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OSU's Image Outside of Ohio

I have lived outside Ohio for 8 years. I have lived all over from Vegas to England and I have worked with thousands of people from every state in the nation because I'm in the Air Force. First off in the Air Force there are a large number of Buckeye fans. Probably right up there with FLorida, Texas, and OU with large military fan bases. From what I have seen they see tOSU as kind of an elitist school because of the fact that we say "The" before our name. They say we play in the "little 11" and that we only play one tough game a year based on just last years strength of schedule. I get the big and slow comments alot. All the SEC guys say we would be middle of the pack in the SEC. I used to get alot of MoC jokes but not so much anymore. Its good to live in Ohio again where i'm not constantly bombarded with such garbage. Most people do respect Tressel though and they believe he is running a good program.
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If anything, shouldn't the outside world's hatred of the Buckeyes now be seen as a compliment? People only hate teams that win and are more successful than their own teams. I rather be hated by everyone in the nation, than be the loveable loser or underdog team! Ohio State has become a juggernaut in football that is rivaled by few teams nowadays. Teams now know every year that the Buckeyes will be one of the top 5-10 teams in the nation consistently every year! So what we lost two straight NCs, I rather lose 2 then win one and not get close again(like say Oklahoma, Miami and Texas). True we've lost to 2 SEC squads, but last year we weren't even supposed to be there, which makes people hate us more. I was in Atlanta watching the NC game this past year, and felt all of the ridicule from all of the SEC fans, but all I had to say to them, was on our off years we make NC games. How did Auburn, Tennessee, S. Carolina and Florida do? It silenced a lot of people because they had to agree, it wasn't our fault other teams couldn't handle their business and get to the BCS NC! I just feel privileged to feel such hatred from others, because I know those people who root for us to lose are probably fans of Va. Tech, Cal, Alabama, and a number of other schools who wish they had the track record of the Buckeyes! Go Bucks
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pnuts34;1161116; said:
...How did Auburn, Tennessee, S. Carolina and Florida do? It silenced a lot of people...

It silenced no one.

pnuts34;1161116; said:
...because they had to agree, it wasn't our fault other teams couldn't handle their business and get to the BCS NC!

The did not HAVE to agree, and they didn't. If you met people who did agree, I'm happy for you. I didn't.

We can agree that their hatred doesn't matter, which was my point. But I disagree that it is a compliment. Hatred of the Yankees is a compliment. It is a form of respect.

Hatred of people who lose in the big one because they are only there because they don't play anyone is not a form of respect. It is hatred born of derision. There is a difference. (Like it or Not, True or Not: that is how they view us)

Again, this distinction doesn't really matter; because their hatred doesn't really matter. As I said before, they have lost the right to affect my state of mind.
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Well, apparently "the hatred" does matter b/c there are only about 4 story lines that have been going on consistently since the NC game and one of them has been ----"not Ohio State again." There must be something to it just based on the volume of the commentary.
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Shivvy77;1161706; said:
Well, apparently "the hatred" does matter b/c there are only about 4 story lines that have been going on consistently since the NC game and one of them has been ----"not Ohio State again." There must be something to it just based on the volume of the commentary.
It doesn't matter unless we get a loss. Then we are likely to get left out in favor of a 1-loss team from another conference.

However, I have never had a problem with being left out if we have a loss. No complaining if you don't go undefeated IMO.
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East Coast

I live in the NY area and there is no widespread Ohio State hatred. Not a lot of interrest in college football.

I can see at least eight Buckeye games a year on basic cable. I can go to a sports bar, on-demand, or not watch (BTN) the remaining games.

UoM fans are everywhere in the NY area. Mich takes a lot more out of state students than OSU, especially for grad school. Unlike Buckeyes, you cannot expect the UoM alumni to be football fans.

Ohio State is viewed as a 'first choice' football power in the same vein as USC, Penn State, Virginia Tech and Rutgers. Maryland, Syracuse, UConn, BC have strong ties as well.
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Maybe there's something worthwhile about the east coast afterall :wink2:

Seriously though: when I first arrived in Tallahassee I had just spent a few years in California, most of it pre-Pete (Carroll). I really appreciated being able to talk college football. People here do it all year; pre-Pete it was never done in Cali.

Now, if I want to talk football it has to be about ACC or SEC football. Anything north of that is not respected enough to be a part of the conversation. If it's brought up, the conversation simply ends.

So yeah, in some sense the lack of respect does have an impact on my life. But hey, when we win the crystal next January they won't want to talk football with me at all. And I will SO not care.
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DaddyBigBucks;1161904; said:
Maybe there's something worthwhile about the east coast afterall :wink2:

Seriously though: when I first arrived in Tallahassee I had just spent a few years in California, most of it pre-Pete (Carroll). I really appreciated being able to talk college football. People here do it all year; pre-Pete it was never done in Cali.

Now, if I want to talk football it has to be about ACC or SEC football. Anything north of that is not respected enough to be a part of the conversation. If it's brought up, the conversation simply ends.

So yeah, in some sense the lack of respect does have an impact on my life. But hey, when we win the crystal next January they won't want to talk football with me at all. And I will SO not care.

Wow. My experience in GA was vastly different. The only kind of football anyone wanted to talk about was NFL. Sure, they would say stuff like, "We take our football seriously in the South", then on Sunday, the UGA fans would ask me if the 'Dawgs won. The worst was a GT fan. He kept telling me, I mean everyday, that Georgia Tech was gon' smoke dem Buckeyes. It didn't seem to matter to him that we weren't playing each other. The best college football discussion I had in the year or so I spent there was with a guy who was a self proclaimed ND/PSU fan.
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I'm still in HS, so I take what my friends say for a grain of salt.

My scUM fan friends like to say that we can't win our bowl games, but they can't seem to get it through their thick fucking skull that since we beat them four years in a row that they have no room to talk shit. Not to mention App. St.
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I live in PA with about 80% PSU fans, 10% SEC/USC bandwagon fans, and the rest Pitt (south central PA) or other. Most of the things I hear are respect for Ohio State but an underlying jealousy/hatred. They say that "yea Ohio State is good and they are probably going to be better than PSU but they can't win it all. It must suck to dominate during the season and get killed in the championship game."

I have to say that most of the time the PSU fans in my area are pretty realistic. Not to say there aren't extremists but thehy also think Joepa is still the best coach in the conference.
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krazeyk;1162500; said:
They say that "yea Ohio State is good and they are probably going to be better than PSU but they can't win it all. It must suck to dominate during the season and get killed in the championship game."

Well then it is lucky for those fans that Penn State will never get to the championship game to find out.
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krazeyk;1162500; said:
Not to say there aren't extremists but thehy also think Joepa is still the best coach in the conference.
Most Penn State fans I know are very respectful to their coaching legend but can't wait to get Joe Paterno, Jay Paterno, and his Spread-HD "Ask Lee Corso" offense out the door.
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