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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Huge match and being at home gives us a chance (chance emphasized for a reason). My prediction:

125: Suriano by major decision over Rodriguez. PSU 4, OSU 0. Suriano is a stud and about every bit as good as Gilman, who teched Rodriguez with ease...crowd gets in it and limits the damage.
133: Tomasello by tech fall over Carpenter/Law. OSU 5, PSU 4. Hoping he gets a fall, it would be huge for momentum and points...needs to wrestle better than last week or this could be another decision.
141: Pletcher by decision over Gulibon. OSU 8, PSU 4. Pletcher is on a roll and will be dialed in on his old home state...definitely asking a lot but he has it in him.
149: Retherford by decision over M. Jordan. OSU 8, PSU 7. Hope Micah keeps it to a decision and I think he can if we have the momentum headed into this match...Retherford might be the best pound for pound in the country other than Snyder...but Sorensen darn near beat Retherford and Mic hung with him tough last week on the road.
157: Nolf by fall over Ryan/Decarlo. PSU 13, OSU 8. No way this does end in a fall...tech fall would be a victory.
165: Joseph by major decision over Burcher. PSU 17, OSU 8. Really need to limit the damage and not give up a tech/fall...I could see this one even being a decision though, Burcher can slow a match down.
174: B. Jordan by decision over Hall. PSU 17, OSU 11. Bo just is not 100% and Hall is a stud...if he was full health, maybe a major but not right now I don't think...bonus would be huge though.
184: Nickal by decision over Martin. PSU 20, OSU 11. Could go either way and this is a crucial match...forget how either wrestler has wrestled this year, Martin always wrestles him tough.
197: Moore by decision over McCutcheon. PSU 20, OSU 14. I think Moore wins this but don't ever count McCutcheon out...if Moore is on fire and gets bonus, it puts us in striking distance heading into heavy imo.
285: Snyder by major decision over Nevills. PSU 20, OSU 18. Nevills is a young talent but Snyder is on another level...if we are within 5, I could see Snyder coming up in the clutch and getting a pin or tech.

- In sum, I think it will be a close match but everything needs to fall our way to pull it out. It will be fun to watch either way, Go Bucks!
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Micah with the riding time tech fall to Retherford! This is not going well, at all. :shake:

I just don't see My-Mar doing very well against Nickal with all of this team momentum from Penn State. We are going to need Moore and Snyder to get some bonus points at the end just to make this respectable.
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No. 2 Penn State 32, No. 4 Ohio State 12 | Value City Arena | Columbus, Ohio
Records: Penn State 11-0, 7-0; Ohio State 8-2, 4-2 | Attendance: 15,338

125: #2 Nick Suriano (PSU) technical fall over #18 Jose Rodriguez (OSU) 19-4 | PSU 5, OSU 0
133: #1 Nathan Tomasello (OSU) technical fall over George Carpenter (PSU) 22-7 | OSU 5, PSU 5
141: #11 Jimmy Gulibon (PSU) decision over #15 Luke Pletcher (OSU) 5-3 | PSU 8, OSU 5
149: #1 Zain Retherford (PSU) technical fall over #5 Micah Jordan (OSU) 20-5 | PSU 13, OSU 5
157: #1 Jason Nolf (PSU) fall over Anthony DeCarlo (OSU) 1:36 | PSU 19, OSU 5
165: #4 Vincenzo Joseph (PSU) major decision over Cody Burcher (OSU) | PSU 23, OSU 5
174: #7 Mark Hall (PSU) fall over Justin Kresevic (OSU) 5:21 | PSU 29, OSU 5
184: #2 Bo Nickal (PSU) decision over #10 Myles Martin (OSU) 8-2 | PSU 32, OSU 5
197: #4 Kollin Moore (OSU) decision over #9 Matt McCutcheon (PSU) 9-6 | PSU 32, OSU 8
HWT: #1 Kyle Snyder (OSU) major decision over #3 Nick Nevills (PSU) 19-9 | PSU 32, OSU 12

Amazing attendance, but I think the big crowd pumped up the Nits more than the Bucks! Disappointing outings from Rodriguez, Micah, and My-Mar. Disappointing to miss the Bo-Hall matchup. Good experience for Pletcher, represented himself well. Get healthy and strong, Bucks! Still one month to go until the B1G Tournament.
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No. 2 Penn State 32, No. 4 Ohio State 12
| Value City Arena | Columbus, Ohio
Records: Penn State 11-0, 7-0; Ohio State 8-2, 4-2 | Attendance: 15,338

125: #2 Nick Suriano (PSU) technical fall over #18 Jose Rodriguez (OSU) 19-4 | PSU 5, OSU 0
133: #1 Nathan Tomasello (OSU) technical fall over George Carpenter (PSU) 22-7 | OSU 5, PSU 5
141: #11 Jimmy Gulibon (PSU) decision over #15 Luke Pletcher (OSU) 5-3 | PSU 8, OSU 5
149: #1 Zain Retherford (PSU) technical fall over #5 Micah Jordan (OSU) 20-5 | PSU 13, OSU 5
157: #1 Jason Nolf (PSU) fall over Anthony DeCarlo (OSU) 1:36 | PSU 19, OSU 5
165: #4 Vincenzo Joseph (PSU) major decision over Cody Burcher (OSU) | PSU 23, OSU 5
174: #7 Mark Hall (PSU) fall over Justin Kresevic (OSU) 5:21 | PSU 29, OSU 5
184: #2 Bo Nickal (PSU) decision over #10 Myles Martin (OSU) 8-2 | PSU 32, OSU 5
197: #4 Kollin Moore (OSU) decision over #9 Matt McCutcheon (PSU) 9-6 | PSU 32, OSU 8
HWT: #1 Kyle Snyder (OSU) major decision over #3 Nick Nevills (PSU) 19-9 | PSU 32, OSU 12

