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OL Alex Boone (Official Thread)


I'm pretty sure that's the line up that we'll see on opening day next season. I agree with Mili about Cordle. Just watching Cordle in the spring game (against Quinn Pitcock) he was an animal. I believe he played guard and center in that game. Remember, Cordle came in early, so he has a little more experience than the average freshman. It's too bad that he got hurt, but it does make the staff red shirt him (which I'm not positive would have happened if he had stayed healthy).

According to todays Dispatch article, Boone will start Sat with Barton sitting out on injury. This may be a big weekend for shuffles. Talks of Ginn practicing with the DBs this week (maybe a lil time on the other side) and now Boone taking the field first.....hmmm, interesting game.
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Regarding Ginn. Most snaps in practice this week on the defensive side has been to learn the basics of college D. I doubt anyone will see Teddy have any snaps on D for atleast 2 to 3 weeks. Its states the cold weather will help him transition as it did for Chris Gamble in his transition.
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Regarding Ginn. Most snaps in practice this week on the defensive side has been to learn the basics of college D. I doubt anyone will see Teddy have any snaps on D for atleast 2 to 3 weeks. Its states the cold weather will help him transition as it did for Chris Gamble in his transition.

If hes going to play D its going to be this week against a lesser opponent.
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I think Boone is really starting to come into his own, which at midpoint in the season for a true freshman OL is remarkable....but was expected for him (with the boatload of talent and size he has). I have hard time seeing him out of the starting lineup for the rest of his stay at OSU.
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Anyone see that freshman left tackle for Maryland last night, 6'9"? He wasn't near as thick as Boone but another beast, none the less.

He almost went to Penn State. The weekend Derrick Williams told them he was heading to happy valley Gaither said he was coming too. Good thing that didn't work out, this kid will become a 1st round pick someday. :)
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Even with Barton back from injuries, Boone is still holding down that LT spot.

Barton wasn't available to play the whole game. The coaches wanted to ease him back in. When he's 100%, Tressel has said he will get his spot back.
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Got a DUI last night and will go to drug and alcohol school for 3 days. No loss of practice time.


... The statement from Ohio State on the DUI arrest of sophomore OT Alex Boone.

Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel today said freshman offensive tackle Alex Boone, who early Sunday morning was cited for driving under the influence, would be placed in the Athletics Department’s drug and alcohol counseling program.

` In accordance with departmental policy, Boone, a first-time offender, is not subject to any loss of practice or playing time. He may, however, face additional sanctions from the coach.

“I consider any drug or alcohol offense to be a very serious matter and will treat this incident accordingly,” said Tressel. “The last thing we told the team after practice yesterday morning was to set their clocks ahead an hour when they went to bed at 10 o’clock last night. I am disappointed that message did not get through to everyone.”

The 6-8, 315-pound Boone played in 11 games last year as a true freshman.
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