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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

A win over Illinois, but Jose Rodriguez seems to be continuing in the backward direction. He started the year hot and recently not so much. Coupled with the usual holes and 157/165 and Bo Jordan not wresting today, it was a close match until the end for the good guys.
Some very solid performances and a few that were not real promising. With Jrod it's either an injury, weight pull or simply reversion to the mean. Two matches in a row now where he was completely outclassed by unranked guys. NaTo looked awesome against a top 5 opponent and with Clark losing today NaTo will be the #1 guy now. Pletcher continues to improve every match. Micah started slow but really turned it on in the 2nd period. Those upcoming matches against Sorrenson and Retherford are the real test for him. Even with Jake in the lineup I'm not sure we do much better at 157. Burcher was simply overwhelmed by Imar. You try not to jump to conclusions on that match because Imar is so good but Cody needs to get better because the B1G is solid at 165. Bo was on the bench but had a boot on his foot and I hope that's nothing too serious. Someone mentioned that he's had the boot on before and it's just precautionary. Myles looked solid against a top 15 guy and Moore continues to impress every match. Wanted to see Kyle against Black but we'll have to wait till Feb for that.
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Most recently, the fourth-ranked Buckeyes earned a 29-18 win over No. 12 Illinois.
Currently, nine of 14 Big Ten schools are ranked in wrestling, including No. 2 Penn State, No. 3 Iowa and No. 6 Nebraska in the top-10 alone.

Rankings - USA Today/NWCA Coaches
Last Updated - January 17, 2017
USA Today/NWCA Coaches
1 Oklahoma State
2 Penn State
3 Iowa
4 Ohio State
5 Virginia Tech
6 Nebraska
7 Lehigh
8 Missouri
9 North Carolina State
10 Cornell
11 Rutgers
12 Illinois
13 Minnesota
14 Oklahoma
15 Michigan
16 Central Michigan
17 Wisconsin
18 Northern Iowa
19 South Dakota State
20 Arizona State
21 Stanford
22 Appalachian State
23 Pittsburg
24 North Dakota State
25 Rider


Needless to say, nobody is yelling SEC...SEC...SEC..here....:biggrin:
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Most recently, the fourth-ranked Buckeyes earned a 29-18 win over No. 12 Illinois.
Currently, nine of 14 Big Ten schools are ranked in wrestling, including No. 2 Penn State, No. 3 Iowa and No. 6 Nebraska in the top-10 alone.

Rankings - USA Today/NWCA Coaches
Last Updated - January 17, 2017
USA Today/NWCA Coaches
1 Oklahoma State
2 Penn State
3 Iowa
4 Ohio State
5 Virginia Tech
6 Nebraska
7 Lehigh
8 Missouri
9 North Carolina State
10 Cornell
11 Rutgers
12 Illinois
13 Minnesota
14 Oklahoma
15 Michigan
16 Central Michigan
17 Wisconsin
18 Northern Iowa
19 South Dakota State
20 Arizona State
21 Stanford
22 Appalachian State
23 Pittsburg
24 North Dakota State
25 Rider


Needless to say, nobody is yelling SEC...SEC...SEC..here....:biggrin:

Those rankings are pretty good. I'd swap PSU and OK St. Realistically everyone is chasing them this year. We'll know a lot more by B1G tourney time.
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Penn State is better than Ohio State in a duel, but I'm definitely seeing a door for Ohio State to win the tourney, and the key is number one finishes from Nato, Bo, and Snyder. I don't think that's unreasonable. Nice placements from Moore, Martin, and Micah, and that's the pathway. Anything extra from Jose and Pletcher is just icing, but those six are really looking good this year. The two concerns, of course, are Bo and his lack of work at that weight and Martin's slow start (he's getting better in the new year, as well). I'm trusting Ryan and the timing of all of this to make the run.

No. 4 Ohio State 29, No. 12 Illinois 18 | St. John Arena | Columbus, Ohio
Ohio State: 7-0, 3-0; Illinois: 2-2, 1-2 | Attendance: 3,279

125: Travis Piotrowski (ILL) major decision over #12 Jose Rodriguez (OSU) 10-0 | ILL 4, OSU 0
133: #2 Nathan Tomasello (OSU) major decision over #4 Zane Richards (ILL) 12-4 | OSU 4, ILL 4
141: #14 Luke Pletcher (OSU) decision over Mousa Jodeh (ILL) 10-4 | OSU 7, ILL 4
149: #5 Micah Jordan (OSU) fall over Eric Barone (ILL) 6:19 | OSU 13, ILL 4
157: Kyle Langenderfer (ILL) technical fall over Anthony DeCarlo (OSU) 18-3 | OSU 13, ILL 9
165: #1 Isaiah Martinez (ILL) technical fall over Cody Burcher (OSU) 22-7 | ILL 14, OSU 13
174: #12 Zach Brunson (ILL) major decision over Justin Kresevic (OSU) 19-8 | ILL 18, OSU 13
184: #10 Myles Martin (OSU) major decision over #13 Emory Parker (ILL) 11-3 | ILL 18, OSU 17
197: #5 Kollin Moore (OSU) fall over Andre Lee (ILL) 4:46 | OSU 23, ILL 18
HWT: #1 Kyle Snyder (OSU) fall over Duece Rachal (ILL) 4:17 | OSU 29, ILL 18
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Hearing Rodriguez is nursing some sort of injury but you never get details in this sport...hoping it won't effect him deeper into the season if true. Huge win for Tomasello, he is really getting into a grove and I like him against the field at 133...always did but really backing it up lately. Pletcher looks to be improving and hopefully continues to as we progress. Micah is wrestling at a high level and I honestly could see him placing above everyone not named Zain Retherford...although Sorensen is a tough one as well. Who knows on 157...hoping DeCarlo was wrestling due to an injury to Ryan, because there is no other explanation for how he has wrestled this year. No surprise on Burcher, IMAR is on another level. Wish we would have seen Bo but I believe he has already beat Brunson in the past. Arguably the best win of the season for Myles, very good performance. Kollin Moore continues dominating, same for Snyder.

