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Oklahoma dismisses QB Bomar/NCAA probation

How many athlete's get away with taking extra money? I have to think that it is a huge number of them. I can't imagine that it isn't. Otherwise, wouldn't you think these players would look around and say, "Shit, look what happened to player A", or "Shit, I don't want to end up like player B. I better not take what I haven't earned!"
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The amount of money doesn't seem to matter that much to the NCAA. Lying to them is a huge deal. Remember, it was the large number of times that MoC lied that got him suspended for the entire 2003 season. If he had come clean about his ride, he probably only would have been suspended for a couple of games.

The other example involving a fairly large amount of money is USC's Jarrett getting the huge rent discount from Matt Leinart's father. That amount came to about $10,000 ($1,283 monthly times 8 or 9 months); but it's possible that Jarrett gets reinstated without a suspension. Admittedly, discounted rent is much less unseemly than cash or paychecks for no-show jobs.

Here are what I believe to be the relevant sections of the NCAA bylaws on dollar amount guidelines in the area of improper benefits:

Note - 'withholding' indicates the percentage of a season to be missed


Bylaw (Impermissable Benefits)

a. Assessment of culpability for Violations where a Tangible Benefit is Received. The guidelines advise when an extra benefit exceeding $100 is received may be applied based on the dollar amount of the benefit. (June 1999)

The adopted guidelines for violations involving student-athletes:

(1) Value of the benefit ranges from $100 to $299 = 10 percent withholding condition and repayment.

(2) Value of the benefit ranges from $300 to $500 = 20 percent withholding condition and repayment.

(3) Value of the benefit above $501 = 30 percent withholding condition and repayment.

b. Other Violations Involving Tangible Benfits outside Bylaw 16. The committee confirmed that the responsibility/culpability of a student/athlete should be assessed regardless of the bylaw in question (e.g., Bylaws, 13 and 15). The same dollar figure guidelines should be the starting point in all cases. (February 2004)

Violations involving prospective student-athletes are to be reviewed by the staff with the following guidelines:

(1) Value of the benefit ranges from $300 to $500 = 10 percent withholding and repayment.

(2) Value of the benefit ranges from $501 to $700 = 20 percent withholding and repayment.

(3) Value of the benefit above $701 = 30 percent withholding and repayment.

The committee noted that the staff should continue to review the factors that may increase or decrease the prospective or enrolled student-athlete's culpability in these violations. (December 2000)
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hahahaha. Good find, Dryden.

Y'all should have read Soonerfans before the implosion. Their collective opinion on that piece of junk they call an offensive line was hilarious. "they'll be fine, maybe even the best in the conference!!!"

Not to mention the ubiquitous "our receivers are better then texas'" and "AP will run for 2300 yards". yeah right.

Every fanbase might overrate their own players a little bit, but those guys took it to new levels.
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Well, I will say this about Oklahoma.... Adrian Peterson, when he's healthy, is an absolute monster. He's a bona fide stud, and if they can develop any sentiment of a passing attack or run blocking, he will rush for 2000 yards.
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Think this guy is still glad he transferred?




<!-- remove this block --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- document.write('<SCR'); document.write('IPT SRC="http://ads.cstv.com/jserver/aamsz=promo/adsize=x/area=sports.mfootbl.mtt/category=m_footbl|mtt/location=promo66/pos=promo66/site=utah/acc_random=2006080311590099115112111114116115991099910211111111698108991091161169910311497100121991161111091091219999991041161091081722015200608031199?">'); document.write('</SCR'); document.write('IPT>'); // End Hide --> </SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="http://ads.cstv.com/jserver/aamsz=promo/adsize=x/area=sports.mfootbl.mtt/category=m_footbl|mtt/location=promo66/pos=promo66/site=utah/acc_random=2006080311590099115112111114116115991099910211111111698108991091161169910311497100121991161111091091219999991041161091081722015200608031199?"></SCRIPT><!-- location is richmedia, blank --><!-- end block --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 borderColorDark=black cellPadding=0 width=430 bgColor=#990000 borderColorLight=gray border=4><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=430 bgColor=#990000 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=440 background=http://graphics.fansonly.com/schools/utah/graphics/utah-mtt-bg.gif border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=50>
</TD><TD vAlign=center>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Tommy Grady[/FONT]</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=1 width=430 bgColor=#990000 border=0 valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left width=105>
</TD><TD vAlign=top width=321><TABLE width=321 bgColor=#990000 border=0 valign="top"><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2>
</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE width=160 align=top bgColor=#990000 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Class:

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Hometown:
Huntington Beach, Calif.

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Last College:

</TD></TR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD vAlign=top><TABLE width=160 align=top bgColor=#990000 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Height / Weight:
6-7 / 235

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Position:

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>
</TD><TD vAlign=top>[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Experience:



UTAH: Tall, big-armed Oklahoma transfer earned the No. 2 quarterback job in spring ball and is still in the picture to start come fall ... joined the Utes the week classes began in 2005 but could not play in games per NCAA transfer rules ... has two years of eligibility remaining.

2005-Played for the scout teams as a transfer.

PRIOR TO UTAH: Played in five games for Oklahoma in 2004 as Jason White's backup ... completed 12-of-14 (.923) pass attempts for 63 yards and 1 TD ... was 8-9 passing vs. Houston and also had a 9-yard rush ... redshirt in 2003 ... as a prep, he was rated the No. 9 player (all positions) in California and No. 55 nationally by Rivals.com ... led Edison High (Calif.) to the 2001 state championship and to the playoffs in 2002 ... passed for 2,474 yards--completing 177-320 passes--and 15 touchdowns as a senior ... threw for 2,791 yards and 33 touchdowns to only 3 interceptions as a junior ... invited to the Elite 11 Quarterback Camp in Mission Viejo, Calif., following his junior year.

PERSONAL: Son of Larry and Christie Grady ... brother Jeff played quarterback at Fresno State for current Utah offensive coordinator Andy Ludwig ... enjoys deep sea fishing and once caught a 400-pound marlin ... sociology major ... born March 18, 1985.

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Oklahoma isn't completely flattened by this though, because the defense is still going to be really, really stout. The players are too well coached and now experienced enough that they're not going to get beat by a gimmick like Texas Tech or Baylor, and they're still simply better all-around than Oklahoma State and A&M, even with the offensive losses.

It's still a one-game season in the RRS, this time it'll be between two great defenses, and anything can happen.
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