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Oklahoma dismisses QB Bomar/NCAA probation

The next QB needs to be a man of the Lord.

People, we have seen the kind of results we get with QB's of Jesus like Heupel & White. Now you see what you get when, instead of a worshipping QB, you have a drinking QB. I suspect that Bomar also looked at porn. (No proof here, but if it walks like a duck, etc.)

It's imperative that the next leader of this team be familiar with his personal savior. Anything else should be out of the question. This is what happens when you take prayer out of school. The mulletheads move in.

As Ronald Reagan once said, "You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating jellybeans."

God bless and please don't watch porn,

Firstly, holy hell I hope that's just a joke.

And second:

This is what happens when you take prayer out of school. The mulletheads move in.

I wonder how this OU "fan" feels about this guy:

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This post wins the award for longest run-on sentence ever:

Posts: 133
(8/2/06 5:29:35 pm)
Reply Rhett Bomar is like USC's Todd Marinovich<hr size="1"> I just found out today that my closest uncle died last night due to a heart problem caused by lung disease from smoking, now this... I'm still not taking the Devil's bait to get intoxicated today for these reasons.

Rhett Bomar reminds me of an also genetic and skill level marvel of a QB in USC's Todd Marinovich, nicknamed "Robo QB" in part because of his father practically trying to engineer him from a sperm seed, like a science experiment, into being a Hall of Fame QB in an unfair, forced manner to the point that it caused him to become an escape artist and not have a healthy devotion to the game. Jerry Bomar? Maybe someone else with time can tell the story of what happened with Marinovich and his wreckless ways.

Due to their backgrounds' similarities, I was concerned we might have the same situation, whenever I heard of his drinking problem, plus I noticed a subtle disinterest and lack of passion in him and sparkle in his eyes that isn't normal for an athlete as good/ as accomplished as him. Grady had that quality (passion/ devotion) and so does Bradford, though Bradford only has "above-average" tools, however his intangibles/ high end accuracy and devotion, especially to Oklahoma football, are truly excellent and why Michigan coaches rated him as one of the top 3 QB's in his class.

Most every athlete on Bomar's level that have worked hard enough for their success mainly from their own inborn drive, and not mainly from their parents pushing and pulling them, are on a kind of natural "cloud 9," and don't sink into excessive substance abuse or wreckless behavior such as taking boosters money when they know everyones likely watching or incessent gambling or want to join a foolish fraternity (when he also has to work a job, train for FB, not to mention class work. WTH???) mainly consisting of paganistic, cheating/ lying/ stealing, envying, insecure HS social rejects and regressing retards that subconsciously want to make a big bad @#% of their usually C average selves before they're on academic probation and then flunked out a semester later in hopes of curing their homesickness and desire to show off to their ex-acquaintances in their small town, which they mostly never claim to live in to their Socialist/ Communistic-like behaving Greek life paper/ plastic friends, but the biggest or best city from their area, and hopefully be worshiped by likely temporarily envying ex-HS friends and wanna be ex-HS friends that didn't give them the satisfaction of the right attention they so desired when they were in grade school, which gave them something of a complex.

If Hazel isn't sufficient, then I hope Thompson, who should be moved back to QB immediately since we're more than fine without him at WR which he can still play, or Bradford can replace Hazel with suitable results, if he slips too much in mostly just managing what will likely be the most dominant rushing attack in 1-A. Though Hazel didn't look good in scrimmages, neither did White or Hybl. I don't think White and Hazel are comparable QB's, but White didn't have a well experienced/ cognizant OC save before '02, a defense this good in '04, a strong legged and highly accurate K, or a once-in-a-generation RB as an upperclassman.

Edited by: Sooner4Christ47 at: 8/2/06 7:17:14 pm
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So what you are implying is that Tress should have let TS go? My point is that he didn't and he welcomed the visitors from Indianapolis, because he had nothing to hide.

I propose that Stoops does, and he knows it, there for he is heading the investigation off at the pass.

