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Game Thread Ohio State vs TCU (Arlington, TX) - 09/15/18, 8:00PM (ABC)

Back to 2018, for what little it is worth, the public betting is extremely heavy on OSU (i.e., >85% per Vegas insider), but the line is staying pretty stagnant thus far, suggesting some big bets on TCU (at least thus far).

Either that or Vegas knows something we don't (which we've seen before).

Not sure what that would be in this case.

Sometimes though, even if Vegas doesn't know something, sometimes the big spenders know something the rest of us don't.

We have several member that pay a lot more attention to this stuff than I do; but this gives me pause.
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I didn't look up anything, but as a Dalton fan I follow the Bengals and their high draft picks. Especially last draft when it was obvious all the Bengals really need is to improve the Oline to be contenders.

No I dont know much of anything about Ohio, Im from New England, Texas and NYC, why would I?
Did I say anything about Ohio? You're a strange d'uck.
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Either that or Vegas knows something we don't (which we've seen before).

Not sure what that would be in this case.

Sometimes though, even if Vegas doesn't know something, sometimes the big spenders know something the rest of us don't.

We have several member that pay a lot more attention to this stuff than I do; but this gives me pause.
As for giving pause, it is still early in the week, so there may still be some movement either way.
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There is no good brisket in Texas, better off staying in Ohio.

But while ive got you on the line discussing NFL stadiums, do you think the Bengals will make the playoffs this year? Do you think Andy Dalton will make his 4th pro bowl this year. Do you think Andy Dalton will be the best and biggest football star the state of Ohio has ever seen when his career is all said and done?

That guy is pure class, Who Dey!

My prediction going into this season was a 9-7 year, 10-6 if we’re lucky. Dalton has a ton of weapons this year, and if they can keep Eifert healthy, he has a decent shot at putting up some big numbers. Joe Mixon might chew into those numbers in tight games, which may hurt his chances. As for the last statement, not even close. No one will come close to Jim Brown as far as biggest football star Ohio has seen. As far as QB’s, it’s going to take a lot for Dalton to top Ken Anderson (who should realistically be a HOF’er) as well. All that being said, for as much shit that Dalton gets, I’m glad the Bengals drafted him.
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Two-Minute Drill: Ryan Day on 9.11.18 B1G Teleconference


Ohio State acting head coach Ryan Day took part in Tuesday’s weekly Big Ten Coaches Teleconference. Day spoke for his customary eight minutes and provided updates on his football team and also talked about the upcoming matchup this Saturday in Dallas against the TCU Horned Frogs. Here are the highlights of what he had to say.

+ Looking forward to this game and getting on the road for the first time to play a Top 20 opponent. They are knee deep in game planning right now.

+ TCU has a veteran group of players who have played in big games before. They’ll be close to home as well. They have an excellent defensive scheme. They are put in positions to be successful and they don’t hurt themselves on defense. “It will be a big challenge for us.”

+ Asked if Tate Martell will play this week, Day said the plan has always been to play him. He is getting better. He’s playing his first real football at Ohio State — Dwayne Haskins too. “So now they both have to take the next step.” They are trying to get both players as many snaps as they can.

+ The toughest challenge of TCU’s 4-2-5 is that they can match up well with offenses. Their hybrid linebacker can cover like a safety, so it’s hard to find matchup problems for the Ohio State offense. The focus this week in practice is to have the offense be ready as a whole, not just Dwayne Haskins, and to give him a good picture of what to expect.

+ Haskins did a nice job of preparing for the different looks last week as well as his communication with the offensive line. When you don’t do that, the offense gets out of rhythm. The preparation has been good, but this game is going to be a step up for them.

+ Cornerback Jeff Okudah has really developed over the past year. He has a lot of talent and is very aggressive. His mindset is just like the other great corners at OSU. Everyone has worked hard to develop his technique and fundamentals. He’s one of the best kids you can be around on a day-to-day basis because of his demeanor and work ethic.

+ Linebacker Baron Browning is very, very talented. Browning and the staff have put a lot of work in to get him ready for this year. He runs from sideline to sideline and makes plays. They need depth at that position and they have it.

