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OL Marcus Hall (The Bird Man of Ann Arbor)

Buckskin86;1555511; said:
Tress said on his call in show that Marcus Hall would see time this Sat. He has progressed to the point where he would play.

I would suspect it would be at RT if he does get in. Miller will be the LT backup and I bet they don't want only 3 to swap in. They may be hesistant according to how Indiana's DE's are playing and what yard line it is. Good luck to him irregardless of how long he is in. It's good to have that depth.
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NateG;1555524; said:
I would suspect it would be at RT if he does get in. Miller will be the LT backup and I bet they don't want only 3 to swap in. They may be hesistant according to how Indiana's DE's are playing and what yard line it is. Good luck to him irregardless of how long he is in. It's good to have that depth.

Pure speculation on my part, but wouldn't right guard be a viable spot for him to get some reps as well? I certainly agree that right tackle is a great fit for Hall, especially while Cordle is out, Marcus could help spell Shugarts when needed.
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BuckeyeFan 52;1555532; said:
Pure speculation on my part, but wouldn't right guard be a viable spot for him to get some reps as well? I certainly agree that right tackle is a great fit for Hall, especially while Cordle is out, Marcus could help spell Shugarts when needed.

Yes I guess they could do a 3 way swap on the right. Moving Hall in at both spots. It may be safer too but I believe Tress said tackle.
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NateG;1555524; said:
I would suspect it would be at RT if he does get in. Miller will be the LT backup and I bet they don't want only 3 to swap in. They may be hesistant according to how Indiana's DE's are playing and what yard line it is. Good luck to him irregardless of how long he is in. It's good to have that depth.
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It could be either RT or RG, I guess it would depend where he's seeing reps in practice. But with Miller seeing time at LG and LT last week, Browning at RG and RT, Moses at both C and G, and I think I even saw Adams at RT as well, so theres a lot of options for the twos and Hall could end up repping at any of the T or G spots.
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NateG;1555524; said:
I would suspect it would be at RT if he does get in. Miller will be the LT backup and I bet they don't want only 3 to swap in. They may be hesistant according to how Indiana's DE's are playing and what yard line it is. Good luck to him irregardful of how long he is in. It's good to have that depth.


Edit: Darn you ant80!
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I wonder if this is more a case of the Cordle injury costing Hall a redshirt or if Hall has just been too good to keep off the field this year. If it's more the latter, that is great news for the future.
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Triggered by the injury or not, any time a true Frosh OL sees the field - particularly at tackle - it is encouraging to see. When I think of the OL we might have two years from now it is hard not to giggle just a bit.
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Oh8ch;1556178; said:
Triggered by the injury or not, any time a true Frosh OL sees the field - particularly at tackle - it is encouraging to see. When I think of the OL we might have two years from now it is hard not to giggle just a bit.

Yeah, I agree. I don't mean to downplay his potential if he's only playing due to the injury. But if it's not because of the injury and Tressel went from thinking about redshirtting him to 'we can't keep him off the field this year', as a freshmen, that's worth noting.
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I thought Hall played very well out there tonight. There was one pass play where he got beat due to pure quickness by the end, but other than that I thought he held his own and got a great push on most of the runs.
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OSU notebook: Offensive line boosted by freshman
Hall lives up to recruiting rank
Monday, October 5, 2009
By Tim May and Bob Baptist

As Ohio State prepares to face Wisconsin this week, the Buckeyes know their depth chart on the offensive line grew one player deeper Saturday.

Freshman Marcus Hall, considered by Rivals.com to be the sixth-best tackle prospect in the nation last recruiting season, played for the first time in the Buckeyes' 33-14 win at Indiana. He relieved starter J.B. Shugarts at right tackle for extended periods and helped spring Brandon Saine for a couple of big runs.

"That was big for him," said junior right guard Bryant Browning, who like Hall is a Cleveland Glenville graduate. "And he was in there on Zach Boren's touchdown, and he was glowing on the sideline. He was talking about how unreal this is, how great this is.

"I thought he did a great job. He always plays hard in practice, and he got the chance to show it."

Backup left tackle Andrew Miller missed the game because of the flu. That created the opportunity for Hall.

Right tackle Jim Cordle missed the past three games and might miss several more as he recovers from an undisclosed ankle/foot injury. So it was important that someone step up onto the depth chart.

"It was good to show the coaches that (Hall) can perform, that if someone goes down you can place him in there," Browning said. "He proved he can perform at the college level and get the job done."

BuckeyeXtra - OSU notebook: Offensive line boosted by freshman
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