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OL Alex Boone (Official Thread)

Just a quick question for those of you bashing Boone. How many of you did not drive drunk when you were 19 years old (be it once or routenly)? I was in the air force when I was 19 and had plenty to lose including my career in the air force, but that didnt stop me. I promise you the air force preaches to you about dui more than any other job out there, except for maybe the other services. I am now 24 and smart enough not to drink and drive, so hopefully alex will learn from his mistake, and growup. I hope his just thankful that he didnt kill someone or himself.
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This is just a stupid, stupid move. He knows all eyes are on tOSU, and to do something foolish like this is not just stupid, but selfish. Hopefully JT punishes him accordingly and he finds himself a notch or two down the depth chart. Make him earn it back.
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Just a quick question for those of you bashing Boone. How many of you did not drive drunk when you were 19 years old (be it once or routenly)? I was in the air force when I was 19 and had plenty to lose including my career in the air force, but that didnt stop me. I promise you the air force preaches to you about dui more than any other job out there, except for maybe the other services. I am now 24 and smart enough not to drink and drive, so hopefully alex will learn from his mistake, and growup. I hope his just thankful that he didnt kill someone or himself.

I never have, and never will do it. So please don't be preaching to me.
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Stupid move? Absolutely. However, I doubt with the current batch of sports scandals going on that too many people outside of Columbus hear about this. Hell, until I see a BAC (i.e. never) it's hard to judge exactly how stupid this was (keeping in mind that he was underage so the legal limit is a lot lower). Hopefully Alex wasn't to the point of being a danger to himself or others and has learned a valuable lesson from all of this.
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