Entire article: https://theozone.net/2018/09/ryan-day-9-11-18-teleconference/



When asked just how big of a game Saturday's is against No. 15 TCU, Ohio State acting head coach Ryan Day had the perfect response: "If you don't think it's a big game, try losing it."

In his third and final act filling in for suspended head coach Urban Meyer, Day will lead his No. 4 ranked Buckeyes into AT&T Stadium to meet the Horned Frogs at 8 p.m. in the AdvoCare Showdown, televised nationally on ABC.

"We're looking forward to this game. A great opportunity to go on the road for the first time and play a top 20 opponent. We're excited for the challenge," Day said. "They're a veteran group who's played in big games before. A lot of the guys on defense have played a lot of football. Their scheme is excellent. They don't hurt themselves. Everything we get, we're going to have to earn. So it's a big challenge coming up for us."

Quarterback Dwayne Haskins has certainly earned the recognition he's received up unto this point. The sophomore has completed 42-of-53 pass attempts for 546 yards and nine touchdowns. But the Horned Frogs' defense will show him looks he's never seen before.

"That 4-2-5 defense ... they have a hybrid linebacker who has the ability to play coverage and get in the box and get his nose dirty," Day said. "So it's hard to find matchup problems because they have guys who can do multiple things."

Day said the Buckeyes' main concern was pass protection and keeping Haskins in rhythm.

"The focus is more on us, giving him clean protection and staying in rhythm," Day said. "Pass protection is a huge part of it."

Heading into Saturday's primetime kickoff in Arlington, here's what remains from Day's appearance on the weekly teleconference.

  • Commented on backup quarterback Tate Martell: "The plan has always been to play Tate. He brings a different skill package to the table. He's getting better. He and Dwayne, in terms of meaningful time, this is the first opportunity for them to play. Now they have to take that next step, going into a big environment on the road. Anytime you have the threat to throw the ball with his athletic ability, you have to prepare for that. Shots down the field become available."
  • Was asked about quarterback Dwayne Haskins' preparation: "Dwayne started yesterday getting prepared for this defense. He did a nice job of going into last week and preparing. The most progress he's made is in the classroom and understanding the offense, understanding football."
  • Commented on defensive back Jeffrey Okudah: "Jeff has really developed over the past year and has a lot of talent. He's very aggressive. He's not going to back down from anybody. You can see that getting better everyday. He's one of the best kids you can be around in terms of day-to-day. Good things are happening. I think he's got a lot of great football ahead of him."
  • Discussed Baron Browning's role at middle linebacker: "Very talented, highly recruited. They've put a lot of work in to develop him where he's at. He's learned a lot from (sophomore) Tuf (Borland). Tuf's glad he's out there."
  • "Really disappointed about Saturday's performance. Played a very, very good team that executed well. We did not. We didn't play to give ourselves a chance to win. We're excited to move on and get back into non-conference play."
  • Was asked about having to gameplan against Nick Bosa: "First of all, he's a great player. He plays with a high motor and he's not just a pass rusher, he's very good on the run as well. When you play a defensive end like that, you have to be aware of him and you have to be creative. There's a lot that goes into it when you play a difference maker like him. I would consider him as one of the best players in the country."
Entire article: https://www.elevenwarriors.com/ohio-state-football/2018/09/96338/big-ten-teleconference-recap
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My mistake you are correct. I must have blacked it out or it occurred after the blowout was on, but still he did set the TCU record for most pass attempts to start a career which is pretty impressive considering how successful TCU has been at that position. Basically, even with that one interception in a monsoon, there is not a whole lot of evidence to suggest Robinson is anything other than great when it comes to ball protection.
I can accept that... I don't expect turnovers but I do expect a defensive line to make it difficult on him to throw accurately.

Games are won up front. We have 3 of 5 returning on the OL and we have 3 first rounders (that's not an exaggeration) on the DL. TCU no doubt has the athletes but unless you all get a few special teams/defensive plays to either score or set up short fields just not sure how you guys keep up. Where it matters most you all return 2 of 9 and going against a group as talented as OSU up front you have to be able to hold up.

You guys for the most part scored only 21 with less than 400 yards offense against SMU in the rain. OSU in the rain vs Rutgers (better defense than SMU) scored 52 LEGIT points with close to 600 yards of offense.
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