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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

BuckTwenty;1127234; said:
These articles don't mention that in high school, his max bench press would have been one of the top 5 bench press numbers in OSU football history.

Because bench press and running stamina are EXACTLY the same thing. Bench Press was fine and dandy under the Carr regime, but Rodriguez has shown that he prefers quicker, smaller linemen and that stamina in running a no-huddle offense is much more important than brute strength.
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HailToMichigan;1127164; said:
No coach is a huggable teddy bear with a finely tuned sense of legacy and family values outside of practice, and then goes into practice a frothing-at-the-mouth, insulting, screaming, philistine who'd belittle his own son just to motivate by fear.

Are you sure about that? It's funny because when spielman was asked on his radio show on Friday what kind of coaching style he dislikes his response was essentially that he doesn't care if they play friend or bad guy, but they can't be friend on one day and bad guy the next. He followed that up by saying that a coach needs to be themselves or the players will see through the facade and have no respect for the coach.
So you are saying that the coach that Spielman dislikes doesn't exist? That's odd, why would he make up a pretend coaching style he doesn't like when he's been coached by dozens of different coaches with all ranges of styles.
I'm thinking that Boren could see through RR's facade but tried to stick it through. Something had to happen to to make him snap, what that is we'll likely never know
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I am all about forgiveness and repentance. As a Buckeye Fan, I welcome Justin with open arms, after all he lives in Picktown and will probably end up after college in CBus or a suburb of it. That means better football for the CBus area. That's what we all want. It is a long road and an uphill battle but it can be done. Good Luck!
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SNIPER26;1127323; said:
Because bench press and running stamina are EXACTLY the same thing. Bench Press was fine and dandy under the Carr regime, but Rodriguez has shown that he prefers quicker, smaller linemen and that stamina in running a no-huddle offense is much more important than brute strength.

Now I suppose we'll be hearing that Boren was such a poor fit for this smaller quicker OL that he wasn't going to start?
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HailToMichigan;1127164; said:
I haven't partaken and won't partake in any Boren-bashing. I don't believe he's "soft", not under what I'd define as soft. You'd better at least be able to tolerate practice, otherwise it definitely is time to go, because that's where you're gonna see the most of your coach. So I don't blame Boren for his decision to leave. But the accusations shouldn't be so offhandedly dismissed either. Consider: Mallett, Mitchell, and Ciulla left some time ago, but with plenty of time to see RR's approach and get to know the guy. OK, fine, they leave 'cause they don't like the new coach; it happens everywhere, and I don't recall any outcry. Boren, on the other hand, has been working with RR and his crew for three months now. No coach is a huggable teddy bear with a finely tuned sense of legacy and family values outside of practice, and then goes into practice a frothing-at-the-mouth, insulting, screaming, philistine who'd belittle his own son just to motivate by fear. A coach is a coach, and surely Boren must have had some kind of inkling what he'd be in for at practice from having gotten to know the guy over three months, and from working in his conditioning program. Many fans see a guy who was totally on board with the program until he actually had to get on the field. What changed his mind once practice started? The running back to the huddle, or what? While I don't agree with the end result of that thought process, I can see where it's coming from.


Maybe he also tried to last 3 months because of his love for the school and because he WAS a legacy. Maybe if he would have left like the other 3 the fans wouldnt be so up in arms because then there wouldnt be any of this background info to speculate on. There are so many possible scenarios that its enough to make someones head spin. The only thing I know is TSUN fans were singing his praises not too long ago, and have done a complete 180 in the last week. If the guy couldnt cut it, do you think he would really want to stay in school to finish the semester/quarter (whichever you guys have)? That doesnt sound like a kid who is soft to me. That sounds like a kid who is still devoted to an institution, but just doesnt feel like the new coach is a fit. So for the fans to bash this kid saying he wasnt a true M*c**g*n man is laughable at best. He put his blood, sweat and tears into the football program for 2 years, and all that work gets forgotten because it might mean that Dick Wad isnt the coach that you guys are hoping for. The guy can coach, he has shown that at many different levels. The question Id be asking myself though is do I want to give up integrity for wins? There is too many different things out there in terms of recruiting, lawsuits, Boren, and the likes for there not to be some issues with his INTEGRITY, or lack there of. I guess we :osu: buckeye fans are spoiled because we dont have to sacrifice one for the other. Tell me 1 story where you have heard someone whether it be a colleague, or a former player, or a current player question Jim Tressells integrity. Searching long and hard is going to get you no where. Dick Wad could very well be a stand up guy, but he doesnt seem to come across that way and in this world we live in, unfortunately perception is made to be reality. True or not it is what it is.......and where there is that much smoke from different sources, thats awfully hard to ignore,.
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Jaxbuck;1127372; said:
Now I suppose we'll be hearing that Boren was such a poor fit for this smaller quicker OL that he wasn't going to start?

I find it amusing that you always try to twist words around. Please, do tell me where I said Boren was a poor fit? I might have thought he was overrated (if you don't believe me, check my posts after he got All-Big 10 honorable mention), but he's still a good OL who could fit pretty much any scheme.

What I was saying is that there is a huge difference in between strength and stamina/conditioning. I was the strongest player on my hockey team my freshman year of college but I had poor stamina and speed and so I didn't play much. I repped 135 pounds 37 times (we did 135, not 225 like football) but I didn't have the stamina, quickness or endurance to play. Strength isn't everything.

