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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

The plus is that the team has a few weeks to get things rectified. The reality though is that 157 & 165 will be weights that probably do not qualify for NCAA. 125 will probably qualify but I don't think we score any point especially with the 3 day weigh in.
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B1G pre-seeds are out. No real surprises. Would have liked to have seen Martin avoid Nickal until the finals but he got a 4 seed and will meet in the semi's


I thought Pletcher would be above McCrystal...also thought maybe Martin would be above Jackson since he has beaten him so many times in the past. But really that is just one spot difference, not really any surprises.
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Scuttlebutt on Ohio Wrestling says it is Malik Heinselman #1 @ 106. A Junior from CO. Perhaps Tom sees Decatur at 133.

And confirmed: http://www.flowrestling.org/article...an-has-made-his-college-decision#.WLbouG_ythE

Heinselman is currently ranked No. 1 nationally at 106 pounds, and is the No. 50 overall Class of 2018 prospect. He joins No. 17 Jaden Mattox (Central Crossing, Ohio) as part of the Buckeyes' 2018 recruiting class.

Also Tom Ryan stated that more good news to come. So an additional potential commitment which the same forum thinks might be Jashon Hubbard or potentially Brakan Mead
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Scuttlebutt on Ohio Wrestling says it is Malik Heinselman #1 @ 106. A Junior from CO. Perhaps Tom sees Decatur at 133.

And confirmed: http://www.flowrestling.org/article...an-has-made-his-college-decision#.WLbouG_ythE


Also Tom Ryan stated that more good news to come. So an additional potential commitment which the same forum thinks might be Jashon Hubbard or potentially Brakan Mead

Another amazing get! I think Decatur could very likely end up at 133, as he is only a sophomore and appears to be growing. In any event, although the younger Decatur is talented in his own right, I think many were surprised that he had a commitable offer...some speculation is that it was in great part due to a package deal with his brother. It also appears that Heinselman is just on another level than most at his weight and is a "take" no matter what.
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The 182-pound senior is ranked No. 1 in the state by the Maryland State Wrestling Association and is ranked No. 8 in the country by Flowrestling. Smith asked for his release from Iowa State after coach Kevin Jackson announced he was resigning at the end of the season.

Yet another verbal commit...

If I knew anything about wrestling I'd try to create one of those scholie charts like FB and BB. I am confused at this point as I know we still have a number of people we are chasing. Edit: this will have to do. Credit to Ohio Wrestling Forum. If this is against the rules here I will take it down.


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First round:
Looks like Rodriguez won his opening match and will face the #1 seed now but Jake Ryan lost with an injury forfeit of some type. Burcher lost as well, so no surprises so far. Bonus points from Martin and Moore.

Second round (quarters):
Rodriguez was pinned
Tomasello hopefully was not putting it all out there. Won 6-4.
Pletcher and M Jordan also win by decision
Bo sneaks through after being down by 3
Martin wins, Synder dominates as normal.
Moore wins as well.
It's a shame we have such glaring holes in the middle of the line-up. If those sports were at the same caliber as the rest of the line-up they'd have a chance to win.
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Burcher just beat Gunther 6-1, enormous upset. Martin dominated Dudley, huge win. Rodriguez won his consolation match and has a big one next with a Lizak rematch. Ryan was eliminated, no surprise there...his injury seems apparent.

All in all, we're wrestling really well so far.
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Wow, Myles Martin! Bo had been/ still is a hammer all year.

6 through to the finals:
NaTo - win expected
M. Jordan - I don't expect a win here
B. Jordan - should win, really showed something in the semis, yet with his injury concerns and Hall wrestling well, I just don't have a good feeling here
Martin - I think he is feeling it and will win
Moore - I don't expect a win here
Snyder - win expected

Let's hope the PSU guys don't continue with their bonus point fests. We have a real shot at the Big 10 championship.
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