fan, and I obviously said no and made it clear that the Buckeyes are the best team in the land. Anyways, he said he is going to the game (they live in LA I guess), and he is really looking forward to seeing how many Buckeye fans make it to the game. He said that the talk is that the Buckeye fans ALWAYS travel in full force and will swarm LA on September 13th. He also said that the impression is that the Buckeye fans are rude, annoying, and vulgar. However, he quickly followed that up with saying that he knows that isn't the case from his experience at the OSU/Texas game in 2006. I guess he was in Dallas for an extended business trip, and he grew up a Longhorns fan, so he scalped a ticket and went to that game. Basically, he said that the Buckeye fans did take over the place, but everyone was very polite and respectful. So, we spent about 30 minutes talking about how Buckeye fans "earned" the reputation of being rude, crazy fans. It was a pretty cool conversation, and both of them were very respectful and interested in the Buckeyes past.

Although it's nice that Buckeye fans have a reputation for being committed and intense, it's unfortunate that the impression is still out there that things get out of control. Oh well. LA will quickly learn what Austin did - Buckeye fans know how to appropriately celebrate a victory.

Lets emphasize the fact that you were Seoul Korea talking Buckeye football with a USC fan.

NCAA football is international
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Split off a bunch of junk.

Please bear in mind that this board has an infraction for insulting other members. While most of the recent silliness toed the off-season line, the line for that infraction (and others) moves as the season approaches. No warnings or infractions this time. Please be respectful of one another. This is a special place. Let's keep it that way.
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One would think that Ohio State's over-the-top reputation for fan behavior would be somewhat mitigated by the fact that we play in the same conf. as Penn State. I can't imagine a more wide spread criminal nature in any fan base as the sociopathical behavior on display in State College.
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Shivvy77;1232599; said:
One would think that Ohio State's over-the-top reputation for fan behavior would be somewhat mitigated by the fact that we play in the same conf. as Penn State. I can't imagine a more wide spread criminal nature in any fan base as the sociopathical behavior on display in State College.

Ever heard of "da U" ?
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Shivvy77;1232599; said:
One would think that Ohio State's over-the-top reputation for fan behavior would be somewhat mitigated by the fact that we play in the same conf. as Penn State. I can't imagine a more wide spread criminal nature in any fan base as the sociopathical behavior on display in State College.

Wisconsin does its best to prove you wrong. I expect the behavior at Camp Randall to be over the top when we visit at night.
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