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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1125837; said:
That would eliminate Michigan for Zach, so will one of the unlikliest of commits down the road happen?
Well, as noted in Zach's thread in the Recruiting Forum, will his brother get an offer?

If not, doesn't that also take Ohio State off the table?
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scUM fans seem to have dusted off the litany of rationalization posts from the IU boards, replaced the name Sampson with Rodriguez and are expecting a different result.

Its already fun but will be a lot more so when they realize the same thing the IU fans did, most people do not change their fundamental charachter. If it has gotten him in bad spots before it will get him into them again regardless of the name on the hat he's wearing at the time.
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I've only read the two articles - that one, and a very similar one in the Detroit News - that quote Mike Boren, but from that much, I don't trust the guy. He sounds a bit.... meddlesome.
It took quite the 'meddling' (by either dad or UM) to sway Boren back from OSU... namely a "coincidental" in-home visit from Bo himself.
Sure, parents are always wanting to look out for their kids. But...."I wouldn't have let my kid go"?

I dunno. It makes me wonder. Is Mike going to let Justin make his own decision on where to go next? And if he does, does Zach get to make his own call, if he doesn't want to follow Justin? And who is so spoiled as to 100% expect that no coaching change will happen a few years down the road.
It was expected that there would be much less turnover... and would've been that way with Debord, Miles or others at the helm. The alumni & boosters didn't meltdown without reason when Miles & UM fell apart.
There are literally hundreds of other schools - one of them has got to also be a good fit. The reverse is also true, I would guess.
Disagree with this notion, none close to home. Ohio? Cinci? Pitt? Indiana? ... none that are really on OSU's playing field.

Boren wasn't a national recruit. He was a Big-2 recruit and nothing else.
Hell, if an entire thread is made to bash the "Fredos" that grew up in Ohio but signed with Michigan, imagine how you'd feel if they played for OSU first.
Understood completely. The biased anger is understandable and something I'd probably share in your shoes...
If Boren goes somewhere like Iowa, or even MSU, I wish him all the best and if he made the NFL, I'd gladly count him among the long list of Wolverines in the league.
Yeah, it doesn't work like that, at least not for a 'NFL list'... we don't get to claim Mike Furrey, Nick Goings... nor is Justin Fargas a Wolverine.
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Ever happen before?

Does anyone ever remember when one football player transferred from Michigan to Ohio State or vice versa? And if so, actually played? Be curious to know, as I cannot remember any.....

Sushi, I only see a Dad trying to stick up for his son. No one really knows what went on up there (at least they're not talking - yet) but I know that a Dad (and Mom) will protect their youngsters at all cost. Dad is trying to get his kid the best deal he can, and OSU is a drive and a wedge from Pickerington, so that's the best of both worlds for their family. You are right, though, if son 1 goes to OSU, there's not reason that son 2 should have to if his heart is at LSU (insert college here). But children have been known to be directed by parents........but maybe it is a portent.

Do we want a two year player, though? :gobucks3::gobucks4::banger:
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calibuck;1125951; said:
Do we want a two year player, though? :gobucks3::gobucks4::banger:

Grant was a 2 yer player for us.

Not even the same ballpark as far as a comparison goes though.

You are asking, "Do we want a player for 2 years, who at worst gives us depth on the o-line without costing us a scholarship, who has transfered from your biggest rival, which in turn could be a big recruiting tool without being mentioned by anyone at OSU as the media will take care of that for OSU?"

I mean can you imagine 2 years from now if Boren were in Scarlet and Gray and he was on the field during The Game up in the Big Outhouse, the field day that the TV coverage of The Game would have with that?!? Could the coverage team have a bigger story, constant talking points and references, etc., fall into their laps? The benefit to OSU could be huge and at the same time black eye scUM.

I guess count me as one that would take him for 2 years. Minimal risk, potential huge reward while no cost and possible huge benefit.
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Well, as noted in Zach's thread in the Recruiting Forum, will his brother get an offer?

If not, doesn't that also take Ohio State off the table?

Do we want a two year player, though?

Seems to me we can get six years of Boren's for one ship. No brainer IMO, particularly since two years is about average for an OL in the starting lineup.
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buckiprof;1125962; said:
Grant was a 2 yer player for us.

Not even the same ballpark as far as a comparison goes though.

You are asking, "Do we want a player for 2 years, who at worst gives us depth on the o-line without costing us a scholarship, who has transfered from your biggest rival, which in turn could be a big recruiting tool without being mentioned by anyone at OSU as the media will take care of that for OSU?"

