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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Some Ironman Stats after day one.

Most pins Least Time

1 Wyoming Seminary (PA) 13 32:13
2 St. Edward 11 36:10
3 Edmond North 10 34:34
4 Malvern Prep 9 19:02
5 Brownsburg 8 14:17
6 Massillon Perry 8 17:37
7 Blair Academy 8 26:14
8 Crown Point 7 15:10
9 State College 7 20:04
10 Center Grove 6 22:34

Most TF Least Time
1 Bishop McCort 10 31:20
2 Wyoming Seminary (PA) 6 27:51
3 Blair Academy 5 20:29
4 Reynolds 3 11:42
5 Dublin Coffman 3 11:55
6 Mt. Carmel 3 14:46
7 Jensen Beach 2 4:21
8 Legacy Christian Academy 2 5:14
9 Faith Christian Academy 2 6:09
10 St. Charles East 2 8:00

Most Total match Points
1 Wyoming Seminary (PA) 436
2 Bishop McCort 346
3 Blair Academy 310
4 Edmond North 270
5 St. Edward 263
6 Malvern Prep 238
7 Mt. Carmel 215
7 Perrysburg 215
9 Faith Christian Academy 214
10 Center Grove 210
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Ohioguys @Ironman-College Commits

Air Force
Gunner Cramblett: Graham, Ohio (175 lbs)

Holden Huhn: LaSalle, Ohio (138 lbs)

California Baptist
Jeremy Ginter: Whitmer, Ohio (157 lbs)

Central Michigan
Aidan Fockler: Massillon Perry, Ohio (285 lbs)

Cleveland State
Brady Quillen: Olentangy Liberty, Ohio (215 lbs)

Jaxon Joy: Wadsworth, Ohio (150 lbs)

Ryan Bennett: St. Edward, Ohio (150 lbs)

Carson Thomas: LaSalle, Ohio (174 lbs)

Michigan State
Brodie Dominique: Archbold, Ohio (144 lbs)

NC State
Brogan Tucker: Graham, Ohio (144 lbs)

Omar Ayoub: Dublin Coffman, Ohio (138 lbs)

North Carolina
Mitchell Younger: Bishop Watterson, Ohio (150 lbs)

Northern Illinois
Lucian O’Brien: St. Edward, Ohio (138 lbs)

Ty Wilson: Dublin Scioto, Ohio (150 lbs)

Ohio State
Ethan Birden: Dublin Coffman, Ohio (165 lbs)

Kade Brown: St. Edward, Ohio (144 lbs)
Colyn Limbert: Buckeye, Ohio (120 lbs)

Aiden Allen: LaSalle, Ohio (126 lbs)
Lincoln Shulaw: St. Francis DeSales, Ohio (190 lbs)
Max Shulaw: St. Francis DeSales, Ohio (215 lbs)

Virginia Tech
Dillon Campbell: Legacy Christian Academy, Ohio (132 lbs)

Eddie Neitenbach: Buckeye, Ohio (175 lbs)

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In the Ironman, got the two big finals matchups (at least in my mind) in Davino vs Blaze and DeLuca vs Jordan. Bassett vs Ayoub (Dublin Coffman) could be entertaining at 138. Vince Bouzakis in the finals, I have to assume that is Nic's brother or relative? Seems like a guy we should be going after. OSU commit Ethan Birden had a great win in quarters against his Blair kid, but lost in the semis to Ferrari 5-1 (not a surprise on that one)...still fighting his way back in consi's, and OSU commit Neeves is in the finals at HWT. Wish I could catch the finals.

Edit: Just saw that posted above right after I posted.
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Great matches you mentioned. Lilledahl vs Forrest is the match folks wanted as well. Vince is Nic's brother. Not sure where he would fit at OSU, but who knows...
Birden couldn't get any offense going against Ferrari. Looking forward to the finals.
That is another great one, Ironman never disappoints. Thanks for the info on Vince, that is what I thought but couldn't track down the info. Would like to see him at OSU fighting for the 149/157 spot...he beat Jaxon Joy and that is no joke, hopefully gets a title...seems like a weight range where he could land a job, or even moving up to 165 depending on how all shakes out. Birden had a tall feat against Ferrari, that kid is a monster and that Sealey match is going to be another interesting one.
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Matches will start at 175 and conclude with Ferrari vs Sealey.

106: #1-Joey Bachmann, Faith Christian vs. #4-Shamus Regan, Wy Sem

113: #10-Hunter Taylor, Liberty (Oregon St.) vs. #13-Davis Motyka, Wy Sem (Penn)

120: #2-Leo Deluca, Blair (Iowa) vs. #3-Beric Jordan, Stillwater (Oklahoma)

126: #1-Luke Lilledahl, Wy Sem (Penn St.) vs. #2-Jax Forrest, Bishop McCort

132: #1-Ben Davino, St. Charles (Ohio St.) vs. #2-Marcus Blaze, Perrysburg

138: #1-Bo Bassett, Bishop McCort vs. #14-Omar Ayoub, Dublin Coffman (Nebraska)

144: #1-Pierson Manville, State College (Arizona St.) vs. #10-Jack Consiglio, Malvern Prep (Stanford)

150: #3-Kody Routledge, Edmond N. (Nebraska) vs. #4-Vince Bouzakis, Wy Sem

157: #20-Landyn Sommer, Stillwater (Oklahoma) vs. #13-Aaron Stewart, Warren Township

165: #1-Angelo Ferrari, Melissa (Iowa) vs. #2-Joe Sealey, Wy Sem (Penn St.)

175: #8-Gage Wright, Parkersburg (Virginia Tech) vs #10-Colin Kelly, Mt. Carmel (Wisconsin)

190: #19-Jake Dailey, Wy Sem (Columbia) vs. 13-Cade Ziola, Skutt (Nebraska)

215: #3-Jude Correa, Wy Sem (Michigan) vs. #4-Rune Lawrence, Frazier (West Virginia)

285: #4-Carter Neves, Blair vs. #9-Sampson Stillwell, St. Michael
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