I also agree that there is a possibility to make a run at the NCAA's even though OK State and PSU are the best dual teams. But I do think Rodriguez and Pletcher have to win quite a few matches even if they don't AA...I could see us getting zero wins/non-qualifiers in Ryan and Burcher (hope I am wrong there though).
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Finally got to watch it on BTN and he deserved it, he wrestled incredibly and was constantly attacking a very good wrestler...believe it or not, he beat him worse than the score looked.

PS: Kollin Moore is so damn fun to watch, constantly aggressive and even gets through some sloppy technique on effort and aggressiveness alone. He is basically my Aaron Craft of wrestling, I am never going to want to see him graduate.
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PSU's Mark Hall wrestled today. I happened to be flipping channels at the right time and saw the match. You can tell the talent is there. Fairly certain PSU wins the title this year.
They have a ridiculous amount of talent on that team and next year they will be untouchable because the few they lose will be replaced by more talented wrestlers. This is what happens when you get the top kids every year and combine it with elite coaching.
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They have a ridiculous amount of talent on that team and next year they will be untouchable because the few they lose will be replaced by more talented wrestlers. This is what happens when you get the top kids every year and combine it with elite coaching.

Agreed. Although our lineup might be more improved next year, PSU's will even more. But I will say after watching the Iowa vs. PSU dual, I really do think we can still win it this year regardless of whether we beat either of those teams in our duals. Need to win it this year though, PSU is about go on a 3-4 year run if nobody beats them this year.
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Agreed. Although our lineup might be more improved next year, PSU's will even more. But I will say after watching the Iowa vs. PSU dual, I really do think we can still win it this year regardless of whether we beat either of those teams in our duals. Need to win it this year though, PSU is about go on a 3-4 year run if nobody beats them this year.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't everyone back for the Bucks next year, including Hayes? I think the Bucks could bite this year and probably next year too. Once Snyder, Nato, and Bo are gone, we're a little lower, but we could still make some noise with the other guys, plus Romero and Singletary (Isaiah White?) in 2019.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't everyone back for the Bucks next year, including Hayes? I think the Bucks could bite this year and probably next year too. Once Snyder, Nato, and Bo are gone, we're a little lower, but we could still make some noise with the other guys, plus Romero and Singletary (Isaiah White?) in 2019.
PSU is starting to look like the UConn women's b-ball of college wrestling - the top recruits out of HS every year that come in day one "college ready" combined with elite coaching and a mystic that is hard to overcome.

It really comes down to bonus points and not having glaring holes in the line up. You can't afford non qualifiers but if you do you have a few you need bonus points in spades to make up for it. That's what wins titles. PSU has those guys up and down their lineup as 125, 149, 157, 165, 174, 184 and 285 are going to rack up points at NCAA's. They will probably get 9 out of 10 to NCAA and those 9 can score tons of points. I'm interested to see Nevills and Snyder on 2/3. I think Nevills is probably the 2nd best at that weight now even though I have Kyle getting a major decision head to head. You can make a case that PSU under-performed last year and still won with ease. So as a competitor you need to be able to match that kind of output this year and beyond. Snyder and NaTo are guys that can do it. If Bo is healthy he can as well though his path is tougher esp if the toe is not 100%. Points for OSU are going to be tough at 125, 157, 165 and expecting Pletcher, Martin, Moore and Micah to make up for that is asking a lot. Pletcher because he's very undersized and it's a tough weight, Martin because he's still adjusting and went from champ in 2016 to outside the top 10 this year, Micah because he's not yet proven he can be a point scoring machine at NCAA time and Moore because he'll be in his first NCAA and I still want to see him at the B1G first to see how he handles the grind. The point here is that a A LOT of things need to go right to match points PSU is going to put up in March. A LOT...

On next season... and this assumes Hayes is healthy, Pletcher probably red-shirts. There are still glaring holes at 157, 165 and 125 and there's no indication (just some side chatter) that White is going to transfer from NDC to OSU in 2017. Romero and Singletary are probably red-shirts simply because they have no open slot in the lineup. Romero is a 174 guy after Bo graduates and Singletary is the next 285 after Snyder graduates.
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No. 4 ranked Ohio State will travel to Maryland on Sunday for what is technically a home dual meet for the Buckeyes. Undefeated heavyweight (and Olympic champion) Kyle Snyder will be honored as the dual with the Maryland Terrapins will take place at his alma mater, Our Lady of Good Counsel High School in Olney, Maryland.

Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-...mecoming-highlights-no-4-buckeyes-at-maryland
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