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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

I'm just shaking my head at this. I can only imagine what has happened in AA in order for Boren to release the statement with these words:

"Michigan football was a family, built on mutual respect and support for each other from (former) Coach (Lloyd) Carr on down. We knew it took the entire family, a team effort, and we all worked together. I have great trouble accepting that those family values have eroded in just a few months. That same helmet, that I was raised on and proudly claimed for the last two years, now brings a completely different emotion to me, one that interferes with practicing and playing my best and mentally preparing for what is required."
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jokewood;1124822; said:
Standing up for something would be to simply walk away. Throwing the coaching staff under the bus with vague accusations when their response to your leaving was "no comment" isn't exactly taking the high road, whether you want to agree with Boren's comments or not.

Perhaps he felt he owed the fans an explanation for why he was leaving? Or perhaps, he felt he owed it to the program to which he committed to express his concerns over the direction it was headed?

You can say he isn't "taking the high road" but, from what I've read, the UM fanbase is going out of it's way to take the low road.
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"Michigan football was a family, built on mutual respect and support for each other from (former) Coach (Lloyd) Carr on down. We knew it took the entire family, a team effort, and we all worked together. I have great trouble accepting that those family values have eroded in just a few months. That same helmet, that I was raised on and proudly claimed for the last two years, now brings a completely different emotion to me, one that interferes with practicing and playing my best and mentally preparing for what is required."

Damn.... Harsh stuff.
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jokewood;1124822; said:
Standing up for something would be to simply walk away. Throwing the coaching staff under the bus with vague accusations when their response to your leaving was "no comment" isn't exactly taking the high road, whether you want to agree with Boren's comments or not.

Throwing the previous coaching staff and their recruits under the bus is very much below the high road as well, but the vast majority of UM fans don't seem to have a problem with RR doing that.

I see a lot of UM fans making excuses for "the system". Mallett transferred because he didn't fit the system. Boren quit because he couldn't hack/wasn't tough enough for the system. Mr. Rodriguez better hope that his "system" is all that and a side of fries because if he doesn't win with it and soon, UM fans will start to look behind the curtain to see what they have other than "the system." I don't think they're going to like what they see.
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jokewood;1124822; said:
Standing up for something would be to simply walk away. Throwing the coaching staff under the bus with vague accusations when their response to your leaving was "no comment" isn't exactly taking the high road, whether you want to agree with Boren's comments or not.
In all fairness, there were alternatives on both sides - and the fact there was a "no comment" is probably not a good choice by those coaches.

For instance RR could have himself taken the high road and produced the standard "we wish Justin well wherever he goes, he will always be a {insert team nickname here} to us. He was a great contributor while here, but now he is gone we must move on, and that is all I'll say on the matter." That would almost certainly have had Boren's public statment stop at quoted sentence one.

Instead the diplomacy challenged new head coach once again offers a terse dismissal, "I only talk about those who play for Michigan" no explanation whatsoever and offers up a vacuum.

Now nature abhors a vacuum - so that is then filled in turn with bile and repudiation by members of the fanbase that Boren played in front of these past two seasons. Accusations of softness and far worse being offered up - and no, none quoted here as this is the Recruiting Forum and there are clear language limits. But you know very well what is being spoken of.

I believe that fan reaction and the previous information vacuum provided by your Head Coach naturally leads to the statement Boren made. One in which he praises the qualities of the TSUN football program that he and his father knew. And, it is true, one in which Boren offers undisguised - though calmly described - distaste for what he sees it becoming.

You call it throwing the coaches under the bus. Maybe so, but when the Head Coach dismisses a significant departing player out of hand, like so much used laundry, what kind of example is that but petty? Let's not forget this is the same kind of "he's gone, I don't want to talk about him" attitude he also displayed for Mallett. This is a trend, and likely something Boren felt might happen - that he would be skewered as a turncoat by Rodriguez's dismissive answer to the press.

Thus, I'd say Rodriguez walked in front of the bus - faced it and walked toward it. All Boren's comments do is give Rodriguez the mildest of nudges.
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jokewood;1124822; said:
Standing up for something would be to simply walk away. Throwing the coaching staff under the bus with vague accusations when their response to your leaving was "no comment" isn't exactly taking the high road, whether you want to agree with Boren's comments or not.
Well, RR's comment about Boren in his presser wasn't exactly taking the high road either if you want to compare apples to apples. RR threw Boren under the bus before he could explain why he was leaving to the media.

From an outside prospective, I thought he defended himself very well in his presser without going into details that could REALLY hurt his now former team. Heck, he's even sticking it out this semester to keep scUM from taking a possible APR hit. He's got some balls doing what he's doing.

I can definetly understand where scUM fans would be mad: having one of the leaders of your team "quit" before the season starts, especially when there aren't many starters returning from last years team. And if he ends up enrolling at tOSU, you guys have EVERY right to be P.O'ed beyond comprehension. However, it seems to me that he could be handling his situation at UM a little bit better than he currently is and might be reaping what he is sowing in his players.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1124855; said:
Sandgk - this isn't the recruiting forum. :wink2: :p

The thread was in a recruiting sub-forum when he started to write his response. It was moved to allow more freedom of language. So quote away, sandgk.:wink2:
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RRs repeated statements that he only wants to talk about players who are playing for Michigan in itself corroborates Borens implication that the sense of family at UM is no more.

One of the reasons I wanted Boren two years ago is that absolutely everything you read about the kid was first class. You simply can't say that about RR. And while it would have been easier on UM if he had quietly walked away, keep in mind it would have been far easier for Boren as well.

It would have been easier for Boren to stay in Central Ohio and play for the Buckeyes. It would have been easier for Boren to finish his career at UM. It would have been easier for Boren to leave campus immediately after leaving the team.

ON the UM boards they are reconstructing Boren's character based on his departure and now his comments. That can not be supported. The character that he brought into this situation cries for a harder look than that.
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