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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Nice bounce back tonight. No Jose, Ryan or Bo in the lineup. Rutgers isn't a great team but they have a couple decent wrestlers and then one really good guy in Ashnault.

Rutgers is actually a much better team than I thought they would be headed into the year. But yeah, that was about as good as you could have hoped for with those guys out. Myles had a really nice win against a good opponent, Kollin was relentless yet again in getting the major and Micah had a really good win against a quality wrestler and looked really aggressive. Only real disappointment was how bad Pletcher got beat...Ashnault is very tough but Luke needed to hang a little closer than that. I hope he doesn't get down on himself much though, he's had some tough matchups recently.

Really big matchup coming up on Friday with #5 Nebraska. I'm hoping we will be mostly healthy by then, but I sort of doubt it. There should be some really good matchups...Rodriguez (if healthy) vs. #5 Lambert, Toms vs. #5 Montoya at 133, Martin vs. #3 Dudley at 184, and Moore vs #6 Studebaker at 197 should all be fun to watch.
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Rutgers is actually a much better team than I thought they would be headed into the year. But yeah, that was about as good as you could have hoped for with those guys out. Myles had a really nice win against a good opponent, Kollin was relentless yet again in getting the major and Micah had a really good win against a quality wrestler and looked really aggressive. Only real disappointment was how bad Pletcher got beat...Ashnault is very tough but Luke needed to hang a little closer than that. I hope he doesn't get down on himself much though, he's had some tough matchups recently.

Really big matchup coming up on Friday with #5 Nebraska. I'm hoping we will be mostly healthy by then, but I sort of doubt it. There should be some really good matchups...Rodriguez (if healthy) vs. #5 Lambert, Toms vs. #5 Montoya at 133, Martin vs. #3 Dudley at 184, and Moore vs #6 Studebaker at 197 should all be fun to watch.
This was one of the matches where the size difference was really apparent. Ashnalt looked a full weight class bigger than Pletcher - height and weight. Ashnault sets that tilt up from standing and can hit it against anyone in the country. Luke made the mistake of getting his elbow trapped. The match should have been a 4-1/5-1 type score.
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This was one of the matches where the size difference was really apparent. Ashnalt looked a full weight class bigger than Pletcher - height and weight. Ashnault sets that tilt up from standing and can hit it against anyone in the country. Luke made the mistake of getting his elbow trapped. The match should have been a 4-1/5-1 type score.

Agreed, that was more of the score I was expecting. Pletcher might be a year off from AA status until he can either grow more into the 141 class or move down to 133 if Toms moves up. He is still good enough to compete at 141 a weight class up as a true freshman, which is pretty darn impressive in itself.
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Just got a big commitment out of Jadden Mattox from Central Crossing. Just beat both David Carr and Dominick Demas this weekend. Ranked as the #4 wrestler at 152 on Intermat, ranked #19 overall on Flo for 2018. Love the commit but I am curious what this does with Carr...I think they could very well end up at different weights and make room for both if he wants in. Mattox is projected anywhere from 157-174 down the road, so hopefully it means both. Either way, great get for the Bucks!

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Solid win tonight vs Nebraska. OSU won all the toss up matches - 184, 197, 133 & 141. I thought Martin wrestled his best match all season. Very important win because that essentially locks up the 3 seed at the B1G which keeps him out of Nickal's side. He'll get another shot at Brooks. Some other observations... Moore gutted out a win against a tough wrestler. Snyder got ridden out for an entire period which we haven't seen in a long time. He still got the major. Bo was back in the lineup and looked OK against Barnes. He still looks very rusty on his feet. Montoya is a very tough match up for Nato and that match could have gone either way at the end as Montoya was in on a good shot and Nato fought it off. Pletcher looked good against a decent guy ranked above him. Jrod got handled again - though only a major this time. All said, solid effort against a top 10 opponent.
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Agreed, that was more of the score I was expecting. Pletcher might be a year off from AA status until he can either grow more into the 141 class or move down to 133 if Toms moves up. He is still good enough to compete at 141 a weight class up as a true freshman, which is pretty darn impressive in itself.
I think if Hayes is 100% next season we see Luke redshirt. Then he comes in and starts at 133 in 2018-2019. But you never know what Tom Ryan might do. I cannot see Nato going up to 141 next year. He would be giving up a ton of height and his strength would essentially be negated by that leverage.
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I think if Hayes is 100% next season we see Luke redshirt. Then he comes in and starts at 133 in 2018-2019. But you never know what Tom Ryan might do. I cannot see Nato going up to 141 next year. He would be giving up a ton of height and his strength would essentially be negated by that leverage.

Well I almost didn't bring it up but Logan Stieber did the same in his senior year. Logan was a notch up, but nonetheless, I do agree with you. If Hayes comes back, Luke takes a RS and that would be ideal honestly.

