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OL Marcus Hall (The Bird Man of Ann Arbor)

Every tackle, left or right has gotten looks at LT and RT. I've heard they've put Mike Adams on both sides, sames with JB. I think they are trying to find the best fit. Marcus played LT during a few games last year also.
That said, I'd much rather be hearing that Mike Adams has been killing it and asserted himself as the starting LT.
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zrooster99;1749137; said:
That would be a major blow though for this year's team...

hit to the depth chart? yes

major blow to the team? not even close

and I think when people say a redshirt could be a good thing, they are talking about getting some separation between Hall and Shugarts, not giving him more time to get better
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RB07OSU;1749322; said:
Plus if Norwell is healthy, he could step right into the two deep and contribute. And to have Hall and Norwell at the tackle spots only 1 year apart...sounds good to me.

Yep. I've seen just a few clips of him in practice which obviously isn't enough to make an educated evaluation but he seems like he can handle some PT. Definitely brings the nasty.
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Hall said in a statement released by the athletic department.

?Due to the fact that I didn?t satisfactorily complete my academic responsibilities, I will be redshirting during the 2010 season,? Hall said. ?I?m looking at this in a positive way: as an opportunity to get better on and off the field, to get stronger in the classroom, and be better prepared all-around for the rest of my time at Ohio State.

?I will still be practicing every day, not just to help myself get better, but to help my teammates get better.?

Marcus Hall takes red-shirt year (Blogging the Buckeyes)
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This situation is a little strange as all others with grades issues were encouraged to stay away rather then practice with the team. Could this be an OSU enforced punishment but he's not ineligible through the NCAA?
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dragurd;1750829; said:
This situation is a little strange as all others with grades issues were encouraged to stay away rather then practice with the team. Could this be an OSU enforced punishment but he's not ineligible through the NCAA?

There is obviously more to the story and this is how JT handles situations like this.
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