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LitlBuck;966796; said:
Granted he has occasionally taken the team to the CCHA playoffs and to the Frozen Four once. Miami has nothing compared to what Ohio State has when it comes to facilities but season after season they had been a better team. Worth everything that Markell has at Ohio State along with the Blue Jackets, he should produce quite a bit more than he has. If he does not come through this year with a strong playoff run, I think it is time for a change.

While I agree on the overall assessment of Markell, I have to disagree on the arena issue. While I was certainly one of those that thought the Schott would be a great recruiting tool, I'm not so sure anymore. Playing in a cavernous, NHL quality arena that's only a quarter full does not provide a great environment. Perhaps we should have followed the route of a hockey-specific facility akin to Yost. Miami of Ohio's new arena fits that bill and is supposedly quite impressive.

Unfortunately, numerous restraining orders preclude my ever seeing it in person.:biggrin:
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OSU grad's 2 goals lift Canucks over Blue Jackets

By Staff reports

Monday, October 22, 2007

COLUMBUS ? Ryan Kesler scored two goals and goaltender Curtis Sanford had a solid game in his first start of the season to lead the Vancouver Canucks past the Columbus Blue Jackets 4-1 on Sunday night.
Markus Naslund and Kevin Bieksa added goals for the Canucks, who had lost their last two games. They won despite being outshot 20-0 during one lengthy span. Kesler, who played college hockey at Ohio State, stole the puck from Columbus' Nikolai Zherdev and scored on a shorthanded empty-netter after the Blue Jackets pulled their goaltender for a two-man advantage with just over a minute remaining.

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RedHawks skate past Buckeyes in win

By Pete Conrad
Staff Writer

Monday, October 22, 2007
OXFORD ? The Miami University hockey team is in a zone. A serious zone. The Ohio State Buckeyes know it, everybody knows it.
The second-ranked RedHawks ran their record to

4-0 Sunday night with a second straight 5-1 victory over the 12th-ranked Buckeyes before a crowd of 2,645 at Steve Cady Arena.
Freshman Tommy Wingels scored two goals for the RedHawks, giving him four in the last three games, and junior goaltender Jeff Zatkoff held his fourth straight opponent to just one goal.

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Ohio State men's hockey: Miami makes it a sweep

Monday, October 22, 2007 3:41 AM


Tommy Wingels scored two goals, Jeff Zatkoff stopped 24 of 25 shots and No. 2 Miami University defeated fifth-ranked Ohio State 5-1 yesterday in Oxford to complete a weekend sweep.

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Very disappointing on several levels.

  1. Once again, it shows a complete inability to carry over momentum and build upon a big win. On a season-to-season level, we've also shown the same inability to build on a big season and carry momentum to the next.
  2. How--HOW?--has a program that went to a Frozen Four, was starting to recruit on a level with Michigan, MSU, Wiscy and Minny and is part of an athletic department with almost limitless resources ended up as not even the top program in Ohio???
  3. Be that unfortunate turn of events as it may, to lose to a superior program is one thing. To get blown out in both matches and show no improvement in the second game, despite a day off to regroup, is unacceptable.
  4. Markell managed to pull a couple of highly sought after recruits in this year, but how long can we keep our recruiting heads above water? Top players come in and show limited development over the course of their careers while enduring inconsistent team seasons. With ND and Miami of Ohio rising up to challenge Michigan and MSU, how long are serious recruits going to take a look at Ohio State?
With two game series against Minnesota, Michigan and an increasingly strong UNO program coming up, the book may be closed on this team, this season and possibly Markell by December first.
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ORD_Buckeye;966894; said:
While I agree on the overall assessment of Markell, I have to disagree on the arena issue. While I was certainly one of those that thought the Schott would be a great recruiting tool, I'm not so sure anymore. Playing in a cavernous, NHL quality arena that's only a quarter full does not provide a great environment. Perhaps we should have followed the route of a hockey-specific facility akin to Yost. Miami of Ohio's new arena fits that bill and is supposedly quite impressive.

Unfortunately, numerous restraining orders preclude my ever seeing it in person.:biggrin:
I totally agree with you. When they built the Schott, I knew that it was going to be good for men's basketball but then for hockey but unfortunately they probably couldn't do both. If you take away the financial aspect of building arenas, I probably would have scaled back the Schott somehow and built a 7500-10,000 seat arena for hockey and women's basketball.

I don't think that Ohio State has spared any expense in trying to build a quality hockey program. They have the best when it comes to equipment but I think Markell lax when it comes to developing talent and I guess overall coaching ability.

My point was that having an NHL team in the same city was supposed to be a big draw for recruits when I do not know if that has come to fruition.
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i dont know how much credit goes to markell for the usdtp kids, lammers has done a very good job with kids from upstate ny and pulling them off the usdtp.

also keep in mind columbus has a ushl team, something markell has failed to capitalize on. columbus, ohio is the only city in the united states were you can play at every level.... think about that...
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i dont know how much credit goes to markell for the usdtp kids, lammers has done a very good job with kids from upstate ny and pulling them off the usdtp.

also keep in mind columbus has a ushl team, something markell has failed to capitalize on. columbus, ohio is the only city in the united states were you can play at every level.... think about that...
Please keep in mind that hockey is by far the main sport at Miami...whereas tOSU competes with football and basketball among many others...
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korchiki;968275; said:
Please keep in mind that hockey is by far the main sport at Miami...whereas tOSU competes with football and basketball among many others...

