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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

McCrone lost in R16
Bouzakis lost his first rounder
Mendez into the semi vs Hardy from Nebraska
D'Emilio into the semi vs Lovett from Nebraska
Paddy lost in R16
Wilcox lost in R16
Kharchla into the semi vs DeVos from SDSU
Hoffman lost in the quarters
Geog lost in R16
Feldman lost in the quarters

Bouzakis, Paddy, and Feldman are alive in the consolation bracket as well
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McCrone lost in R16
Bouzakis lost his first rounder
Mendez into the semi vs Hardy from Nebraska
D'Emilio into the semi vs Lovett from Nebraska
Paddy lost in R16
Wilcox lost in R16
Kharchla into the semi vs DeVos from SDSU
Hoffman lost in the quarters
Geog lost in R16
Feldman lost in the quarters

Bouzakis, Paddy, and Feldman are alive in the consolation bracket as well
@bigdog3300 This CKLV thread has been going on for days. Every Buckeye match and score already listed along with team scores and even some commentary. You should check it out... :bonk:
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125: #30 Nico Provo, Stanford vs #16 Jore Volk, Wyoming
125: #6 Brett Ungar, Cornell vs #8 Michael DeAugustino, Michigan

133: #5 Kai Orine, NC State vs #18 Derrick Cardinal, SDSU
133: Tyler Knox, Stanford vs #11 Evan Frost, Iowa State

141: #3 Lachlan McNeil, North Carolina vs #7 Ryan Jack, NC State
141: #5 Jesse Mendez, Ohio State vs #4 Brock Hardy, Nebraska

149: #1 Ridge Lovett, Nebraska vs #7 Dylan D'Emilio, Ohio State
149: #4 Caleb Henson, VA Tech vs vs #3 Kyle Parco, Arizona State

157: #3 Peyton Robb, Nebraska vs #6 Will Lewan, Michigan
157: #9 Daniel Cardenas, Stanford vs #4 Jacori Teemer, Arizona State

165: #2 David Carr, Iowa State vs #7 Julian Ramirez, Cornell
165: #4 Izzak Olejnik, OK State vs #3 Cam Amine, Michigan

174: #28 Danny Wask, Navy vs #11 Travis Wittlake, Oregon State
174: #8 Cade DeVos, SDSU vs #4 Carson Kharchla, Ohio State

184: #1 Parker Keckeisen, UNI vs #12 Lenny Pinto, Nebraska
184: #14 (174) Sam Wolf, Air Force vs #6 Will Feldkamp vs Iowa State

197: #2 Tanner Sloan, SDSU vs #8 Jaxon Smith, Maryland
197: #6 Jacob Cardenas, Stanford vs #5 Trent Hidlay, NC State

285: #3 Lucas Davison, Michigan vs #15 Taye Ghadiali, Campbell
285: #10 Grady Griess, Navy vs #6 Yonger Bastida, Iowa State
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So far we're having a really good showing imo. McCrone had some nice wins. Mendez is on fire and has a real shot at Hardy imo (destroyed a good wrestler by TF). Bouzakis looks like he finally woke up and started whipping some guys (if he can rally into the 34d/4th place match that would help a ton). D'Emilio did great to make semi's but Lovett probably is a tough ask to beat. Paddy really showed toughness coming back in the consolation bracket and will place (and have a second shot at former HS teammate Adonian). Wilcox was meh after getting beat bad by the Standford kid, need more points at that weight. Kharchla looks poised to win the tourney but DeVos is a tough match in semi's and Wittlake (his likely opponent if he makes finals) is going to really test him, but he is our best chance at a tourney winner right now. Hoffman and Geog not placing is disappointing tbh, especially Hoffman against the *ichigan guy that was not seeded. Kind of shocked Feldman got smoked, but hopefully he bounces back today. Go Bucks!

I asked already and sorry if it has already been answered, but is there an alternative way to watch the CK other than Flo? I have been looking without any success so far.
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Bullocks, looks like I will be watching live results. Speaking of which, Mendez SMOKED Brock Hardy 11-3 to make it into the finals, that is a true signature win for Jesse. Feldman gets a TF 19-3 to advance and will place, great win for him. D'Emilio is getting worked by Lovett (5-0) and Paddy not looking great in his rematch (down 4-0).
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D'Emilio loses 11-0. Lovett is just too good.
Lovett is a stud...I coached against him when he was in HS and I heard some coaches say he was overrated...to which I asked what they were smoking because the talent and work ethic was there in abundance to me. D'Emilio's ceiling has always been AA to me and obviously that is a huge accomplishment if he can get there, but Lovett is likely your title winner this year if I had to bet on it. Bouzakis just got a pin against a really good opponent, nice to see him fighting back.

OSU is currently #3 and only 0.5 points back from Iowa State at #2 and and 1.5 points back from Nebraska. We are doing a hell of a job, fingers crossed on closing strong.
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