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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

Bucky Katt;1124936; said:
Nothing I read in his public comments constitued slander. He gave his personal assessment of the state of the program.

I always lose track of this one.

If I said DickRod likes to blow farm animals is that slander or libel (assuming he really doesn't)?
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Jaxbuck;1124938; said:
I always lose track of this one.

If I said DickRod likes to blow farm animals is that slander or libel (assuming he really doesn't)?
Spoken - thus slander - though it would have to lower DickWad's standing in the community, or diminish his reputation. Those pesky community standards doncha know.

Say such is spoken in some begotten reaches of Rural America it might be shrugged off as DickWad being like all the rest. Say it in Ann Arbor and they may promote him for Mayor of Detroit.
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Fun to imagine the infighting that must be going on. THe ones who were anti RR have to starting to say "I told you so" and the ones who are for him saying stuff like "oh he's cleaning house, we will be better in the end".
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Roger Goodell;1124935; said:
Done. Done. Done. Done.Dirt is being heaped on him from all sides for quitting for being soft, fat, lazy, a baby, a quitter, etc... he gave an articulate and heart-felt answer for the falling out.

He called out his former coach in a newspaper because internet message posters called him names? Weak. If Rodriguez said "I don't want soft, fat... players on my team" in a press conference, then Boren should have let him have it. Rodriguez didn't.
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He called out his former coach in a newspaper because internet message posters called him names? Weak.
Where do you think they got this info? Someone close to the situation is passing along details.
If Rodriguez said "I don't want soft, fat... players on my team" in a press conference, then Boren should have let him have it. Rodriguez didn't.
How many times do you think he said that type of thing to Justin in front of the team? If he belittles and treats Justin poorly, why does Justin owe it to RRod to pretend like it was a cordial breakup?
However, failure to achieve your goals through said actions is not justifications to slander a coach.
I noticed you ducked sandgk's question (and other similar objections) about how Justin has slandered RRod.

You are upset that he was not politically correct. Instead he chose to give a surface-level glimpse into the reason he left. Slander would be accusing RRod of something that did not happen.
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Bucky Katt;1124844; said:
Perhaps he felt he owed the fans an explanation for why he was leaving? Or perhaps, he felt he owed it to the program to which he committed to express his concerns over the direction it was headed?

You can say he isn't "taking the high road" but, from what I've read, the UM fanbase is going out of it's way to take the low road.
Get real. If a former tOSU player said what Boren said, this board would rail him endlessly. Yet we praise Boren because we hate tsun... I'm not saying that Justin didn't make the best decision for himself, but I don't know why anyone would praise the decision to go public with the laundry.
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Get real. If a former tOSU player said what Boren said, this board would rail him endlessly. Yet we praise Boren because we hate tsun...
Ok, so we now have two examples of severe bias affecting the judgment fans cast upon a kid... that doesn't really help sort out the ethics of this thing, does it?
I'm not saying that Justin didn't make the best decision for himself, but I don't know why anyone would praise the decision to go public with the laundry.
I don't think anyone makes statements like that looking for praise. Maybe he's speaking out against the direction of the program. Maybe he's justifying his sharp change in attitude & leadership at the program over just a few months. Maybe he's simply taking his squabble public.

I think that Bkatt and others are justifying more than praising.
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matcar;1124958; said:
Get real. If a former tOSU player said what Boren said, this board would rail him endlessly. Yet we praise Boren because we hate tsun... I'm not saying that Justin didn't make the best decision for himself, but I don't know why anyone would praise the decision to go public with the laundry.

Maybe on some other Buckeye boards that would be the case. I for one would not rail against the kid, but rather against the coach who caused a kid like this to sour on the program and the idea of being a part of it. I'd rail against the administration that sold out to bring in that kind of coach.

Imagine if a guy like Rob Harley had come out and said this kind of stuff about Ohio State. I wouldn't be mad at Harley in that case, I'd be mad at the stinkin' SOBs that were destroying what being a Buckeye stood for.
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jokewood;1124932; said:
I'm not saying Justin didn't exercise these acceptable pathways - I'm just highlighting the number of ways he can stand up for his beliefs. However, failure to achieve your goals through said actions is not justifications to slander a coach.
You need to research what slander is.

Slander: "Coach Rodriguez sodomizes the freshmen with fistfulls of his hairplugs"

Not slander: What Boren said.
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Roger Goodell;1124957; said:
Where do you think they got this info? Someone close to the situation is passing along details.How many times do you think he said that type of thing to Justin in front of the team? If he belittles and treats Justin poorly, why does Justin owe it to RRod to pretend like it was a cordial breakup?I noticed you ducked sandgk's question (and other similar objections) about how Justin has slandered RRod.

You are upset that he was not politically correct. Instead he chose to give a surface-level glimpse into the reason he left. Slander would be accusing RRod of something that did not happen.

Boren accused Rodriguez of eroding the moral fabric of the team without citing any reasons or evidence. Hypothetically, if a player quit the USC team and called Pete Carroll a cheater, I would hold it against the player until he stated how Carroll cheats (again speaking hypothetically... of course).
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jokewood;1124971; said:
Boren accused Rodriguez of eroding the moral fabric of the team without citing any reasons or evidence. Hypothetically, if a player quit the USC team and called Pete Carroll a cheater, I would hold it against the player until he stated how Carroll cheats (again speaking hypothetically... of course).

The last thing your program needs right now is another pissing match (see: DickRod vs WVU). Boren coming completely "clean" about his issues with scUM, like you suggest, would do just that.

Let it go man, just let it go...
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Justin Boren is a lifelong, bleeding maize-and-blue, Michigan man. Anyone who questions that is not in their right mind. He lived in tOSU country all his life, yet he followed his own dream, a dream that was cultivated at the earliest age.

The fans who attack him or doubt his sincerity are, at best, misguided and delusional.

RR might eventually turn out to be the best thing since sliced bread. But, fair warning, there is cause for some pretty serious concern when a kid like this feels that he need depart.
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