It doesn't matter that they focus on hockey because it's the only sport where they get to play in a big boy league. That only means that it's understandable that it's the main sport at Fredo(OH). The fact of the matter is that Ohio State should never have a secondary program to any other school in the state, regardless of whether we're talking about football, physics, hockey or history
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jimotis4heisman;968395; said:
i really could careless about miami. they have what two ohio boys? but, pretty much the whole damn team is ushl kids. toss in they lost trent and weber this year.

Not quite sure, what you're getting at JO. Are you saying that we shouldn't care about Miami having built a more successful program than Markell because we have more "ohio boys" on the team? I usually defer to you on hockey program issues because you seem way more in the know than I, but I'd have to disagree with the above. Any school that relies on Ohio boys is going to be a bottom-feeder in the CCHA. There's just not the hockey culture in Ohio to produce the pool of recruits needed to sustain a top D1 program. Combined with the fact that there's 3 D1 schools in the state, a reliance on homegrown talent is a recipe for disaster.

I'll say it again, given Ohio State's history, role in the state and resources, there is NEVER any excuse for us to have a secondary program to any of the regional state colleges in anything from hockey to history.
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korchiki;968275; said:
Please keep in mind that hockey is by far the main sport at Miami...whereas tOSU competes with football and basketball among many others...

I am trying to find the relevance to Ohio State hockey in this post but am having a very hard time. My nephew and his wife both graduated from Miami and when they talk about sports they talk about basketball and football and maybe hockey:!

jimotis4heisman;968395; said:
i really could careless about miami. they have what two ohio boys? but, pretty much the whole damn team is ushl kids. toss in they lost trent and weber this year.

I'm pretty sure that there are quite a few good Ohio high school hockey players around but have no idea where they go to school. I don't think, in fact I am pretty sure, there are not enough to sustain a quality hockey program which Ohio State should be put on the ice.

The point I was trying to make in my post above was that when the Blue Jackets came into town everybody said that would be a major draw for recruits because hockey in Columbus would be played at all levels.
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my point is i think miami is not relevant in the discussion of hockey at theosu. i really dont give a damn what kind of team they have, it does not and should not factor into the debate in my view. i think you are right on not enough talent in ohio. my point was that someone should be able to leverage what is in columbus ushl,nhl etc toss in the factor of the usdtp 200 miles up the road, the reality is the fact that kids spend two years at pioneer and grow to hate the place (or love it). i mean if you went to school everyday and looked out the window at the big house no other possibility is there.

my point is that i dont feel that how good a team miami, msu, um, etc etc it should not bear an impact on how good the team should be in columbus. the reality is to much is available resource wise. should a good iowa football team bring down the ohio state team? or penn state? or pitt? etc? get my point?
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jimotis4heisman;969150; said:
my point is i think miami is not relevant in the discussion of hockey at theosu. i really dont give a damn what kind of team they have, it does not and should not factor into the debate in my view. i think you are right on not enough talent in ohio. my point was that someone should be able to leverage what is in columbus ushl,nhl etc toss in the factor of the usdtp 200 miles up the road, the reality is the fact that kids spend two years at pioneer and grow to hate the place (or love it). i mean if you went to school everyday and looked out the window at the big house no other possibility is there.

my point is that i dont feel that how good a team miami, msu, um, etc etc it should not bear an impact on how good the team should be in columbus. the reality is to much is available resource wise. should a good iowa football team bring down the ohio state team? or penn state? or pitt? etc? get my point?

If I understand your point, the Ohio State hockey coaching staff should be fired or we should not have hockey at Ohio State and waste money on the resources.
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jimotis4heisman;969150; said:
my point is i think miami is not relevant in the discussion of hockey at theosu. i really dont give a damn what kind of team they have, it does not and should not factor into the debate in my view. i think you are right on not enough talent in ohio. my point was that someone should be able to leverage what is in columbus ushl,nhl etc toss in the factor of the usdtp 200 miles up the road, the reality is the fact that kids spend two years at pioneer and grow to hate the place (or love it). i mean if you went to school everyday and looked out the window at the big house no other possibility is there.

my point is that i dont feel that how good a team miami, msu, um, etc etc it should not bear an impact on how good the team should be in columbus. the reality is to much is available resource wise. should a good iowa football team bring down the ohio state team? or penn state? or pitt? etc? get my point?

I guess I see what you're getting at. My point, though, is if UM or Penn State were thriving in football while we struggled, it would be perfectly acceptable to use them as a measuring stick by which to judge our success or failure. That's the basis for the focus on Miami of Ohio's success. If they can build a top 5 program with the same in-state liabilities which we face and 1/10 the athletic department resources, it makes a very good measuring stick against which to evaluate and ultimately judge our own program. Given in-state hockey culture and tradition, judging ourselves against Michigan, MSU, Wiscy or Minny is not always going to provide such an apt comparison. To me, Miami of Ohio does provide that apt comparison and one which finds us seriously lacking at the moment.

I'd be a lot less concerned with what's happening at Miami of Ohio (or Bowling Green for that matter) if Ohio State's program was where I believe it has the potential to be. The fact that one of those programs can get there while we struggle just brings the problems at Ohio State that much more sharply into focus.
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