Amazing attendance, but I think the big crowd pumped up the Nits more than the Bucks! Disappointing outings from Rodriguez, Micah, and My-Mar. Disappointing to miss the Bo-Hall matchup. Good experience for Pletcher, represented himself well. Get healthy and strong, Bucks! Still one month to go until the B1G Tournament.

PSU is loaded, too much talent on that team.
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Definitely a disappointing result...not much to say really. Killed to have Bo out but even if he wrestles and Pletcher wins, it still would have been a blow out. The gap between the top 3 teams and every team below that is pretty big. Even at full strength, it would take a perfect match to pull off a win against either of PSU or Iowa.
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As frustrating as last night was I think it's important to put it into context. Tom Ryan has created a great program and has elevated OSU to a place it's never been before. In some era's that would have been good enough to win multiple team titles. The knock on wrestling for years was that it's been completely dominated by a very small sampling of schools. First OK State and then Iowa with Oklahoma, Minnesota or Iowa State winning every so often. That lack of competitive diversity is why a lot of schools dropped their programs and we're left with about 70 D1 schools that sponsor a team - most of which are in the Mid-Atlantic or Midwest. Right now we are definitely seeing a PSU run of titles. They are getting top talent that comes in college ready and is trained by elite coaches and they wrestle a style that's both dominant & entertaining. Additionally, they've had very few major injuries during the last 7 years - and their kids generally exceed recruiting rankings (Alton's were an exception). They have one hole at 133 this year but the rest of the lineup is a point scoring machine. I don't see anyone within 25 points of them this year and next year they could break Iowa's record from 1983 of 155 team points.
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Got a chance to watch the first few matches (my cable was out up until 149, also for 197). I can't get too upset with the tech fall for Mic...you have to give him credit for wrestling to win...he scored points against an amazing wrestler and seriously went for the win...a TF will never happen again here. He attacked nonstop and gave up major team points but you have to love the effort.

And Kollin Moore...just to reiterate, love this kid, he is a star. If he improves just a little in the top position, nobody will beat him after this year. I have said it a thousand times, but you just see how Snyder has made Kollin better ten-fold...you see him use that technique time and time again. Love that he is not ok winning a match by a point.
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I don't even think it's a two-way or three-way battle at the top this year, clearly it's Penn State, and then Iowa, OK State, and Ohio State. I think we can pull off second in the NCAA's with a good run, because we are well within striking distance of the Hawks and Cowboys. Like Delaware said, Penn State is throwing (near) All-Americans out there at EVERY weight, except 133. They do well with the bonus points as well. Impressive, impressive team...strange that IM still has OK State ranked #1 for duals. They only have a clear advantage at 133 and 141 over the Nits.
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I don't even think it's a two-way or three-way battle at the top this year, clearly it's Penn State, and then Iowa, OK State, and Ohio State. I think we can pull off second in the NCAA's with a good run, because we are well within striking distance of the Hawks and Cowboys. Like Delaware said, Penn State is throwing (near) All-Americans out there at EVERY weight, except 133. They do well with the bonus points as well. Impressive, impressive team...strange that IM still has OK State ranked #1 for duals. They only have a clear advantage at 133 and 141 over the Nits.
And as good as Dean Heil is I doubt he gets more than a 3 point win over Guilibon and PSU could win 8 matches. I think the ranking services are slow on the uptake this year. They seem to be hanging onto the Nov rankings way too long. The questions PSU had going into this year were: Can Suriano adjust to college competition? Can Joseph hold 165 and be competitive? Will they pull Hall's redshirt and can he be competitive at 174? Can Nickal handle the jump to 184 and can Nevills show the potential he had in HS at 285? All those questions were answered a month ago in the positive. As RB07OSU said, this was the year to get them because it's hard to see a scenario where anyone catches them for the next 3-4 years. Personally I'm not sure it's good for the sport of wrestling to have one team so dominant for so long but I'd probably feel different if it was OSU dominating.
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Twitter tells me Jaden Maddox committed to the Buckeyes tonight. It also tells me he beat Carr and Demas at a tournament in DE. Looking for Delaware and RB to tell me if this is good.

The Rieman Invite is in Delaware, OH. I live in Delaware... the state. :) The only tournament of note here in Delaware is the Beast of the East which is right behind the Ironman as one of the best. Saw Kyle and Myles wrestle in that many times.

On Mattox he looks like a good pickup though those rankings seem suspect - 9th at 152 and 17th overall for class of 2018. Doesn't really add up so maybe they got that wrong in the article.
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