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OL Justin Boren (Official Thread)

jokewood;1124822; said:
Standing up for something would be to simply walk away. Throwing the coaching staff under the bus with vague accusations when their response to your leaving was "no comment" isn't exactly taking the high road, whether you want to agree with Boren's comments or not.

I don't fully disagree with this sentiment. I will add, however, that had he truly wanted to "throw the coaching staff under the bus", I'm sure he could have elaborated on those feelings, such as describing what was happening to destroy the family atmosphere. He appears to have chosen not to do that, at least for now.

Regarding RR's response to these players leaving the program, I'm not sure RR understands how clearly it carries the message "Fuck 'em". There is nothing dishonorable in wishing a kid well and acknowledging that he will be missed. He really needs to work on his public image if he is going to stay at UM.
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Rodriguez's blanket statement for all players who leave the team is "I only speak about those who play for Michigan." A little terse or curt, but hardly accusatory. Sure, RRod isn't one for pleasantries, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a neutral, no-fault statement. He could have said any number of true things about Justin that I won't repeat here. And I certainly hope he doesn't now in response to Justin's statements.

The neutral truth is that Boren and Rodriguez didn't see eye-to-eye on coaching philosophy and methods. I'm sure Michigan fans and OSU/ND/MSU fans will differ in their opinions on who is to blame in that situation. But even if RRod "went negative" on the practice field, that's not reason to question the programs "eroding family values" in the Detroit News. Stand up for yourself in person to RRod. Defend your actions to your teammates. Talk to Lloyd. Make a public statement about why you left to appease the fans. But don't throw dirt on the coach in the media.
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Oh8ch;1124870; said:
Fuck Michigan.

Allow me to amplify that a bit:

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jokewood;1124889; said:
He could have said any number of true things about Justin that I won't repeat here. And I certainly hope he doesn't now in response to Justin's statements.
Just curious where you are getting these "truths" from. If it's rumors or message board innuendo that is in full-swing amongst um faithful, I hope you understand there are two sides to every story with the truth usually laying somewhere in between. Truth is, very few of us have any real insight into what these kids go through and what happens on the practice field and in the locker room.

The neutral truth is that Boren and Rodriguez didn't see eye-to-eye on coaching philosophy and methods.
Great coaches understand that in the coaching profession, there are a number of personality types on your roster, and often times you have to tailor your tactics to certain personalities. Reports are that these are not his methods. Again, I'll defer to my statement above. He's reported to be a "my way or the highway" guy. That can sometimes work great, but it can also blow up in your face.

Stand up for yourself in person to RRod.
RR does not come of as the type of guy that this tactic would go over very well with. Perhaps that's what happened and ultimately lead to this ugly divorce.
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Balls of Brass

Anyone who suggests that this kid is soft should step back and consider what the first 10-minutes of his conversation with his dad were like.

Got to imagine that was one of the most difficult things he's ever had to do... to tell his dad that it just isn't the same UofM that he was a part of...

Been there and risked being the big disapointment myself... and I'm sure that it crossed his mind that it would be easier to just stick it out and not disapoint his dad... regardless of how much it sucked.

Brass ones if you ask me.

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I think Dick Rod is willing to have a sub par first year or two in order to get "his guys" into the system.

This is nothing new in coaching.

Tear them down and build them back up.

I guess I don't see his response as being that bad.
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Bo, Lloyd and his Dad, those were the things he went to TSUN for. Commendable and all value traits.

Now new coach, who also has to prove himself to his new players, he doesn't understand the tradition especially vs tOSU and a new scheme which would have diminished Justin's NFL value. Couple that with RR's valueless traits and I can see where Justin didn't sign up for all that.
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jokewood;1124889; said:
Sure, RRod isn't one for pleasantries, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a neutral, no-fault statement.
Uh, no, it is neither neutral nor no fault. It is dismissive and carries a "such players are dead to me - screw 'em" tone.

jokewood;1124889; said:
The neutral truth is that Boren and Rodriguez didn't see eye-to-eye on coaching philosophy and methods. I'm sure Michigan fans and OSU/ND/MSU fans will differ in their opinions on who is to blame in that situation.
Well actually I don't think that breaks down entirely on party lines.
jokewood;1124889; said:
But even if RRod "went negative" on the practice field, that's not reason to question the programs "eroding family values" in the Detroit News.
"If this happened, then this isn't a reason to question that." Nice set-up. What do you actually know about why Boren left, other than what he has stated?
jokewood;1124889; said:
He could have said any number of true things about Justin that I won't repeat here. And I certainly hope he doesn't now in response to Justin's statements.
Which things could RR say, the good or merely the (presumptively) uncharitable?

