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OL Marcus Hall (The Bird Man of Ann Arbor)

wadc45;1397324; said:
Never was worried...:biggrin:

Wow-EE-AA!! Yeah, baby! I love the smell of Buckeye commitment in the morning...even if it is 24 hours late! Especailly BIG DOG committment. The crown jewel in the class of '09! Thrilling!!

Thank you Mr Marcus Hall for choosing to attend THE Ohio State University and play for our beloved Buckeyes! Hope your championship career is spectacular and rewarding on every level.

And thanks to the whole BP staff, 45 particularly, for always having been completely on top of MrHall's real intentions and sharing that with paranoid head cases such as myself with unstinting grace and reassurance, despite our inabilities to comprehend.

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I can go to sleep now... dunno, this one still had me slightly nervous... but I'm a happy camper now

I can just see us getting lots of personal foul penalties in a couple years for biting
with Adams, Hall, Brewster and Shugarts on the line... NASTY... just NASTY
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NJ-Buckeye;1399008; said:
I can go to sleep now... dunno, this one still had me slightly nervous... but I'm a happy camper now

I can just see us getting lots of personal foul penalties in a couple years for biting
with Adams, Hall, Brewster and Shugarts on the line... NASTY... just NASTY

Longo may be the nastiest of them all.
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"They told me that they wanted me to be a Michigan Man...and I was like "what is that supposed to mean?"---is that like the Marlboro Man ?? I don't wanta be no Michigan Man....I'm a Buckeye"

- Marcus Hall

I LOVE this kid.
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I hope Marcus comes to Summer camp ready and raring to go, there are plenty of spots open in the two-deep and he may be the most ready, physically (along with Mewort), to step in and contribute right away. He has all the ablilty in the world, and comes with a nasty streak that was missed last year (Brew had it, as did Shugarts, but one was a Frosh learning his place and the other was obviously hurt) Way to keep the Glenville pipeline open and producing quality young men.
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Football: Marcus Hall: Glenville tackle joins O-line
Zack Meisel
Issue date: 2/23/09

Jim Tressel reached into his favorite recruiting pipeline and pulled out another talented addition to his Buckeye arsenal.

Just as the University of Miami (Fla.) earned the nickname "NFL U" for sending so many athletes to the pros, Glenville High School in Cleveland is warranting a similar reputation for infiltrating Ohio State with its yearly abundance of talent.

Troy Smith, Ted Ginn Jr., Jamario O'Neal, Donte Whitner, Ray Small, Jermale Hines and others have all travelled south on I-71 from the heart of Cleveland to Columbus in recent years. Now, offensive lineman Marcus Hall will follow the route to join the Scarlet and Gray.

"When you're an Ohio kid, obviously you're going to look at Ohio State," said Ted Ginn Sr., Glenville head coach. "It's almost like that's the logical place to go."

Hall, an imposing 6-feet-5-inches and 300 pounds, figures to eventually play a central role on the Buckeyes' offensive line, said Kevin Noon, publisher of buckeygrove.com.

"He's got the size, strength and the athleticism," he said. "He's a great pass blocker, he's got great strength and good football awareness."

Football: Marcus Hall: Glenville tackle joins O-line - Sports
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I'm rewatching the Army AA game right now and keying in on Marcus every play and he's really impressive. His HS highlights don't wow me like I was by Mike Adams', but in this game he is shutting his man down in pass pro. I think he could be the first truly great pass protector at OT we've had under Tressel. He needs to see the field this year, IMO.

Here's a link to the game-

Hulu - U.S. Army All-American Bowl: U.S. Army All-American Bowl 2009

If Browning keeps his starting spot at RT he will have earned it. Shugarts and Hall are no slouches.
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Marcus at the Big 33 Game as taken by Jim Davidson at www.the-ozone.net:


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Video: Glenville's Marcus Hall prepares to fight for a job at Ohio State
by Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer
Tuesday June 23, 2009

Marcus Hall thinks about his future all the time, thinks about making the two-deep on Ohio State's offensive line this fall.

"That's what I'm going to work for," Hall said Saturday after Ohio's win over Pennsylvania in the Big 33 Classic in Hershey, Pa. "I pray every day about that. But I'm not trying to go in there with a cocky attitude. It's just a fact that I want to start. That would be ideal. But a freshman going in ... I definitely would like to get into the rotation, that would be good."

There are holes there, and the freshmen line contenders know it. Corey Linsley, who looked good on defense in the Big 33 game but still figures to fit in on the offensive line, Hall, Sam Longo and Jack Mewhort, who already took part in spring ball, make up a good crop of young offensive linemen.

The top seven linemen for the Buckeyes seem set, with Mike Brewster, Justin Boren, Jim Cordle and Bryant Browning looking like starters and Mike Adams and Andy Miller and what should be a healthy J.B. Shugarts fighting for the fifth starting job in the fall.

Andrew Moses, Connor Smith, Evan Blankenship and Josh Kerr are some of the veterans in the next group, but none of them are so entrenched that a freshman with a good camp couldn't squeeze into the two-deep. And especially early, any offensive lineman in the two-deep will see the field.

That could be Hall, or it could be someone else.

"I'm definitely ready to go," Hall said Saturday. "Playing football this week got me in the football zone, and I'm ready to move into my dorm and go."

Video: Glenville's Marcus Hall prepares to fight for a job at Ohio State - Ohio State Buckeyes Football & Basketball Blog (OSU) - cleveland.com

video interview

Ohio State and Glenville High offensive tackle Marcus Hall Video - cleveland.com

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES9nSn1XVl0"]YouTube - 2009 Big33 Marcus Hall and Sam Longo with the-Ozone reporter[/ame]
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Better Know a Buckeye feature of Marcus by Vico at ohd.com

As is the case with most Tarblooders, Marcus Hall?s recruitment went until the very end. His February 2nd commitment is the last in the class. It seems that this is something Ted Ginn Sr. counsels in his players, to make sure they see everything they need to see, get the maximum exposure they can before making what he hopes is a more thorough evaluation of options. This, logically, results in a better reasoned decision, and one that Ginn (I think) hopes does not interfere with a student?s school and HS football obligations. Unlike teammate Jonathan Newsome, Hall was no deviation from the norm. Further, unlike Newsome and his other teammates, Hall was offered a scholarship by just about everyone in the country outside of USC. He was even receiving interest as a freshman, and started putting together his offer sheet early into his junior year. Rather than follow the twists and turns of the ensuing two years, it?d be easier to discuss who was in the running.


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