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OL Marcus Hall (The Bird Man of Ann Arbor)

Talked to someone behind the scenes...

Marcus Hall's play started him out in last place among freshman OL when he first arrived. (which is understandable, Mewhort & Longo started out quite well for their age)

Now? He is arguably OSU's best tackle, regardless of class, in protecting the quarterback. Those weren't just "bad opponent" reps for Marcus, they'd like to use him more, especially in passing situations.

His main weakness right now is his strength, but his feet are excellent. If he can get stronger over the course of 11 months, he could push to start at RT next year.

If Hall becomes starter material at tackle, they'd move Shugarts inside. He has been stellar in run blocking but struggled a bit in pass pro.
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jwinslow;1559134; said:
Talked to someone behind the scenes...

Marcus Hall's play started him out in last place among freshman OL when he first arrived. (which is understandable, Mewhort & Longo started out quite well for their age)

Now? He is arguably OSU's best tackle, regardless of class, in protecting the quarterback. Those weren't just "bad opponent" reps for Marcus, they'd like to use him more, especially in passing situations.

His main weakness right now is his strength, but his feet are excellent. If he can get stronger over the course of 11 months, he could push to start at RT next year.

If Hall becomes starter material at tackle, they'd move Shugarts inside. He has been stellar in run blocking but struggled a bit in pass pro.

Agreed that those were meaningful reps. Even if Indiana is a below average team, Kirlew and Middleton are as good a pair of DEs outside Columbus as any in the conference.

Indiana's preseason press releases mentioned them having more combined career sacks than any pair of returning DEs in the country.
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Saw some clips of him online at the night practice. He may have the widest body since Pace. Massive dude. He's going to be a good one if he can continue to get in better shape. I like what I saw at the Army game but at the Big 33 with added weight, he looked really sluggish.
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I didn't see a lot in the AA game. He looked over weight and had trouble bending. Same thing I hear reported from the Big 33. He has come a long way from then. That is very comforting as many thought he was a guard, not a tackle.
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Taosman;1559504; said:
I didn't see a lot in the AA game. He looked over weight and had trouble bending.

Didn't pay too much attention to his technique(it's almost always going to be poor for a HS OL) but his weight seemed fine. I don't remember seeing him get beat in the Army game. Big 33 he looked about 15-20 lbs heavier and it bothered him. He even said so after the game that he was around 320 and his best playing weight is around 305.
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Ohio State Buckeyes freshman Marcus Hall to see more time on offensive line

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Columbus- At least for one practice Tuesday afternoon, Ohio State freshman offensive tackle Marcus Hall was a starter.
Though that need was created by the flu, which kept left tackles Mike Adams and Andrew Miller out of practice and necessitated the move of starting right tackle J.B. Shugarts to the left side for the afternoon, Hall will remain a player, whether he's starting or not.
The Buckeyes didn't burn Hall's redshirt against Indiana on Saturday night just to watch him play a few series in relief of Shugarts. Yes, with Miller sick last Saturday, the Buckeyes needed a third tackle they could trust, and Hall was it. But his play in practice has pushed the issue, and he should play again Saturday against 5-0 Wisconsin.

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Not to get off Hall, but a few weeks back many were writing off Adams for a variety of reasons. With his emergence as the stud we were anticipating, and Hall coming on at a pace few expected, and with at a minimum the second highest rated OT in HS coming in next year..... things are looking pretty sweet for the future.
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Here are two Ohio State players to watch heading into training camp: offensive lineman Marcus Hall and quarterback Taylor Graham.

Coach Jim Tressel is going to give Mike Adams the first crack at left tackle, and senior Andrew Miller will rotate there, too. But Hall played some last season at right tackle as a true freshman. The coaches like him, and Tressel repeatedly mentions him. If Adams doesn't seize the job, Hall could be moved there.

Bob Hunter commentary: Rumblings ... OSU football, Blue Jackets, Reds and more | The Columbus Dispatch
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Marcus Hall moves to left side of Ohio State Buckeyes' offensive line for chance to compete
Published: Friday, August 13, 2010
Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer


COLUMBUS, Ohio ? Marcus Hall did enough as a true freshman at Ohio State to earn playing time, including one start at right tackle last season, backing up J.B. Shugarts. That's not easy for a freshman lineman. Now, Hall is 30 pounds lighter, dropping from 325 pounds to 295 during summer workouts, and the Glenville grad is the wild card on the offensive line.

On one hand, Hall nearly put himself in a bind with some academic problems this summer, admitting he wasn't as focused as he needed to be, which threatened to put his eligibility at risk.

But he worked through that and made it to preseason camp, where he now has a new home.

Instead of working with the second- team offensive line at right tackle, where senior Josh Kerr was taking most of the second-team reps early in camp, Hall said he asked in the spring to be moved to left tackle.

Marcus Hall moves to left side of Ohio State Buckeyes' offensive line for chance to compete | cleveland.com
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Buckskin86;1746982; said:

WOW, is that accurate? Is he there full time now or just taking some reps to familiarize himself with the position as Bollman often likes to do?

Could he supplant Adams at this point? What do we do with guard for next year if Linsley is going to center?

If he is the best pass pro blocking tackle moving him to the left may be what's best for the team and TP. I really like Norwell too, but if we put him on the right side at tackle, that would help shore up depth at tackle for next season.
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