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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

Shivvy77;1163398; said:
who is the most hated in your neck of the woods, Florida, Bama?

I guess Florida, but it could be Auburn. UGA hates everyone and doesn't have one strong rival. Also, if you go to school in the south there's a pretty good chance that you'll move to Atlanta, so all of the SEC/ACC schools are well represented here.

Just an aside, I can't wait to see UGA flameout this fall. They're already forecasting a national championship, but it won't happen. They'l dummy up somewhere along the line.
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RugbyBuck;1164546; said:
I guess Florida, but it could be Auburn. UGA hates everyone and doesn't have one strong rival. Also, if you go to school in the south there's a pretty good chance that you'll move to Atlanta, so all of the SEC/ACC schools are well represented here.

Just an aside, I can't wait to see UGA flameout this fall. They're already forecasting a national championship, but it won't happen. They'l dummy up somewhere along the line.

I'll second that. I'd say UGA fans have earned themselves the most widely and strongly disliked fans within the SEC title. I'd say UF, even before '06, is a close second.

Also agree on the UGA/NC vibe going on down here(Jax is really south GA not Florida) they are talking some crazy shit. I guarantee they spit the bit somewhere along the way, probably at the cocktail party.
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Gatorubet;1166086; said:
I dunno. If he or she doesn't hate Florida with a passion, they ain't much of a Mutt.

Yeah, but it's more bitterness than good, clean hate. Florida's owned GA for so long that UGA's taken itself out of the rivalry. That BS with the black jerseys last year just proved my point. They're a gimmick school that always thinks they're better than they are. Maybe Stafford and Moreno can do something about that this year.
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In accordance with the title of the thread, I wanted to mention that I have found little-to-no Buckeye hate out here in Oregon. I actually find more people commenting about the media-induced superiority of the SEC over the PAC 10. The Ducks/Beavers do feel that the PAC 10 is the best (as any other regional group tends to do as well). Maybe the lack of disdain for the Buckeyes dwells in the history of the Rose Bowl. Who knows.
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From my perspective as an Illini, there isn't too much hate aimed towards the Buckeyes. For the most part, we have respect for tOSU, and our teams play every year for the B10's second-oldest trophy, the Illibuck. At the UI, we hate losing most to Michigan and Iowa in football, Indiana in basketball.

We get tired of hearing Buckeye fans brag about their B10 titles, national championships, etc. Now we can always bring up last year's loss to then-unranked Illinois whenever that topic comes up--that game was our revenge for the '05 Matt Sylvester OSU-Illinois bball game :)

You guys deserve the #1 preseason rank despite what the rest of the nation says. Can't wait for this year's OSU-Illinois matchup in Champaign...Hope you guys go undefeated until then!!
Oh, and make sure to kick some Trojan butt in week 3. We're still pissed about the Rose Bowl.
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Welcome crush.
We get tired of hearing Buckeye fans brag about their B10 titles, national championships, etc. Now we can always bring up last year's loss to then-unranked Illinois whenever that topic comes up--that game was our revenge for the '05 Matt Sylvester OSU-Illinois bball game
Which helped secure O/C/C, and later Turner :p Tell Zook he should not feel compelled to fulfill that portion of the parallel :p
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