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OL Alex Boone (Official Thread)

I was a little worried when they said he was going to be starting. I watched him a lot and did not see one play where he got beat. I dont know if he was up against a weak end or not but he played very well and I hope he retains his status as a starter. Judging by his first start I think he could have a very good career at tOSU.

You must be a master of understatement.:wink2:
He had one penalty against him, then played very solidly from there on out.
Time to add a little Hyperbole. This may be the best young O-lineman I have seen in Scarlet & Grey since a certain Orlando was issuing pancake blocks.
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You must be a master of understatement.:wink2:
He had one penalty against him, then played very solidly from there on out.
Time to add a little Hyperbole. This may be the best young O-lineman I have seen in Scarlet & Grey since a certain Orlando was issuing pancake blocks.

I dont want to get over excited yet. I know of someone who played a great Freshman year and everybody was screaming Hiesman. Though it hasnt exactly turned out that way. I dont like to count my chickens before they hatch. But yeah so far he has lived up to his recruiting hype.
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he graded out "good as hell"... j/p. He did very good out there for his first time around. I wonder if this means he'll be starting the rest of the way out? I sure hope it does because this could only help him for next year! Just Imagine the day that Rehring/Boone/Cordle/Smith are on the offensive line. To go along with Pittman or Chris Wells in the backfield! YEA BABY!

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some have felt datish is a little out of his element at LT. Grad, or others that know OL better than me, when Rehring/Barton are full strength again, what lineup would you use?

Personally, I like Rehring, Barton, and Boone rotating at OT, but we may not see Steve again for a few more weeks if at all. No inside info just thinking about the lingering effects of the illness.
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Not Grad, but I could see next year's lineup looking something like...... Boone, Rehring, Datish, Downing, Barton left to right. Datish used to play center and I think he could step in there for his senior year to give Cordle another year to prepare and to get some PT. I really don't want a green center next year. Rehring has already played guard this year so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think he could play there next season.

And for the people who constantly cast Kirk to the side, Barton's too good to put on the bench. He's gonna be a 4 year starter when it's all said and done, he's one of our best o-lineman, and very few people notice either of those facts.
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some have felt datish is a little out of his element at LT. Grad, or others that know OL better than me, when Rehring/Barton are full strength again, what lineup would you use?

I'm not an OL expert, but I would like to see Barton at LT, Boone at RT, with Rehring backing up both tackle spots and Datish backing up both guard spots. I'm talking about the rest of this year, not next year.

Boone did very well, but I'm not yet ready to have him protecting the blind side for most of the game.
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Not Grad, but I could see next year's lineup looking something like...... Boone, Rehring, Datish, Downing, Barton left to right. Datish used to play center and I think he could step in there for his senior year to give Cordle another year to prepare and to get some PT. I really don't want a green center next year. Rehring has already played guard this year so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think he could play there next season.

You don't think Datish isn't going to be somewhat "green" after not playing center for so long? From what was coming out of the camps when Cordle was healthy, it seemed like Cordle was going be seeing some playing time this season. If Cordle was good enough to be seriously considered for the two-deep then, I'd think he'd be the same once he heals up. Of the five you've listed above, Datish is definitely the least talented.
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