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Game Thread Ohio State vs TCU (Arlington, TX) - 09/15/18, 8:00PM (ABC)

I've decided to only return to JerryWorld for CottonBowls and Big12Championship games, and I only drink Prosecco. If I do go it'll be in a luxury suite, thanks for the offer though.
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I've decided to only return to JerryWorld for CottonBowls and Big12Championship games, and I only drink Prosecco. If I do go it'll be in a luxury suite, thanks for the offer though.
Welp boys, it looks like our new friend is prolly fast friends with Cdiddy. They share the same happy hour ideals.

Well best of luck to ya sir.
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I can accept that... I don't expect turnovers but I do expect a defensive line to make it difficult on him to throw accurately.

Games are won up front. We have 3 of 5 returning on the OL and we have 3 first rounders (that's not an exaggeration) on the DL. TCU no doubt has the athletes but unless you all get a few special teams/defensive plays to either score or set up short fields just not sure how you guys keep up. Where it matters most you all return 2 of 9 and going against a group as talented as OSU up front you have to be able to hold up.

You guys for the most part scored only 21 with less than 400 yards offense against SMU in the rain. OSU in the rain vs Rutgers (better defense than SMU) scored 52 LEGIT points with close to 600 yards of offense.

Ok, but again Kansas is favored vs Rutgers and TCU put their backups in late in the 3rd quarter I believe. What makes you say Rutgers has a better D than SMU though? Also yes both games were played in "rain" but one was a monsoon and one was a drizzle.
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Ok, but again Kansas is favored vs Rutgers and TCU put their backups in late in the 3rd quarter I believe. What makes you say Rutgers has a better D than SMU though? Also yes both games were played in "rain" but one was a monsoon and one was a drizzle.
Even with OSU throwing down 570+ yards on Rutgers they rank 75th at 375 ypg. SMU is ranked 108th at 461 ypg.

You guys brought their average down for pete sake. North Texas did them better than your boys.
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That is the hundredth time you've brought that up. Do you usually chest-thump about how cupcakes stack up with other cupcakes?

Well then it must be the 100th time ive been pressed to respond to Rutgers game v SMU game. Or as you put it cupcake v cupcake. Its funny that when I respond in defense of a critique given it equates to chest thumping or arrogance. So how does one respond when someone is claiming scoring on Rutgers as their evidence for future victory? Should I just say "oh gooly jeez you scored 50 on Rutgers we lil froggies gunna get blown out?" Or is it chest-thumping to post a reminder that Kansas is favored against Rutgers?
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Well then it must be the 100th time ive been pressed to respond to Rutgers game v SMU game. Or as you put it cupcake v cupcake. Its funny that when I respond in defense of a critique given it equates to chest thumping or arrogance. So how does one respond when someone is claiming scoring on Rutgers as their evidence for future victory? Should I just say "oh gooly jeez you scored 50 on Rutgers we lil froggies gunna get blown out?" Or is it chest-thumping to post a reminder that Kansas is favored against Rutgers?
Please promise to stay for at least a week after this game is over.
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Ohio State depth chart remains the same heading into TCU

The Buckeyes are as close to 100 percent as they could hope for heading into their first big test of the season.

As players like Tuf Borland and Jordan Fuller took advantage of a little extra time off early in the season, the Buckeyes look to be at as close to 100 percent as they could possibly be, with no surprising changes coming to the third two-deep of the season.

After missing Week 1, Jordan Fuller is back as a starting safety after changing the look over the back-seven against Rutgers.


Entire article: https://www.landgrantholyland.com/2018/9/11/17846942/ohio-state-depth-chart-tcu
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