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Oklahoma dismisses QB Bomar/NCAA probation


That mini-factoid would be an argument against your originally stated position that UT is hurt more or less the same by Young's departure as OU by Bomars (and others) ouster for violating NCAA rules.

Jwinslow stated that texas has the better players except for RB. If that is true then why is Ok picked by one pundit and texas by none. that factoid was in responce to his statment.:osu:
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Oh my god. I don't check internet (or BP) since 11AM today, and all hell breaks loose? And there are 9 pages worth of posts on here? What has the world come to? :biggrin:

It seems like all that is standing between Texas and another NC game is Ohio State.
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ant80 said:
Oh my god. I don't check internet (or BP) since 11AM today, and all hell breaks loose? And there are 9 pages worth of posts on here? What has the world come to? :biggrin:

It seems like all that is standing between Texas and another NC game is Ohio State.
because OU was standing in their way before?
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You may be right BuckeyeRob, but consider this ...

Last year RB Adrian Peterson has the brush with sanctionable activity because of the leeway lease (bring it back any time you wish) that Big Red Motors gifted him. Now, call me strict if you will, but if that happens the very last place I want ANY of my players, let alone starting QBs or corners or kickers or whatever going to work is Big Red Motors, the very last.

Stoops cannot claim that he didn't know Big Red Motors was a source of lucre for his football squad. As we were mentioning the strained analogy of USC earlier in this thread, consider what would have happened had either of the Bush or Leinart rent fiascos become known to USC's Athletic Department before the 2005 season, and Carrol A) had foreknowledge and B) let it all slide until the news hit the airwaves. I think it is fair to say that would cast things for that story in a much starker and grim light. Here we do have prior evidence of the activities of this booster - who should have been banned from any contact by the AD at OU and none of Stoops' players should have been within a country mile of any of the Big Red dealerships. (Which by the way was precisely the sort of get the fuck out of Dodge, you are hurting the team approach, that OSU took with the booster associated with the Troy Smith incident).

So, no, I don't give many props to Stoops on this, in truth I believe he has a lot of answering of difficult questions in the days ahead. Let the tap dancing begin.

EDIT - As I was writing this Oh8ch put in the post above mine- well said Oh8ch, exactly right.

The Peterson car thing happened earlier this year (around April). It's possible that the discovery of Bomar's deal is a result of further investigation into that.
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Unless one of the Sisters of the Poor gets lucky, that would seem the case.
otherwise known as the ND defense.
Jwinslow stated that texas has the better players except for RB. If that is true then why is Ok picked by one pundit and texas by none. that factoid was in responce to his statment.:osu:
I was basing my statements on evaluating their respective talent... but to play along, not everyone thought OU was superior before this meltdown.

CFBNews Texas #2, OU #8
Rivals Texas #5, OU #9
Herbie Texas #5, OU NR in his top-5
Street & Smith Texas #3, OU #10
Lindy Texas #4, OU #7
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So what you are implying is that Tress should have let TS go? My point is that he didn't and he welcomed the visitors from Indianapolis, because he had nothing to hide.

I propose that Stoops does, and he knows it, there for he is heading the investigation off at the pass.

Nothing short of firing at their car when they pull up is going to stop the NCAA investigators from checking this out. Now, you could argue that Stoops is taking a hard line in hopes of getting a lighter sentence for his program.
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The Peterson car thing happened earlier this year (around April). It's possible that the discovery of Bomar's deal is a result of further investigation into that.
they are definately related:

NORMAN, Okla. -- Oklahoma's compliance department investigated the circumstances by which tailback Adrian Peterson bought a car and then returned it several weeks later but determined the arrangement did not violate NCAA regulations.

Peterson, the runner-up for the Heisman Trophy in 2004, secured a financing agreement and drove the car for several weeks last winter but then returned it, said Bonita Jackson, Peterson's mother.

"We were gonna purchase the car, but the payments were gonna be too high, so we took the car back," Jackson said.

Oklahoma officials determined that Peterson did not receive an extra benefit that is not available to the general student body of the university.

"We have pursued the matter in exhaustive fashion over a five-month period," Oklahoma associate athletic director Keith Gill said in a statement. "Based on the information we have gathered, we do not believe NCAA rules violations have occurred."

The dealership, Big Red Sports and Imports, regularly allowed customers who signed contracts to drive the cars for a period of time before financing had been secured, said Brad McRae, the dealership's part-owner at the time of Peterson's agreement.

"We didn't do anything wrong," McRae said. "Is it standard operating business practice? Yes, it's standard operating business practice."

Peterson's stepfather said his family is committed to keeping Peterson eligible for football.

"This is our child's future," Frankie Jackson said. "We don't want anything to happen to him because of some silly car deal. We're not going to do anything to jeopardize his future."

Oklahoma also investigated the employment of football players by the dealership but found no violations.
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Off topic but...

OSU, Oklahoma setting up football series
Cleveland Plain Dealer

4:45 p.m.

CHICAGO — Oklahoma and Ohio State have all but finalized a two-game football series to be played in 2016 and 2017. That arrangement would continue the Buckeye plan of having a “national power” nonconference game each season.

USC, Miami and Virginia Tech are among the teams on future schedules before the Oklahoma series will kick in.

After OSU coach Jim Tressel and the rest of the conference coaches and players left Chicago, site of the annual Big Ten media gathering, this afternoon, news broke that Oklahoma has dismissed starting quarterback Rhett Bomar from the team. Tressel had singled out the Sooners on Tuesday as a national title contender with a lot of key players returning.

Tressel was asked about preseason rankings placing Ohio State at No. 1 in the country.

“There’s no one clear-cut that’s got everyone back that people are saying is No. 1,“ Tressel said. “I guess that tells me the race is wide open, which is encouraging. Because if you have a team like us, losing all their players, and you’ve got us ranked No. 1, that means it’s wide open. So I guess it’s encouraging.”
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This is tooo much fun.

Best post yet from a Sooner board:

The next QB needs to be a man of the Lord.

People, we have seen the kind of results we get with QB's of Jesus like Heupel & White. Now you see what you get when, instead of a worshipping QB, you have a drinking QB. I suspect that Bomar also looked at porn. (No proof here, but if it walks like a duck, etc.)

It's imperative that the next leader of this team be familiar with his personal savior. Anything else should be out of the question. This is what happens when you take prayer out of school. The mulletheads move in.

As Ronald Reagan once said, "You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans."

God bless and please don't watch porn,

(I found it tough to even type this one, what with the hair growing from my palms and all.)
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