I mean can you imagine 2 years from now if Boren were in Scarlet and Gray and he was on the field during The Game up in the Big Outhouse, the field day that the TV coverage of The Game would have with that?!? Could the coverage team have a bigger story, constant talking points and references, etc., fall into their laps? The benefit to OSU could be huge and at the same time black eye scUM.
Also the ultimate bulletin board material for Michigan. After Taylor and Johnson, most of the rest of the D-tackles are sophomores, two of the redshirt variety who entered the program at the same time as Boren. If I were them, I'd want a piece of the guy who went Benedict Arnold and joined the redcoats.

And that's about the only negative I can think of for OSU. Let's see. Two-year starter, no scholarship required, likely brings talented brother with him, recruiting tool. Two-year player? Who cares? It's two years you'd otherwise not have gotten. Other than the likelihood that every Boren story all week would be plastered on every bulletin board (a very intangible sort of thing that I can't even speak to with 100% surety because I'm not in the locker room) I see no possible negatives in this for OSU. Minimal risk? Zero risk. What do you have to lose from it?
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buckiprof;1125962; said:
Grant was a 2 yer player for us.

Not even the same ballpark as far as a comparison goes though.

You are asking, "Do we want a player for 2 years, who at worst gives us depth on the o-line without costing us a scholarship, who has transfered from your biggest rival, which in turn could be a big recruiting tool without being mentioned by anyone at OSU as the media will take care of that for OSU?"

I mean can you imagine 2 years from now if Boren were in Scarlet and Gray and he was on the field during The Game up in the Big Outhouse, the field day that the TV coverage of The Game would have with that?!? Could the coverage team have a bigger story, constant talking points and references, etc., fall into their laps? The benefit to OSU could be huge and at the same time black eye scUM.

I guess count me as one that would take him for 2 years. Minimal risk, potential huge reward while no cost and possible huge benefit.

nail. head. hammer.
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We have two boat loads of talent on the O-line already, and will get more good players next year.

This smells too much like Collegic free agency. I hope he doesn't try to walk on at Ohio State.
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Claretwasframed;1126013; said:
We have two boat loads of talent on the O-line already, and will get more good players next year.

This smells too much like Collegic free agency. I hope he doesn't try to walk on at Ohio State.

Claretwasframed your prescription is ready ...
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We have two boat loads of talent on the O-line already, and will get more good players next year.
If by two boat loads, you mean 8*-9 scholarship linemen returning when Boren becomes eligible... then I guess you have a strange measuring stick.

* - Kerr
This smells too much like Collegic free agency. I hope he doesn't try to walk on at Ohio State.
Uh huh. Surely the given reasons are all just a facade.
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Claretwasframed;1126013; said:
We have two boat loads of talent on the O-line already, and will get more good players next year.

This smells too much like Collegic free agency. I hope he doesn't try to walk on at Ohio State.

It's not free agency any more than it would be for any other player that transfers. Especially since he has to sit out a year (and if he transfers to another Big Ten school) would miss out on three years of athletic grant-in-aid.
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Does anyone ever remember when one football player transferred from Michigan to Ohio State or vice versa? And if so, actually played? Be curious to know, as I cannot remember any.....

I asked the same question earlier in the thread and Craigblitz was on it.

"J.T. White" played for the Buckeyes and for the Wolverines. He played for the Buckeyes through the 1942 National Championship season then went to serve in WWII. He then attended TSUN and won a National Championship in 1947 for them.

Imagine that - a pair of gold pants from OSU and an NC wring with the Wolverines (as well as the Bucks of course).

And imagine playing for both Paul Brown and Fritz Crisler.

OHIO STATE JT WHITE 1942 NATIONAL CHAMPS CERTIFIED AUTO - eBay (item 360034223881 end time Apr-16-08 18:26:25 PDT)
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Oh8ch;1126027; said:
I asked the same question earlier in the thread and Craigblitz was on it.

Imagine that - a pair of gold pants from OSU and an NC wring with the Wolverines (as well as the Bucks of course).

And imagine playing for both Paul Brown and Fritz Crisler.

OHIO STATE JT WHITE 1942 NATIONAL CHAMPS CERTIFIED AUTO - eBay (item 360034223881 end time Apr-16-08 18:26:25 PDT)

Eh. The Ohio State half of that sounds like it would be fun. The other half sounds like crap!
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