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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

Boren accused Rodriguez of eroding the moral fabric of the team without citing any reasons or evidence. Hypothetically, if a player quit the USC team and called Pete Carroll a cheater, I would hold it against the player until he stated how Carroll cheats (again speaking hypothetically... of course).
So you berate the player for criticizing the morals of the coach, unless he really takes the gloves off and tells the press the types of things the coach did to him? That's a bit inconsistent.

All that would do would satisfy your curiosity and understanding of the situation... it certainly would be a much worse attack on the coach than the one for which you're villifying him now.
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jokewood;1124971; said:
Boren accused Rodriguez of eroding the moral fabric of the team without citing any reasons or evidence.
"Michigan football was a family, built on mutual respect and support for each other from (former) Coach (Lloyd) Carr on down. We knew it took the entire family, a team effort, and we all worked together. I have great trouble accepting that those family values have eroded in just a few months. That same helmet, that I was raised on and proudly claimed for the last two years, now brings a completely different emotion to me, one that interferes with practicing and playing my best and mentally preparing for what is required."
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Maybe RRod needs to berate and tear down the UM program before it can be built back up into something good. Maybe it was better for UM to weed out any who don't care for his approach. Maybe Boren should've endured the treatment.

But if RR is going to play hardball, why is Boren supposed to play softball?
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jokewood;1124971; said:
Boren accused Rodriguez of eroding the moral fabric of the team without citing any reasons or evidence. Hypothetically, if a player quit the USC team and called Pete Carroll a cheater, I would hold it against the player until he stated how Carroll cheats (again speaking hypothetically... of course).

Weak, at best, as a comparison. In the latter, easy to prove cheating.

In the former, kinda hard to prove since "morality" and "moral fabric" aren't really definable now are they?

Why is it hard for you to accept that it is Boren's perception that the moral fabric, the family atmosphere, etc., that was present his first 2 years does not seem to be there for him now. That is his perception. Something about that changed for him.

And to those who say that in a few years DickWad will have "his players" in to play "his system", yeah you are correct. Too bad that those players are easy to find on the NFL blotter report. So skunkbear fans won't have to worry about the next "soft" recruit who is looking for "moral fabric" and "family values" from the program.

I think the Big House has taken on a new meaning with this wizard hat wearing snake oil salesman running the show.

Deal with it skunbears.

You folks have hired your John Cooper with one exception. Coop was at least a gentleman.
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Meltdown anyone? Cry me a river Meat-Chicken fan, as the saying goes you made your bed now you are laying in it!

Remember all you Weenie fans calling us not even a rival anymore during our dark Cooper years well some of us will never forget.

The meltdown of your program is priceless!


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Roger Goodell;1124976; said:
So you berate the player for criticizing the morals of the coach, unless he really takes the gloves off and tells the press the types of things the coach did to him? That's a bit inconsistent.

All that would do would satisfy your curiosity and understanding of the situation... it certainly would be a much worse attack on the coach than the one for which you're villifying him now.

No, I would rather the player not say anything at all. He should have taken his unconditional release of scholarship, told RRod go [expletive] himself, and walked out the door. Boren chose to make this one messy.
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jokewood;1124994; said:
No, I would rather the player not say anything at all. He should have taken his unconditional release of scholarship, told RRod go [expletive] himself, and walked out the door. Boren chose to make this one messy.

So, telling a coach to "go fuck himself" and walking off without giving an explanation is better than giving a reason for leaving, which happened to be his appraisal of where the program is heading? If you say so....whatever helps you folks sleep at night. The fact that you all spend so much time on rival message boards constantly defending this man's actions should say something to you, particularly in the limited time he's been there. It's been said many times, the signs are popping up, a vast majority of um fans are just choosing to ignore them. That weight on your shoulders is gonna get heavier and heavier, I have a feeling bumpy times are ahead for you all...and I'm not talking about the simple growing pains of a new offensive system.
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buckiprof;1124982; said:
In the former, kinda hard to prove since "morality" and "moral fabric" aren't really definable now are they?

Moral fiber. So, what is moral fiber? It's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds, basically being a fucking boy scout. But lately I've been seeing it differently. Now I think moral fiber's about finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. And maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean. You know what? It doesn't matter. Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That's what moral fiber's all about.


