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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Sorry I stopped updating. Not sure what happened with my phone. Probably Old Man Syndrome striking again. Either that or my phone is haunted.
Bucks pulled off a huge upset against NC State 21-20 to win the team trophy.
Most exciting time was McCrone with a 27 second fall followed by Bouzakis with a 51 second fall to start things against NC State. Although I felt kind of cheated. I was set to watch 14 minutes of wrestling between those 2 matches and only got to see 78 sseconds.
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Sorry I stopped updating. Not sure what happened with my phone. Probably Old Man Syndrome striking again. Either that or my phone is haunted.
Bucks pulled off a huge upset against NC State 21-20 to win the team trophy.
Most exciting time was McCrone with a 27 second fall followed by Bouzakis with a 51 second fall to start things against NC State. Although I felt kind of cheated. I was set to watch 14 minutes of wrestling between those 2 matches and only got to see 78 sseconds.
At least you’re posting from your phone. I’m still trying to figure out how far to spin the dial for the number 2 to be an ‘A’, ‘B’, or a ‘C’.
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At least you’re posting from your phone. I’m still trying to figure out how far to spin the dial for the number 2 to be an ‘A’, ‘B’, or a ‘C’.

Sorry I stopped updating. Not sure what happened with my phone. Probably Old Man Syndrome striking again. Either that or my phone is haunted.
Bucks pulled off a huge upset against NC State 21-20 to win the team trophy.
Most exciting time was McCrone with a 27 second fall followed by Bouzakis with a 51 second fall to start things against NC State. Although I felt kind of cheated. I was set to watch 14 minutes of wrestling between those 2 matches and only got to see 78 sseconds.
Unbelievable opening with three straight falls against a highly ranked NCState. But the real hero was Rocco Welsh with a {literally} last second take down to win the match and the duel. Overall a darn good effort by the Bucks today. Only downer is the word that Kharchla's season sounds like it's over.
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Unbelievable opening with three straight falls against a highly ranked NCState. But the real hero was Rocco Welsh with a {literally} last second take down to win the match and the duel. Overall a darn good effort by the Bucks today. Only downer is the word that Kharchla's season sounds like it's over.
There were 2 straight falls. Mendez got a takedown with 8 seconds remaining to win his match. Rocco's takedown with 2 seconds left put NC State in a serious hole they couldn't crawl all the way out of.
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There were 2 straight falls.
No. There were three.

125 Mccrone (OSU) DEC Anderson (UNI), 10-8 3 0
133 Farber (UNI) DEC Bouzakis (OSU), 5-1 3 3
141 Mendez (OSU) DEC Happel (UNI), 4-2 6 3
149 Demilio (OSU) MAJ Allard (UNI), 11-1 10 3
157 Gallagher (OSU) DEC Downey (UNI), 4-1 13 3
165 Wilcox (OSU) DEC Yant (UNI), 4-2 16 3
174 Welsh (OSU) DEC Simma (UNI), 4-1 19 3
184 Keckeisen (UNI) MAJ Rogotzke (OSU), 17-4 19 7
197 Geog (OSU) MAJ Runyon (UNI), 14-4 23 7
285 Swenski (OSU) DEC Valdez (UNI), 8-2 26 7


125 Noto (LH) DEC Kilkeary (OSU), 10-3 0 3
133 Strickland (LH) DEC Gonzales (OSU), 6-1 0 6
141 Mendez (OSU) TF Zeamer (LH), 19-3, 5:16 5 6
149 Demilio (OSU) DEC Stonecheck (LH), 9-6 8 6
157 Gallagher (OSU) TF Hogan (LH), 19-4 4:25 13 6
165 Hepner (OSU) DEC Alderfer (LH), 7-1 16 6
174 Stoltzfus (LH) DEC Chase (OSU), 9-6 16 9
184 Hoffman (OSU) MAJ Fegley (LH), 20-6 20 9
197 Geog (OSU) TF Morrison (LH), 21-4, 4:36 25 9
HWT Swenski (OSU) DEC Miller (LH), 8-1 28 9


125 Mccrone (OSU) WBF Camacho (NCST), 0:37 6 0
133 Bouzakis (OSU) WBF Orine (NCST), 0:51 12 0
141 Mendez (OSU) WBF Jack (NCST), 6:54 18 0
149 Arrington (NCST) DEC Demilio (OSU), 5-3 18 3
157 Scott (NCST) DEC Gallagher (OSU), 4-2 18 6
165 Fields (NCST) DEC Wilcox (OSU), 4-1 18 9
174 Welsh (OSU) DEC Faison (NCST), 9-6 21 9
184 Fishback (NCST) DEC Rogotzke (OSU), 7-3 21 12
197 Hidlay (NCST) TF Geog (OSU), 22-7 21 17
HWT Trephan (NCST) DEC Feldman (OSU), 8-6 21 20
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