For his teams, RR prefers short area quickness, speed, endurance and overall conditioning. That's why his teams tend to be smaller yet faster and quicker than most. My initial response was that just because Boren was ZOMGZ VERNON GHOLSTON STRONG !!!!!!!!!!11111!1!, does not mean that his conditioning was where it needed to be, especially for a no-huddle offense or whatever the hell they were doing.
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osubartender23;1127378; said:
Tell me 1 story where you have heard someone whether it be a colleague, or a former player, or a current player question Jim Tressells integrity. Searching long and hard is going to get you no where.

No, but thinking for a split second will. Cough Cough Youngstown State boosters Cough Cough. And Maurice Clarett counts as a former player, does he not?
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greyscarlet;1127327; said:
Are you sure about that? It's funny because when spielman was asked on his radio show on Friday what kind of coaching style he dislikes his response was essentially that he doesn't care if they play friend or bad guy, but they can't be friend on one day and bad guy the next. He followed that up by saying that a coach needs to be themselves or the players will see through the facade and have no respect for the coach.
So you are saying that the coach that Spielman dislikes doesn't exist? That's odd, why would he make up a pretend coaching style he doesn't like when he's been coached by dozens of different coaches with all ranges of styles.
I'm thinking that Boren could see through RR's facade but tried to stick it through. Something had to happen to to make him snap, what that is we'll likely never know
No, I'm saying the coach Spielman describes and the coach I describe aren't the same. You're talking about a guy who changes from day to day depending on the circumstances. I'm talking about being a great guy for months on end and then without warning, changes. If RR were as you describe, nothing would change between non-practice days and practice days. He'd have been inconsistent the whole time and he'd be inconsistent at practice too. And that's not how you survive 20+ years in the coaching profession and work your way to the highest levels. If RR's coaching methods were something that players in general are repelled by, would he have come this far?

P.S. I like the ad that I see at the top of this page :p

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SNIPER26;1127379; said:
I find it amusing that you always try to twist words around. Please, do tell me where I said Boren was a poor fit? I might have thought he was overrated (if you don't believe me, check my posts after he got All-Big 10 honorable mention), but he's still a good OL who could fit pretty much any scheme.

What I was saying is that there is a huge difference in between strength and stamina/conditioning. I was the strongest player on my hockey team my freshman year of college but I had poor stamina and speed and so I didn't play much. I repped 135 pounds 37 times (we did 135, not 225 like football) but I didn't have the stamina, quickness or endurance to play. Strength isn't everything.

For his teams, RR prefers short area quickness, speed, endurance and overall conditioning. That's why his teams tend to be smaller yet faster and quicker than most. My initial response was that just because Boren was ZOMGZ VERNON GHOLSTON STRONG !!!!!!!!!!11111!1!, does not mean that his conditioning was where it needed to be, especially for a no-huddle offense or whatever the hell they were doing.

I understand the point your making regarding strength vs stamina, not real mind blowing stuff.

You have now made two posts of decent length telling us that Boren had poor stamina and that wasn't a fit for RR's system (the official company line from what I have seen) so I just am asking a simple question. If Boren was such a poor fit for RR's system why was he going to be a starter?
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SNIPER26;1127383; said:
No, but thinking for a split second will. Cough Cough Youngstown State boosters Cough Cough. And Maurice Clarett counts as a former player, does he not?

Gee, last time I checked, the NCAA scoured the trails and found nothing...zero, zilch, nada.

Seriously, I doubt you want to play the integrity game here...

I definitely know that if you feel the need to crack on Jim Tressel, you are on the wrong board and I'm tired of reminding you of that.
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Jaxbuck;1127390; said:
You have now made two posts of decent length telling us that Boren had poor stamina and that wasn't a fit for RR's system (the official company line from what I have seen) so I just am asking a simple question. If Boren was such a poor fit for RR's system why was he going to be a starter?
For the same reason Steven Threet is going to be a starter?
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You can take the excuses for why he left and throw them out the window...he sent out feelers in January about transferring.

Nevadabuck and a few folks on here will vouch for that info. We didn't run with it and Nevada didn't post it right away due to the possibility of him changing his mind after the transition.

However, Boren had a bad taste after the first meeting.
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SNIPER26;1127383; said:
No, but thinking for a split second will. Cough Cough Youngstown State boosters Cough Cough. And Maurice Clarett counts as a former player, does he not?

The query was to find a colleague, former or current player that questions Coach Tressel's integrity.

I am intimately familiar with the "YSU boosters" that you are referring to as well as Ray Isaac, the player at the center of that controversy. Ray went out of his way to stress that Coach Tressel knew nothing about what was going on between he and Mickey Monus during his days at YSU. Try again.

Clarett? So now coaches who recruit players of questionable character should have their own integrity questioned? Are you sure you want to go there? What does that make your coach Rodriguez then?

Do the names Pac Man Jones and Chris Henry mean anything to you? How about Pat Lazear? These boy scouts were recruited by your very own Coach Rod. Lazear was brought to WVU AFTER being charged with a felony. How do you think these types of recruiting tactics are going to be looked upon in Ann Arbor?? Based on what I'm reading out of your fan base at the moment, as long as Rod wins nothing else is really going to matter. Is that where UM is now?
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SNIPER26;1127323; said:
Because bench press and running stamina are EXACTLY the same thing. Bench Press was fine and dandy under the Carr regime, but Rodriguez has shown that he prefers quicker, smaller linemen and that stamina in running a no-huddle offense is much more important than brute strength.

He preferes BIGGER, quicker lineman, not smaller. Hence someone like Freeman getting an offer. He's HUGE, but also has the "agility" to play PF in basketball.

It just so happens that to get those "quicker" ones usually means getting "smaller" ones. I'm sure if he could find a few Orlando Pace's and Mike Adams he would try and get them over a "smaller" version.
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