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OL Alex Boone (Official Thread)

Man those two are huge, just huge.
I was watching the KC game on Sunday and they kept saying..."we run left because that's what we do, run left".
Thoughts of these two young men came to mind, run left...cause that's what we do...run left.
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Looking at Rehring I always thought he would make a better RT than an LT. Boone is a prototypical LT so this should be a good move for the OL. Talk about some bookend tackles for the future. I would like to see them alternate series with the starters.
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Line change

Right tackle Kirk Barton is questionable with a knee injury, and Tressel said that means true freshman Alex Boone likely will start in his place Saturday. When Barton came out after the first series last Saturday at Penn State, OSU first moved left guard Rob Sims to the vacant tackle spot and inserted John Conroy at guard.

Tressel said Boone hasn't worked at right tackle much in practice, though he's listed as the backup on both sides. But Tressel said Boone, a USA Today and Parade All-American at Lakewood St. Edward, is ``going to be very good.''

``He's very natural,'' Tressel said. ``He's picked up things well. It'll be a challenge for him going against this group because one of Michigan State's defensive ends is 300 pounds and the other one is a heck of an athlete.''
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OL Alex Boone (merged with recruiting thread)

At first I was a little worried when they said he was going to be starting. Though I watched him a lot and did not see one play where he got beat. I dont know if he was up against a weak end or not but he played very well and I hope he retains his status as a starter. Judging by his first start I think he could have a very good career at tOSU.
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