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Game Thread Ohio State vs TCU (Arlington, TX) - 09/15/18, 8:00PM (ABC)

The 3 first rounders on the DL front and the entire LB group that weighs over 230.

He threw a INT his last start chief

My mistake you are correct. I must have blacked it out or it occurred after the blowout was on, but still he did set the TCU record for most pass attempts to start a career which is pretty impressive considering how successful TCU has been at that position. Basically, even with that one interception in a monsoon, there is not a whole lot of evidence to suggest Robinson is anything other than great when it comes to ball protection.
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I have to side with hippofroggy here. The "evidents" shows there are many reason TCU will dominate:

1)They have 12 straight Remington award winners…though only three of them got drafted….most not in the first round

2)Vegas has no idea what they are talking about

3)We were skared of them in 2014 and were lucky to draw Alabama instead

4)The hurricane in NC could greatly impact the indoor weather in Ft Worth

5)Horned Frogs have horns…did you know they had horns!!!!!

6)They dominated SMU for 1.5 quarters

7)moxy..they have lots of moxy

8)they will likely pin their ears back and that’s hard for a frog to do

There are probably more reasons but living in the midwest, I has run out of internet bandwidth and have to go plow the fields
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I have to side with hippofroggy here. The "evidents" shows there are many reason TCU will dominate:

1)They have 12 straight Remington award winners…though only three of them got drafted….most not in the first round

2)Vegas has no idea what they are talking about

3)We were skared of them in 2014 and were lucky to draw Alabama instead

4)The hurricane in NC could greatly impact the indoor weather in Ft Worth

5)Horned Frogs have horns…did you know they had horns!!!!!

6)They dominated SMU for 1.5 quarters

7)moxy..they have lots of moxy

8)they will likely pin their ears back and that’s hard for a frog to do

There are probably more reasons but living in the midwest, I has run out of internet bandwidth and have to go plow the fields

lol...SMU had one good run where, on the first drive in a monsoon the running back slipped/spun through 3 tackles. TCU dominated the game after that.

Meanwhile Oregon st scores what 33 against you? Holy heck.
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damn good excuses!
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I think he’s pretty great. Now, you wanna talk 1973? ‘Cause I think Ohio State could go toe-to-toe with TCU in ‘73.
Let me try... as him...

"You know, last week, TCU beat SMU and Craig James killed 5 340 pound rimington award winning hookers there once. Andy Dalton."
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We have depth at Dline too, even w/our All American out due to injury. Of course that injury is a huge advantage for Ohio. As for 2014, That frog line would have decimated Ohio, better talent all around that year for the frogs compared to the buckeyes, other than Zeke.
Yep, that OSU team was very light on talent. It only had 4 first round picks at db (and a 2nd rounder) and 4 pro bowlers overall.

Curtis Samuel, Devin Smith, Taylor Decker, Raekwon McMillan, Darron Lee, Gareon Conley were pretty average too.
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