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OL Alex Boone (Official Thread)

Alex apparently signed his LOI this morning, and will be faxing it this afternoon. This explains why he appeared on BN's list of signees, but was later taken off of it.

Just a formality for the fax to get received before it's completely official. Alex's original plan was to fax it at 2:00 p.m. today, so that's probably when it will happen.
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I can not wait to see this kid next year.
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I was looking at the EA Sports site (after viewing the Next Gen Madden Gaming thread...) and noticed that Alex was named to the 2004 EA Sports All-American team.

OL -- Alex Boone (St. Edward, Lakewood OH)
6-8, 330, Senior

A An early Ohio State recruit, he was named state Division 1 Co-Offensive Player of the Year, a rare feat for a blocker. The Cleveland Brown’s Touchdown Club Metro Area Player of the Year didn't allow a sack all season while grading 94 percent in blocking . He had 47 pancake blocks.

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BN pic from North-South week


Alex Boone, OL, Lakewood St. Edward

Alex also had this portion of the Ozone article:


At 6-8, 325, Alex Boone is an impressive physical specimen. What may be even more impressive is his incredible attitude. Take, for instance, his attitude toward playing against potential teammates and friends in the North-South game.

"My brother and I were talking about it. If they're on the field, they're not my friends, and that's the truth," said Boone.​

"I'm going to go out there and just try and tear them up just like I do everybody else. I'm not going to let up on them and I'm not going to feel bad for them, and I hope they do the same because out there we're out there to play football," Boone said.​

Boone may be the plum of the incoming recruiting class and was in Columbus to observe much of spring ball. There's no doubt that Boone is working hard at making an early impact.​

"I've got most the plays down, and basically what it's like to be out there and play and how to understand football from a college aspect," said Boone.​

"I talk to Robbie (Sims) a lot and I talk to Nick (Mangold) a lot about what's going on, and Coach Bollman and Coach Rudolph are always there helping me out with things. It's basically just learning."​

Boone says he is capable of picking up the system simply by observing and taking part in film study.​

"I can and do," Boone said.​

"Watching Robbie and those guys I can feel how they feel and I can see it and do it. It's actually pretty easy."​

"When I watch film Robbie will point something out, he'll see a guy leaning, and you've got to know that if you see a guy leaning that there's a guy coming around, and I've picked up on that stuff. Now that I've watched film I can see it, I can see it myself when somebody is leaning and I think that there's somebody blitzing. Just little things like that."​

Boone committed to OSU between his sophomore and junior seasons and has been waiting for his Buckeye career to commence ever since.​

"Oh my god I cannot wait," he said.​

"It's a week away and I want it to be tomorrow. I've been waiting two-and-a-half years and I've been counting them down."​

"It's the middle of the afternoon, it's hot, and I'm starting school next week. I cannot wait. I'm pumped."​

Boone has heard all the talk about OSU's potential this season and agrees. the Buckeyes could be very good this year.​

"I hear it all the time, that we're going to do this and we're going to do that and we're going to be great. It's all true. We have a great team with great people and great players and we are going to be great hopefully," he said.​

"I want to fit in and be a big part of it, I really do, but whatever they want me to do, I will do, and I won't gripe. I want to be a left tackle, but whatever they want me to do, I'll do it," said Boone.​

Boone said that his game is complete, and he is not limited to just run blocking or pass blocking.​

"I think it's 50-50, but I prefer pass protection," he said.​

"I like sitting back and waiting for people to come to me, but at the same time I like to get after people. Passing is more of a technique thing. You can't expect to just come back and get it done. You have to be ready for it, and that's why I like it, when people are coming at you.​
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