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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't everyone back for the Bucks next year, including Hayes? I think the Bucks could bite this year and probably next year too. Once Snyder, Nato, and Bo are gone, we're a little lower, but we could still make some noise with the other guys, plus Romero and Singletary (Isaiah White?) in 2019.

I'd mostly just echo what Delaware said above. We do have everyone back and I would hope that Rodriguez, Hayes/Pletcher, and Moore have all improved after a year under their belt. However, there will still be a big hole at 157 and potentially 165...if White ends up in the lineup next year, it would be absolutely huge. I don't see 125 as a giant gap quite yet...Rodriguez proved to be solid when he was healthy and it looks like he was not lately (we just took a forfeit at 125). The issue is that PSU has about everyone back...Gulibon departs at 141 but they will fill that with Roman Bravo-Young and likely improve. Then you'll have Hall at full force and the class they are bringing in is ridiculous.

However, looking back over it, I would not count the Buckeyes out of it next year either, particularly if we get White in the lineup at 165. That would only leave a hole at 157 in my eyes and maybe Ryan can get healthy and back on track.
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Given that MD got the forfeit, there seems to be truth here. I am surprised though that it took this long for Rodriguez to sit given that he has been sliding back for a while.

I am as well but some guys feel they are good to go and it takes them a few losses to realize they are not near 100%. Looks like what happened here.
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No. 3 Iowa 21, No. 4 Ohio State 13
| Carver-Hawkeye Arena | Iowa City, Iowa
Ohio State: 8-1, 4-1 | Iowa 8-2, 4-1

125: #1 Thomas Gilman (UI) technical fall over #18 Jose Rodriguez (OSU) 23-8 | UI 5, OSU 0
133: #1 Nathan Tomasello (OSU) decision over Phillip Laux (UI) 10-3 | UI 5, OSU 3
141: #14 Luke Pletcher (OSU) decision over #15 Topher Carton (UI) 5-4 | OSU 6, UI 5
149: #3 Brandon Sorensen (UI) decision over #5 Micah Jordan (OSU) 2-0 | UI 8, OSU 6
157: #2 Michael Kemerer (UI) major decision over Jake Ryan (OSU) 14-3 | UI 12, OSU 6
165: Joey Gunther (UI) decision over Cody Burcher (OSU) 3-0 | UI 15, OSU 6
174: #1 Bo Jordan (OSU) decision over #11 Alex Meyer 3-2 | UI 15, OSU 9
184: #5 Sammy Brooks (UI) decision over #10 Myles Martin (OSU) 5-3 | UI 18, OSU 9
197: #5 Kollin Moore (OSU) major decision over Cash Wilcke (UI) 19-7 | UI 18, OSU 13
HWT: Steven Holloway (UI) decision over Josh Fox (OSU) 6-1 | UI 21, OSU 13

Sorensen and Sammy Brooks pulling out the wins was the difference in this one. Tomasello didn't get a chance to show what he's got against Cory Clark, and of course, no Snyder. I would have liked Rodriguez to avoid the tech, but at least he's back on the mat. Bo's win was nice, coming against, I believe, his highest ranked opponent this year, but he really had to pull out the single takedown late. All-in-all, about what was expected, a good experience on the road at Carver-Hawkeye. A lot of good things to take away from this one, lots of battling going on.
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I noticed Ohio State is creeping higher in the tournament rankings, slightly behind Penn State and OK State now. Tomasello is a solid #1 now and Kollin Moore (!) is up to number 4. Who knows? Maybe Pletcher is a life-saver this year? Coach Ryan is impressed with him.
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My take on last night's match... trying to stay upbeat

125 - Jrod doesn't resemble the guy from Dec - they'll need to get that corrected quickly
133 - hard to draw any conclusions here because Laux ran and tied up all match - maybe would have expected more points but Nate looked frustrated and abandoned his in/out movement from neutral
141 - gutty win - kid continues to impress even when he got dinged up last ight - benchmark match next week
149 - getting out from bottom continues to be a weak point & no shots at all - Retherford is a much better rider than Sorenson so next week is a big test
157 - Jake tried to stall his way to a decision and was lucky he didn't get teched - this will be ugly next week
165 - Cody took no shots and got ridden about the same as Micah - he also looked out of condition after 1 period
174 - considering Tom Ryan mentioned Bo hasn't worked out in 2 weeks this was a decent match
184 - Myles has a tendency to shut the offense down against decent competition and that's what happened here - his only TD was off of a bad shot from Brooks
197 - Moore continues to look great
285 - Fox is a backup of a backup but he looked completely unable to wrestle at this level
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Welcome to Saturday Spotlight! Here, we dive deep into the lives of Ohio State student-athletes and learn more about their journeys to Columbus, their love of the Buckeye traditions and who they are as competitors and students.

As the 2015 National Champions, the Ohio State wrestling team finished third overall at last season's finals — and are out to an 8-1 start this year. At the nucleus of the roster, Bo and Micah Jordan have been key to the Buckeyes success in 2016-2017, and face one of their toughest tests of the season in No. 2 Penn State next week.

Natives of St. Paris, Ohio, these brothers each won four consecutive Division Two state titles at national wrestling-powerhouse St. Paris Graham High School — where they were coached by their father, Jeff, who has won 16 consecutive state championships.