But excellent match for us, I didn't get to watch but on paper that's the best we wrestled all year. HUGE win for Myles, easily his best of the year. Nice win for Bo. Moore wins yet another huge match and he is one of the hottest wrestlers in the country right now. Big win for Toms, don't under sell his opponent, he's a very good wrestler.
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No. 4 Ohio State 24, No. 6 Nebraska 13 | Devaney Center | Lincoln, Neb.
Records: Ohio State 10-2, 6-2; Nebraska: 12-2, 6-2

149: #5 Micah Jordan (OSU) major decision over Collin Purinton (NEB) 12-4 | OSU 4, NEB 0
157: #3 Tyler Berger (NEB) fall over Anthony DeCarlo (OSU) 5:48 | NEB 6, OSU 4
165: Dustin Williams (NEB) decision over Cody Burcher (OSU) 7-6 SV-2 | NEB 9, OSU 4
174: #1 Bo Jordan (OSU) major decision over Micah Barnes (NEB) 11-1 | NEB 9, OSU 8
184: #10 Myles Martin (OSU) decision over #3 TJ Dudley (NEB) 11-5 | OSU 11, NEB 9
197: #4 Kollin Moore (OSU) decision over #6 Aaron Studebaker (NEB) 3-2 | OSU 14, NEB 9
HWT: #1 Kyle Snyder (OSU) major decision over #14 Collin Jensen (NEB) 16-6 | OSU 18, NEB 9
125: #5 Tim Lambert (NEB) major decision over #18 Jose Rodriguez (OSU) 8-0 | OSU 18, NEB 13
133: #1 Nathan Tomasello (OSU) decision over #5 Eric Montoya (NEB) 5-2 | OSU 21, NEB 13
141: #15 Luke Pletcher (OSU) decision over #10 Colton McCrystal (NEB) 4-1 | OSU 24, NEB 13

What you guys said....very good stuff in this match. Winning seven matches is great. Even looks like Burcher battled well.
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Solid win today against a gritty Minnesota team. Dual started at 197 and Moore dropped a very tight match against Pfarr. Moore has really closed the gap since the CKLV. Fox filled in for Snyder and got teched. Jrod was down 6-0 and won in OT against Lizak. Lizak gassed at @ 4:00 and Jrod still had a lot left in the tank. Nato got a pin at 133 and looked good. Pletcher dropped a tough match to Thorn. Micah dominated at 149. OSU lost the next two matches by fall and decision. Bo got a fall against Pfarr at 174 and Myles dominated Steveson at 184. Teams split 5-5 and the final was 24-20 OSU.

125: #18 Jose Rodriguez (11-6) over #6 Ethan Lizak (20-4) 12-10 OT
133: #1 Nathan Tomasello over #17 Mitch McKee (17-12) Fall
141: #12 Tommy Thorn over #15 Luke Pletcher (21-4) 7-2
149: #5 Micah Jordan (22-2) over Brandon Kingsley (6-9) 22-5
157: #8 Jake Short (18-10) over Anthony DeCarlo Fall
165: #18 Nick Wanzek (21-9) over Cody Burcher (15-9) 5-2
174: #1 Bo Jordan (9-0) over Chris Pfarr (15-10) Fall
184: #10 Myles Martin (21-5) over Bobby Steveson (10-13) 18-6
197: #2 Brett Pfarr (22-1) over #4 Kollin Moore (22-2) 7-5
HWT: #8 Michael Kroells (22-7) over Josh Fox (8-11) 20-5
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In other words, Moore has lost by two points both times he faced the competition for an NCAA title. You've gotta love his chances at the tournament this year, which is probably more amazing than Martin winning as a freshman last year. I have no idea where JRod pulled out a win, but he didn't get tech'ed against Nebraska, so he's obviously on the up (though getting tech'ed to Gilman might happen under the best of circumstances). It looks like Ryan's plan to really make the push at the B1G's and NCAA is coming together. The Bucks are in great shape to get a second-place finish this year.
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Cornell over OSU 19-18 - match came down to 285 but the Bucks had their chances at 125, 165 & 174 but lost all three. The Track Wrestling feed was horrible so I missed about 30% of the matches. Bo didn't look sharp but Realbuto is tough. JRod reverted backward against a kid he majored at CKLV. Burcher backed up what seemed the entire match and lost and Myles had a tough time getting the offense going against Dean who is really tough. Dean had a cradle locked in the third and I think the refs missed the fall twice. Nato, Pletcher, Moore & Micah looked solid against over-matched opponents.

125 - Noah Baughman (Cornell) over Jose Rodriguez (Ohio State) Dec 4-0 | CU 3 OSU 0
133 - Nathan Tomasello (Ohio State) over Mark Grey (Cornell) TF 19-4 | CU 3 OSU 5
141 - Luke Pletcher (Ohio State) over William Koll (Cornell) Dec 5-2 | CU 3 OSU 8
149 - Micah Jordan (Ohio State) over Jonathan Furnas (Cornell) Fall 5:35 | CU 3 OSU 14
157 - Dylan Palacio (Cornell) over Anthony DeCarlo (Ohio State) Maj 19-8 | CU 7 OSU 14
165 - Brandon Womack (Cornell) over Cody Burcher (Ohio State) Dec 4-2 | CU 10 OSU 14
174 - Brian Realbuto (Cornell) over Bo Jordan (Ohio State) Dec 3-2 | CU 13 OSU 14
184 - Gabriel Dean (Cornell) over Myles Martin (Ohio State) Dec 10-5 | CU 16 OSU 14
197 - Kollin Moore (Ohio State) over Benjamin Honis (Cornell) Maj 20-9 | CU 16 OSU 18
285 - Jeramy Sweany (Cornell) over Josh Fox (Ohio State) Dec 3-0 | CU 19 OSU 18
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Very disappointing way to end the regular season. Jose loses one he should have won, Burcher could have easily won, and Bo looks sluggish and refuses to be the aggressor. I hope this was just a bump in the road and we hit our usual post-season stride...even with Snyder out, we should have won this dual.

I also had issues with my streaming during the dual and could not watch much, but what I did see was nothing to write home about.
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