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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

Bouzakis wins 21-4 Consi 1.
Thank you for all the updates. McCrone won't win us a title, but he is better than what I gave him credit for...he could place in CK which is a huge accomplishment. Bouzakis I have no idea what is going on, maybe he needs to take a month off competition or something...whatever it is, he is nowhere near where he should be and needs to find his game again. Mendez has a tough kid from Cornell next and if he gets past that, I really want to watch him against Hardy.

D'Emilio with two excellent matches, he has a really tough (and crucial in terms of team races) match against Arrington next....make no mistake, that is a huge match for seeding come March. He likely loses to Lovett if he advances, but the next match is really important for Dylan. Paddy losing to an unseeded opponent tells me about all I need to know at 157, wonder if Wilcox can drop down there again from 165? Wilcox at 157 and Hepner at 165 seems like an improvement to me with how Paddy has looked so far...hate to say it when he comes in as the top ranked kid at his weight, but the hype hasn't come close to the performance yet.

As for 174, Griffith lost to an unseeded guy from Stanford...no idea what happened there, but holy guacamole. Kharchla could win it all now at that weight. Hoffman with a nice win at 184 over Fisher, really like him to advance to semi's over the AF kid. Tough loss for Geog at 197 to a good opponent, really wish he could have won that one but if he fights back in consolations he will be just fine. Feldman should dominate his next match and he has a very tough Bastida...really excited to see that match.

As a team, we are currently in second behind Nebraska only 2.5 points. Granted it is very early, but we look really good so far as a whole.
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He can't finish and he can't get out from bottom.

Agreed. Just keeps getting tougher though...
Paddy drives me insane honestly...he is so explosive with his shots, and just quits after he gets in on the legs and has no urgency to get the takedown. Wtf really...I've coached and wrestled for many years, it is something that can absolutely be taught and learned. But the not getting out from the bottom is just coaching to me more than anything, it is a recurring theme for most of our wrestlers and I really hate that we have not figured it out yet. Freaking do a switch to a standup, Granby roll, it isn't rocket surgery.

It gets tougher for sure, but it is really encouraging to be in 1st heading to the Semi's! I didn't think we would be looking at that scenario, so I am proud of the team effort so far. If we can keep scrapping, I seriously think we can win the damn thing.

The things that could get us a very valuable CK Tourney win and/or ranking improvements (in no real order other than weight, and my inability to just comment on one thing with wrestling):

(1): McCrone beating Babin and then an unseeded opponent next to place...the first match will be the toughest, but if he pulls it off it might be the difference in the tourney; (2) Bouzakis at 133 could smoke everyone in consolations, or could just lose again to an inferior opponent....we will see what happens, but this is a huge variable; (3) Mendez is killing it at 141, I hope he grabs the next win and the Hardy match will be match; (4) D'Emilio has a shot to move up with a win in the quarters....semi's is likely an L with Lovett but Dylan goes hard and can pull the upset; (5) at 157, Paddy is just disappointing....he has the talent to be better, but I'm worried he won't be at this point to be perfectly honest; (6) at 165, either of Hepner or Wilcox might win 2-3 matches at NCAA's...that is the upside; (7) for 174, Kharchla should be top 3 on the podium...a win this weekend would be nice; (8) at 184, I like Hoffman a lot...he is at his natural weight (much better than 197 imo) and I really can't wait to see his finish to this tourney; (9) Geog is going to be really, really, really good here...he just needs another year to develop...; and (10) Feldman will be a name that no Buckeye fans ever forget...he will be a legend and maybe not Kyle Snyder, but close.
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