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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

125 McCrone loses 14-9. Not enough horsepower or facial hair...
133 Bouzakis wins 5-2. Wrestled well.
141 Mendez loses 4-2. Gave an escape and a TD in about the last ten seconds...
149 D'Emilio comes back to win 13-11.
157 Paddy wins 17-3. One more point would have mattered.
165Wilcox loses 10-2.
174 And...Kharch is hurt. UGH!!! Gonna keep wrestling. On his way to a maj. Holds on to win 11-7.
184 Hoffman loses 11-2. I've seen about enough of his, 'Vision Quest' to be honest...
197 I've been waiting for Geog. Looks like I'm still waiting. Loses 7-1.
285 I believe Misita would have given the Buckeyes a better chance... Swenski loses 12-2.
And the Buckeyes lose the dual. 21-13 PITT wrestled well.
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125 McCrone loses 14-9. Not enough horsepower or facial hair...
133 Bouzakis wins 5-2. Wrestled well.
141 Mendez loses 4-2. Gave an escape and a TD in about the last ten seconds...
149 D'Emilio comes back to win 13-11.
157 Paddy wins 17-3. One more point would have mattered.
165Wilcox loses 10-2.
174 And...Kharch is hurt. UGH!!! Gonna keep wrestling. On his way to a maj. Holds on to win 11-7.
184 Hoffman loses 11-2. I've seen about enough of his, 'Vision Quest' to be honest...
197 I've been waiting for Geog. Looks like I'm still waiting. Loses 7-1.
285 I believe Misita would have given the Buckeyes a better chance... Swenski loses 12-2.
And the Buckeyes lose the dual. 21-13 PITT wrestled well.
That was a tough dual to watch. Mendez should have won that match and McCrone may have come back to earth. Kharch is probably going to be out a bit, can't believe he finished the match honestly. Add that to the Feldman injury and we're already looking rough headed into January with injuries. Plus Hoffman looks really bad at 184 and Geog is kind of a huge unknown at 197 still. Hopefully we regroup.
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I think I’ve finally figured out how to post from my phone. Now the trick will be if I can remember how to do it tomorrow from the dual meets.
Old Man Syndrome can be a bitch.
Get off my lawn!
You figured that out before learning how to text me back about the meet?! You are getting old dude

Hope you have a good time, should be some really good raslin out there. Not sure if Feldman or Kharchla are going to go, but fingers crossed. I would also prefer to see Ryder and Hepner out there if they can go, they've shown more in real matches.
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You figured that out before learning how to text me back about the meet?! You are getting old dude

Hope you have a good time, should be some really good raslin out there. Not sure if Feldman or Kharchla are going to go, but fingers crossed. I would also prefer to see Ryder and Hepner out there if they can go, they've shown more in real matches.
Text? What's a text? Is that a new fangled device?
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So you're young enough to have IM experience...:blush:
Young enough to remember trying to beat the Bob Preusse report on where it had me ranked haha. Ironman was a far step above Beast of the East back then in terms of top notch competition. Bracket was bigger at BOTE, but Ironman was usually a battle from the opening match.

To turn it back to Ohio State, incredible Davino won it and Neeves destroyed everyone. Very encouraging. Then Blaze giving Davino that tough of a match...we HAVE to get Blaze. That kid is going to be unreal. Things with Davino, Bouzakis and Mendez will sort out. Kind of like football has been bringing in top QBs and WRs, compete and figure it out later. Aside from Blaze, there are some really intriguing prospects at his HS, so we want to get in there regardless. Kind of reminds me of when we went into Monroeville for Logie...turns out there was a ton of talent there even though Logie was the cream of the crop.
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