jokewood;1124889; said:
Stand up for yourself in person to RRod.
Do you know for a fact that he did not do so?
jokewood;1124889; said:
Defend your actions to your teammates.
jokewood;1124889; said:
Talk to Lloyd.
Are you stating that such a talk did not take place? This presumption seems, of all the ones you make, the least likely to be true.

jokewood;1124889; said:
Make a public statement about why you left to appease the fans.

He did- you just didn't like the content, because he told the truth as he saw it.
jokewood;1124889; said:
But don't throw dirt on the coach in the media.
Yes, it is wrong to sling dirt at the coaches - telling the truth though, that is a different matter entirely. Besides which as BuckeyeBill notes, RR basically said "Fuck him" with his "neutral, no-fault" response on Boren.
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jokewood;1124889; said:
Rodriguez's blanket statement for all players who leave the team is "I only speak about those who play for Michigan." A little terse or curt, but hardly accusatory. Sure, RRod isn't one for pleasantries, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still a neutral, no-fault statement. He could have said any number of true things about Justin that I won't repeat here. And I certainly hope he doesn't now in response to Justin's statements.

The neutral truth is that Boren and Rodriguez didn't see eye-to-eye on coaching philosophy and methods. I'm sure Michigan fans and OSU/ND/MSU fans will differ in their opinions on who is to blame in that situation. But even if RRod "went negative" on the practice field, that's not reason to question the programs "eroding family values" in the Detroit News. Stand up for yourself in person to RRod. Defend your actions to your teammates. Talk to Lloyd. Make a public statement about why you left to appease the fans. But don't throw dirt on the coach in the media.

Unless your on the Michigan coaching staff, how can you say that he didn't do all of these things. He could have spent the last 3 months trying to work out his differences with RR and finally left when it didn't hapen, or he could have decided yesterday that he was leaving with no real reason. But no one really knows.
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I think Dick Rod is willing to have a sub par first year or two in order to get "his guys" into the system.
If that sub-par first two years comes at the expense of OSU, MSU, ND and maybe PSU losses... and his PR image does not improve, we'll see whether the large pro-miles camp finally gets their wish. They were quite close last time.
I guess I don't see his response as being that bad.
Cleaning house with the ability to restock it is a solid approach.

Will moms be interested in supporting that cause after watching kids get berated & torn down with regularity? This quote will surely be heavily used against them on the recruiting trail.

Will kids wish to play in his offense?

When he gets the OL he desires, how long before they are ready to be consistent contributors? Will UM be patient during that process?
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BengalsAndBucks;1124923; said:
Unless your on the Michigan coaching staff, how can you say that he didn't do all of these things. He could have spent the last 3 months trying to work out his differences with RR and finally left when it didn't hapen, or he could have decided yesterday that he was leaving with no real reason. But no one really knows.

I'm not saying Justin didn't exercise these acceptable pathways - I'm just highlighting the number of ways he can stand up for his beliefs. However, failure to achieve your goals through said actions is not justifications to slander a coach.
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jokewood;1124932; said:
I'm not saying Justin didn't exercise these acceptable pathways - I'm just highlighting the number of ways he can stand up for his beliefs. However, failure to achieve your goals through said actions is not justifications to slander a coach.
How has Boren slandered DickWad?
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Stand up for yourself in person to RRod. Defend your actions to your teammates. Talk to Lloyd. Make a public statement about why you left to appease the fans.
Done. Done. Done. Done.
But don't throw dirt on the coach in the media.
Dirt is being heaped on him from all sides for quitting for being soft, fat, lazy, a baby, a quitter, etc... he gave an articulate and heart-felt answer for the falling out.

Dad is staying out of it, but I'd be very interested to hear how he feels about Mr. Rodriguez.
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jokewood;1124932; said:
I'm not saying Justin didn't exercise these acceptable pathways - I'm just highlighting the number of ways he can stand up for his beliefs. However, failure to achieve your goals through said actions is not justifications to slander a coach.

Nothing I read in his public comments constitued slander. He gave his personal assessment of the state of the program.
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