Whatever.......that is pretty ignorant logic. What are you basing that on? The fact that they are a good program that isn't OSU? Way to be Nancy Drew, now if you'd please figure out what island Elvis is on..........I'd appreciate it, he owes my grandpa 50 bucks.
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How many years of eligibilty does Jason White have left?

Off topic but...

OSU, Oklahoma setting up football series
Cleveland Plain Dealer

4:45 p.m.

CHICAGO — Oklahoma and Ohio State have all but finalized a two-game football series to be played in 2016 and 2017. That arrangement would continue the Buckeye plan of having a “national power” nonconference game each season.

USC, Miami and Virginia Tech are among the teams on future schedules before the Oklahoma series will kick in.

After OSU coach Jim Tressel and the rest of the conference coaches and players left Chicago, site of the annual Big Ten media gathering, this afternoon, news broke that Oklahoma has dismissed starting quarterback Rhett Bomar from the team. Tressel had singled out the Sooners on Tuesday as a national title contender with a lot of key players returning.

Tressel was asked about preseason rankings placing Ohio State at No. 1 in the country.

“There’s no one clear-cut that’s got everyone back that people are saying is No. 1,“ Tressel said. “I guess that tells me the race is wide open, which is encouraging. Because if you have a team like us, losing all their players, and you’ve got us ranked No. 1, that means it’s wide open. So I guess it’s encouraging.”

I wasn't around when they last met, but I want REVENGE!!!!!
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Whatever.......that is pretty ignorant logic. What are you basing that on? The fact that they are a good program that isn't OSU? Way to be Nancy Drew, now if you'd please figure out what island Elvis is on..........I'd appreciate it, he owes my grandpa 50 bucks.

So, with an infraction / History that relatively parallels TS, you would like to applaud Stoops for booting him. Then I would imagine that you criticized Tress for retaining TS and allowing him to make amends...

Stoops is taking a reactionary approach to hopefully avoid the full attention of the NCAA (which I will add that Tress welcomed because he had nothing to hide).

In my opinion, this is a fart in the wind, the shit and the fan have yet to make acquaintance. That is all.

edit, at the time of this post there was no mention of the amount of $$, so get off me!
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Stoops is taking a reactionary approach to hopefully avoid the full attention of the NCAA

One thing that tickles me reading the OU boards is how they are singing Stoops praises for his fast and harsh action on this. Stoops is a great disciplinarian and simply wont tolerate this sort of behavior.

I like Stoops and he is a very good coach, but he is doing nothing he would not have been forced to do eventually in any case. Being proactive is simply an attempt to mediate sanctions and avoid potential forfeits.

With additional names already mentioned it appears other shoes will be dropping. And IF this has been going on since the Peterson ordeal OU could be in very serious trouble.

And Kelvin Sampson's antics wont help any in that regard.
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Just curious, but how do we know that Stoops' hand wasn't forced by the NCAA? Oklahoma did an investigation and would've turned their findings over to the NCAA. It's just as likely that the NCAA responded by saying that Bomar's punishment would be anwhere from 1-2 years (or maybe lifetime), and Stoops has no choice in the matter.
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A few things come to mind.

First of all, thanks to all of the Texas posters for joining in this thread. A Texas poster broke this news; and I've enjoyed seeing all of your reactions, which are similar to how I would react if the news were about scUM/TSUN. Schadenfreude can be a great thing in a rivalry.

As others have said, this seems to really help the Heisman possibilities of Troy Smith; since defenses will again swarm Peterson (if he even survives this car dealer investigation).

Regarding OU's and Stoops's reaction to the situation - I think Stoops is an excellent coach, but the way Peterson's 'non-lease' of the car for several weeks was whitewashed seemed very shady to me. But that incident was apparently the tip of this iceberg, and the OU ship is now bailing water from from serious leaks. Bomar's offense seems bad enough to lose an entire year of eligibility; Stoops's strategy of kicking him off permanently will be difficult to judge before all the information comes out.

Oklahoma and Ohio State have all but finalized a two-game football series to be played in 2016 and 2017

Maybe they'll just be coming off probation in 2016. :tongue2:
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