The juice is definitely worth the squeeze.
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jokewood;1124994; said:
No, I would rather the player not say anything at all. He should have taken his unconditional release of scholarship, told RRod go [expletive] himself, and walked out the door. Boren chose to make this one messy.

You may be right, but after reviewing what Boren said, it really wasn't that derogatory of RR. RR knows that to play hardass, he's going to have to take some of the heat for it. I suspect Boren felt he needed to clarify his actions and I also suspect he was still pretty emotional when that interview happened. All-in-all, it's just not that messy.
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Boren considering OSU after departing Michigan
Thursday, March 27, 2008
By Tim May

One week after beating out Michigan for top quarterback prospect Terrelle Pryor, Ohio State found itself in the running yesterday for Michigan lineman Justin Boren, who announced he's leaving the Wolverines.

Boren, a Pickerington North graduate who started for the Wolverines as a sophomore last season, released a statement in which he criticized the atmosphere under new coach Rich Rodriguez. Boren's father, Mike, a former Michigan captain and linebacker, supported his son's decision.

"Ohio State would be a good fit for Justin, and that's why he's not at Michigan anymore, because Michigan is not the right fit for him," said Mike Boren, who played under Bo Schembechler in the early 1980s.

"I have not talked to Ohio State and I'm not sure about their situation. ? But would he go to Ohio State? Yes. The only two schools he seriously considered three years ago were Ohio State and Michigan, and he almost went to Ohio State even then."

Boren plans to finish the semester at Michigan. By transferring, he would have to sit out the 2008 season but would have two years of eligibility remaining. If he transfers to Ohio State, he would not be eligible for a scholarship under Big Ten rules.

The Buckeyes are recruiting his younger brother Zach, an outside linebacker at Pickerington North who will be a senior this fall.

"Three years ago, if I had seen in a crystal ball that the whole coaching staff was going to change halfway through his career, I would have never let Justin go to Michigan. I would have told him to go to Ohio State," Mike Boren said. "I'm disappointed and I'm hurt because my wife and I both graduated from the University of Michigan. I didn't want this to happen; it's the last thing I wanted to happen.

"But, basically, the bottom line is you have to look out for your kid and what is best for him."

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Boren considering OSU after departing Michigan
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Despite my strong support for Boren I agree that negative public statements about your former employer/wife/coach/whatever should not be made lightly or without consideration of consequences.

And while I try to avoid analogies that trivialize real world problems to clarify sports issues - Boren's situation puts me in mind of war protesters.

When we are at war and you disagree with that war conservatives (like me) argue that you should keep your trap shut and not undermine the troops. But if the war really is wrong and policy really does need to change how do you leverage that sitting on your ass with your thumb in your mouth?

If Boren really does think RR is damaging a Michigan program that he and his family love perhaps he views it the same way. Perhaps he felt he HAD to say something.

I will say again it would have been far easier for him to simply walk away.

And for those who suggest he should have been "more specific" in his comments I don't know how you can be any clearer than

Michigan football was a family, built on mutual respect and support for each other

Note the use of the word "was".

Rich Rodriguez does not foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and support.

Anybody want to send their kids to play for him?
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Back again.

Let's look at how this evolved.

First we found out about this kid from Pickerington who was a good football play and who loved UM. Thus we established the:


Then he became a starter in his second season and established himself as a future star. This spring he was (prior to recent events) acknowledged by UM boards as a team leader and perhaps the fastest OL on the squad. So we entered the phase of:


I think you are with me now, so let me simply say that we have reached:


And if you check IMDB you will find that Matt Damon is currently working on:


Here's hoping that project is titled:


(where we foster mutual respect and support)
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Oh8ch;1125300; said:
Back again.

Let's look at how this evolved.

First we found out about this kid from Pickerington who was a good football play and who loved UM. Thus we established the:


Then he became a starter in his second season and established himself as a future star. This spring he was (prior to recent events) acknowledged by UM boards as a team leader and perhaps the fastest OL on the squad. So we entered the phase of:


I think you are with me now, so let me simply say that we have reached:


And if you check IMDB you will find that Matt Damon is currently working on:


Here's hoping that project is titled:


(where we foster mutual respect and support)

GPA. I believe that Justin cracked the starting lineup about midway through his freshman year.
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