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OL Alex Boone (Official Thread)

"Boone is going to eat lineman alive next year"

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OT Alex Boone: We saw him in the North-South only and liked what we saw. He is a devastating run blocker and what we would describe as an adequate pass blocker. He does need to improve a little in pass-pro, but will with coaching. Has a huge frame, is a student of the game and has a great attitude. Could very well play as a freshman, but needs to improve his pass blocking to do so.
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per the ozone......

He's Learning: Incoming freshman lineman Alex Boone was expected to compete for playing time at left tackle this fall, but is not in the two-deep for the opener against Miami. According to John Peterson, Boone has not really disappointed, but just needs a little time to get up to speed.

"Alex is working hard and doing a great job," said Peterson.

"That's a tough position to come in and master within 29 practices. He's moving and progressing very well."​
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I suspect it might be a conditioning issue as well. It takes a lot to move that size of a body EVERY play. From watching the NorthSouth game, although he manhandled the guy across from him, I thought he looked winded many times and took a few plays off.

I am not worried one bit. Actually I would rather he not play, it means that we are in good hands right now. Think about it, LT is the most critical position on the line and we are 3 deep there without Boone [Datish, Rehring and Sims can slide over if needed]. That is a good problem to have.
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the college game is such a big step up from high school. everything moves so much faster. very few true freshman, especially o-lineman, catch up to that speed quickly. i'm guessing big Alex just needs some time to get acclimated and that we will see him even more around week 3+.
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Per the Ozone.....

Playing Time: The game was hardly one sided, but the Buckeyes still managed to get a good number of young or inexperienced players in the game to get them ready for action in the future. On offense, a number of offensive linemen got in when the game was very much in question.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Jim Bollman [/FONT]​

"I just wanted to get some of those guys in there to let them play a little bit," said offensive line coach Jim Bollman .

"We've made the decision to not redshirt Alex (Boone), so we want to get him in the game so he can get some experience. I think there were eight guys that played significantly.

"I know the third series of the game Steve Rehring was in.

"On the fourth series of the game Steve Rehring, Alex was in and John Conroy was in.

"At the end of the third of the third quarter, Steve and Alex were in. John Conroy was in a little later. Since the beginning of the year Steve Rehring has been number one and has always been in the top six guys and will always play."

If you saw the game on Saturday.......Boone was throwing people around...what a monster.
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Alex Boone moves a step closer to being named the starter...


Alex Boone is officially in the 2 deep as the left tackle. Rehring is in the 2 deep as the right gaurd. I hate to say it, but Datish hasn't been the answer at left tackle. I wouldn't move Sims back there, but Datish certainly has been a weekness on our offense. Especially in getting Ginn involved on Reverses and such.

At this point with him on the 2 deep, I wouldn't be surprised to see him starting by midseason. After seeing him in spot time in the past few games, he IS that dominant. He absolutely schooled his assignment, which is extremely rare for a freshman tackle or offensive lineman.

I like our Future, Go Bucks!
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