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OL Marcus Hall (The Bird Man of Ann Arbor)

Welcome to the Buckeye family, Marcus!!

Love the ability to mix and match who we want inside (G, C) and outside (T) on the line with this group of 4. We need speed and nastiness on this line, and this OL recruiting class is just what the doctor ordered.
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Miami fans down here felt really bad not getting him, but I still think they got a good line class (about as good as they could hope for this year). They should be very happy that Hall even gave them such consideration.
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berryfan;1397501; said:
Miami fans down here felt really bad not getting him, but I still think they got a good line class (about as good as they could hope for this year). They should be very happy that Hall even gave them such consideration.

Miami has Northwestern, tOSU has Glenville. Congratulations Marcus, the pipeline floweth.........:oh::io:
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stxbuck;1397507; said:
Miami has Northwestern, tOSU has Glenville. Congratulations Marcus, the pipeline floweth.........:oh::io:
Excellent analogy. Northwestern has a few more in the pipeline. Watch out for QB Teddy Bridgewater in '11. He's gonna be on everyone's radar screen. He's a bit of Pryor in many ways.
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berryfan;1397514; said:
Excellent analogy. Northwestern has a few more in the pipeline. Watch out for QB Teddy Bridgewater in '11. He's gonna be on everyone's radar screen. He's a bit of Pryor in many ways.

We have pretty much already singled out our '11 QB. He's, by all accounts, a huge Buckeye lean and we won't need to leave the state for him either :biggrin:
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berryfan;1397501; said:
Miami fans down here felt really bad not getting him, but I still think they got a good line class (about as good as they could hope for this year). They should be very happy that Hall even gave them such consideration.

Marcus had everybody but the closest insiders going at some point or another. But the fact of the matter is, as with previous Tarblooders, OSU was #1 from day one, and was the measuring stick for the rest of the process. Honestly I would rather him go to Miami over the SEC or USC if not OSU. Afterall I was a bit of a Miami fan until that night in the desert.:biggrin:
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