We had the chance to sit down with Bo and Micah to discuss their experience as teammates and siblings, as well as their responsibilities on and off the mat — and more specifically, Bo's duties as a husband and father of two.

When did you realize you may have a chance to wrestle in college?

Bo Jordan: I think in high school. In high school, I was pretty good, and I starting winning a lot. I really enjoyed wrestling and I really enjoyed competing. So, at that point, I kind of realized that I could do this collegiately, and competitively too. So after that point, I really started going after it.

Micah Jordan: Bo and I always dreamed of wrestling Division One, and competing. We went to the nationals growing up just to watch it, and watching it is so exciting. You want to go out there and wrestle and be in that environment. I always really dreamed of being in a Division One program, and once I got to high school, I was pretty successful and then I definitely wanted to do it. So Bo committed to Ohio State, and I followed the year after.

What is the best part about being an athlete?

BJ: I would say the best part about being an athlete here is that we the opportunity to do what we love. They’re paying for my college education, and I’ve got a wife and two kids. So they’re keeping us afloat with my full scholarship, and I still get to do what I love and wrestle every day.

MJ: The best part about being an athlete would be competing in front of Buckeye Nation, in front of the crowd — and no matter if you win or lose, it’s always exciting to go out and wrestle.

Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-athletics/2017/01/79501/saturday-spotlight
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My take is about similar to everyone else's. The score is about what I expected on the road without Snyder, but I was disappointed with how passive we wrestled...Pletcher and Moore were the only aggressors in my eyes. I get that Iowa wrestles that way but Penn State broke through that and attacked constantly, regardless of their matchup.

The biggest one to me believe it or not was the Burcher match. I usually love Cody and the way he wrestles, but he flat out gave up out there and the last takedown was awful. Disappointed Mic lost but he had a tough matchup and Sorensen's defense is tough to get through. And as a heads up on Bo, he's maybe about 60% right now and I'm starting to get worried about his health down the stretch.
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Stuff is starting to pile up, and I agree with Delaware that there's cause for concern. Yeah, Burcher needs to compete, he did it last year at times. We obviously have no shot at anything if Bo is 60%. That's sad to hear, but you're probably right about worrying. It's obviously worry-time with Rodriguez, because he was looking almost like a bright spot in December, and now he's back in Ryan territory. I'm still positive about this season, though. Lots of good possibilities are still presenting themselves. This team can be a tournament monster, the way things are laying out. I like the loss for Micah, actually, a lot for him to consider. He's definitely put some fear in some guys, since Sorensen, who was right there with Retherford, was afraid to try to score any points, and decided on riding out the third.
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Stuff is starting to pile up, and I agree with Delaware that there's cause for concern. Yeah, Burcher needs to compete, he did it last year at times. We obviously have no shot at anything if Bo is 60%. That's sad to hear, but you're probably right about worrying. It's obviously worry-time with Rodriguez, because he was looking almost like a bright spot in December, and now he's back in Ryan territory. I'm still positive about this season, though. Lots of good possibilities are still presenting themselves. This team can be a tournament monster, the way things are laying out. I like the loss for Micah, actually, a lot for him to consider. He's definitely put some fear in some guys, since Sorensen, who was right there with Retherford, was afraid to try to score any points, and decided on riding out the third.

To be clear, Bo can get healthy before the tourney. The issue is to do so, he's gotta take it easy and I worry about conditioning. Also agreed on Mic, really was not a bad loss at all, I feel that match could go either way at a neutral site in the future. And I really do agree that we can be a great tournament team when we're at full health, so even though it wasn't a great dual, plenty of upside with this team.

And congrats to Snyder, another awesome accomplishment for him.
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Big match tomorrow night


Projected matchups:


Thoughts... some tough matchups and to win we'll need some upsets and a little luck. Back in November if you told me Jose would be a large underdog vs true freshman Suriano at 125 I would not have believed it. But that's where we are and Jose will need to limit damages to a simple decision if possible. At 133 Nato should be able to get at least 5 or more. Anything less puts the upset in jeopardy. It's asking a lot to expect Luke to upset a senior in Guilibon. Guilibon has been inconsistent his entire career but has looked good in the last 3 matches and Luke never quits. This is the key to the upset - OSU must win this match to have any shot. At 149 Micah just needs to keep it close - nothing more than a major. At 157 I don't see any way DeCarlo doesn't give up the fall. At 165 Cody is going to need the best match he's wrestled all year to keep it to 3 points. OSU needs to win at 174 and that will come down to how well Bo is right now. OSU cannot win the match without Bo beating Hall. At 184 Myles is gonna need to turn on the offense and stay away from the funk that Nickal will bring. Cannot give up more than 4 points here. If he were to pull the upset things would look very good. At 197 Moore should be favored over an undersized McCutcheon but I don't see him getting more than 3 points because McCutcheon is tough to score on. I think Kyle is capable of getting a tech against Nevills but he just got back from Siberia on Monday and we don't know how he's feeling. I think he gets the major now and later at the B1G increases the gap even more.

If all those things happen both teams win 5 matches and and PSU has 19 and OSU 18. If OSU wrestles as they did last Friday PSU could win 7 and OSU 3 with a score of 27-12.
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