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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

jokewood;1124889; said:
Rodriguez's blanket statement for all players who leave the team is "I only speak about those who play for Michigan." A little terse or curt, but hardly accusatory. Sure, RRod isn't one for pleasantries...

I won't respond to your string of posts except to ask you to take one step back from your keyboard and ask yourself what you know about RR. Is he a personal friend? Did you work with the guy? Because if your answer is no to these questions, then how in the heck can you make such statements based on so little knowledge of this man?


Here is what I think. Somewhere, Bill Martin will be sitting up tonight trying to reassure himself that, if this is what you have to do to beat Tressel, this is what you have to do.

"Things like family values and good ethics belong in a bygone era." "You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette." "He's gonna have to shake things up."

But then, Boren will go somewhere and turn out to be a success. Tressel will keep kicking their rears. Martin will retire and the trainwreck that is RR will become his legacy.
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buckiprof;1124982; said:
And to those who say that in a few years DickWad will have "his players" in to play "his system", yeah you are correct. Too bad that those players are easy to find on the NFL blotter report. So skunkbear fans won't have to worry about the next "soft" recruit who is looking for "moral fabric" and "family values" from the program.

He'll find his Pat Lazears for Michigan. They may not come with as much publicity as Lazear did, but he'll find them--then the fun will really begin in Ann Arbor.

We experienced it but under fundamentally different circumstances--through a combination of Cooper's leftover recruits and Tressel's inexperience in running a big time program. Thankfully, we seem to have gotten through it. The bad element brought in under Cooper left the scene, and JT seemed to have undergone a pretty steep learning curve his first three years.

The difference that Michigan's administration will be forced to face is one where the new coach is the problem. He's the one bringing the problem element into the program, and it won't be from inexperience but rather a continuation of his policies and philosophies from WVU. What do they do then?
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Remember all that stuff jokewood was suggesting that Boren do - like talk to people?
Remember all the scuttlebutt about how it was all S&C and thoes darned sprints and Boren is just a big baby (go ask the folks on S&M, I'm sure they aren't through reinventing Boren's character quite yet).

Interesting thing .. according to Boren's Pa - he who also wore those TSUN colors, it just ain't so.

Some interesting tidbits ...
The furor about Justin’s departure from Michigan is something the family would like to pass.
We wanted to have this go away quietly, but we didn’t want people to think he’s a quitter or couldn’t handle the system,” Mike said. “There were definitely problems. It just could not work. Justin went to the right people and tried talking to people but no one wanted to listen.”

According to Mike, Justin and strength coach Mike Barwis got along great and Justin responded well to the intense lifting and conditioning program. But there were other problems, which he did not want to specify.

“I hope and pray (U-M athletic director) Bill Martin can fix whatever he needs to fix to be successful,” Mike Boren said.
As for Boren''s possible destination the article headline has it that OSU - though a possibility is not decided upon.

It didn’t take long for his father, Mike, to start fielding calls from coaches inquiring about the All-Big Ten honorable mention lineman.

“We haven’t talked to anyone,” Mike Boren said Thursday about transfer possibilities. “We probably got 100 phone calls from schools, I-AA to Notre Dame. All kinds of schools are calling. We’re going to take our time, Justin’s going to finish school this semester and then we’ll figure it out.”

As for OSU ...
There is a chance he would go there,” said Mike, who also played football at U-M, under Bo Schembechler. “It’s a good fit for Justin with the type of offense they’ve got there. Yes, they probably will have to be someone to talk to.

Though Mike Boren wants to avoid split campuses ...
“I’m not going to have two kids at two universities,” Mike said.
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sandgk;1125799; said:
Remember all that stuff jokewood was suggesting that Boren do - like talk to people?
Remember all the scuttlebutt about how it was all S&C and thoes darned sprints and Boren is just a big baby (go ask the folks on S&M, I'm sure they aren't through reinventing Boren's character quite yet).

Interesting thing .. according to Boren's Pa - he who also wore those TSUN colors, it just ain't so.

Some interesting tidbits ...

As for Boren''s possible destination the article headline has it that OSU - though a possibility is not decided upon.

As for OSU ...

Though Mike Boren wants to avoid split campuses ...

That last sentence looks pretty damn promising for the Bucks.
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sandgk;1125799; said:
Though Mike Boren wants to avoid split campuses ...
?I?m not going to have two kids at two universities,? Mike said.
I've only read the two articles - that one, and a very similar one in the Detroit News - that quote Mike Boren, but from that much, I don't trust the guy. He sounds a bit.... meddlesome.

"Three years ago, if I had seen in a crystal ball that the whole coaching staff was going to change halfway through his career, I would never have let Justin go to Michigan," Mike Boren told the paper.
Sure, parents are always wanting to look out for their kids. But...."I wouldn't have let my kid go"?

I dunno. It makes me wonder. Is Mike going to let Justin make his own decision on where to go next? And if he does, does Zach get to make his own call, if he doesn't want to follow Justin? And who is so spoiled as to 100% expect that no coaching change will happen a few years down the road.

Sounds like whoever wants to recruit either Boren had better recruit Mike instead. This business of not letting your kids split up....who says that?

The difference that Michigan's administration will be forced to face is one where the new coach is the problem. He's the one bringing the problem element into the program, and it won't be from inexperience but rather a continuation of his policies and philosophies from WVU. What do they do then?
No wonder you never understood why the Lazear issue didn't concern me when RR was hired. What makes you think the administration would turn a complete blind eye to the most prominent, most publicized, and probably most famous aspect of the entire university. The most recognizable symbol of the entire school is the winged helmet of the football team - there is no way Bill Martin or any of the school administration will ignore who gets a scholarship and things like that.

Anyway, my thoughts on a potential Boren transfer to OSU: I personally have no hard feelings for anybody who transfers, for nearly any reason. I'm sure Boren has his legitimate reasons for wanting to go, and if you aren't happy to the extent that you're willing to sit a year in order to leave, then you should. But. But but but. If he transfers to Columbus, that, to me, means one of three things:
1) He never really felt real loyalty to Michigan in the first place.
2) He once was loyal to Michigan but had such a cataclysmic change of heart that, essentially, Michigan is now dead to him.
3) Daddy made him. See above.

In any case it will make his words ring hollow when he said, "I will always be proud to have been a part of Michigan football." I can't accept that Ohio State is simply "a better fit"; if you have any, any feeling at all, any trace of pride or affection for Michigan, you don't pack up and play for Ohio State. There are literally hundreds of other schools - one of them has got to also be a good fit. The reverse is also true, I would guess. Hell, if an entire thread is made to bash the "Fredos" that grew up in Ohio but signed with Michigan, imagine how you'd feel if they played for OSU first.

If Boren goes somewhere like Iowa, or even MSU, I wish him all the best and if he made the NFL, I'd gladly count him among the long list of Wolverines in the league. Not so if he plays for the Buckeyes. I wouldn't stoop to gratuitous bashing (I'd abide by the no-bashing-Buckeyes rules here) but I'd forget he ever wore maize and blue.
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HailToMichigan;1125856; said:
I've only read the two articles - that one, and a very similar one in the Detroit News - that quote Mike Boren, but from that much, I don't trust the guy. He sounds a bit.... meddlesome.

If you don't think a good number of parents have considerable input to where their kids go, I don't know what to tell ya. Hell, I was told from 8th grade that I was going to Ohio State. Fortunately, that's where I wanted to go too.

Sure, parents are always wanting to look out for their kids. But...."I wouldn't have let my kid go"?

I dunno. It makes me wonder. Is Mike going to let Justin make his own decision on where to go next? And if he does, does Zach get to make his own call, if he doesn't want to follow Justin? And who is so spoiled as to 100% expect that no coaching change will happen a few years down the road.

I'm sure there was an assumption that Carr's time was limited. it was no secret. Completely changing offensive philosophies is a whole 'nother ball of wax. He went to a school that traditionally ran a pro-set and put OL in the NFL to a new zone-read system that doesn't. I doubt anyone expected such a radical change in the system.

Sounds like whoever wants to recruit either Boren had better recruit Mike instead.

Coaches are almost always recruiting the parents as much as the kids. See above.

No wonder you never understood why the Lazear issue didn't concern me when RR was hired. What makes you think the administration would turn a complete blind eye to the most prominent, most publicized, and probably most famous aspect of the entire university. The most recognizable symbol of the entire school is the winged helmet of the football team - there is no way Bill Martin or any of the school administration will ignore who gets a scholarship and things like that.

They brought in Rodriguez. They also get his history in the deal. I don't necessarily think Lazears and Devines will be matriculating to aa, but I'd look for a much different recruiting philosophy from the previous regime. Again, ignoring rr's history will come back to bite you in the ass at some point.

Losing Boren isn't just losing your top returning OL and a former blue-chip recruit...it's losing a legacy that bled maize and blue. Again, warning signs are popping up all over the place, but most of you are turning a blind eye to the whole situation.
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MililaniBuckeye;1125837; said:
That would eliminate Michigan for Zach, so will one of the unlikliest of commits down the road happen?

On that note... all I want to know is when is this kid going to begin to practice with OSU :biggrin:

A starter last year against our rival.... this year learns our system... next year beats up said rival as our starter (without costing us a 'ship)...

Could this be any better???:)
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Honestly, those quotes from Dad kinda trouble me. Unless Justin and his brother already know that they want to attend the same school, Dad shouldn't state that he doesn't want his kids at different schools. That should be their decision.
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