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Game Thread Ohio State vs TCU (Arlington, TX) - 09/15/18, 8:00PM (ABC)

Rutger's Tariq Cole, one of the best tackles our DEs will face all year, is 317 (6'6"). Both Bosa and Young each got a sack off him, along with multiple hurries. TCU had one OL that made all-conference last year (guard Matt Pryor, second team). In fact, Pryor was the only offensive Hornfrog to make the first or second all-conference team. And no Hornfrog made the media's preseason all-conference team--first or second--on offense. So our guests can throw out all size number they want. We all know that the TCU OL is in for a world of hurt on Saturday...
The way I see it too... Sorry but dude you're replacing 4 starters on the OL and are asking them to win vs 3 first rounders (with the 4th being a top 3 rounder). That's just a tall order chief especially considering you need to win consistent battles up front
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Good stuff. I'll try to post my thoughts later when I have time

Until then, I highly recommend reading Ross Fulton's breakdowns as he's probably the best football analyst in the Buckeye world when it comes to film study

11 Warriors also has good film breakdown and their articles are always free

Cool, will check it out.

This is great.

"If Patterson’s philosophy is to force his opponents to throw deep, Art Briles’s Bears have been only too happy to oblige."

Interesting because J.T. Barrett could not do this. Dwayne Haskins can.

Yeah, Briles' teams ability to go deep burned the Frogs on several occasions. Same with some OU and Ok St games in recent years. I would suspect GP's belief is that airing the ball 30 yards downfield is a low percentage play (especially with what is usually a solid pass rushing team). But when it hits, it hurts. Especially with Briles because he had QBs accurate with the deep ball and typically at least one guy going deep every play regardless of the situation.
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The way I see it too... Sorry but dude you're replacing 4 starters on the OL and are asking them to win vs 3 first rounders (with the 4th being a top 3 rounder). That's just a tall order chief especially considering you need to win consistent battles up front
Not to mention the depth of our DL. With constant rotation I can see us absolutely owning their OL by the mid/late 3rd quarter, ala against Oregon in the 2014 NCG.
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The way I see it too... Sorry but dude you're replacing 4 starters on the OL and are asking them to win vs 3 first rounders (with the 4th being a top 3 rounder). That's just a tall order chief especially considering you need to win consistent battles up front
Not to mention the depth of our DL. With constant rotation I can see us absolutely owning their OL by the mid/late 3rd quarter, ala against Oregon in the 2014 NCG.
You guys are over thinking it. LeCharles Bentley won the Rimington in 2001. We got this.
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Yeah, Briles' teams ability to go deep burned the Frogs on several occasions. Same with some OU and Ok St games in recent years. I would suspect GP's belief is that airing the ball 30 yards downfield is a low percentage play (especially with what is usually a solid pass rushing team). But when it hits, it hurts. Especially with Briles because he had QBs accurate with the deep ball and typically at least one guy going deep every play regardless of the situation.

Co-OCs Ryan Day and Kevin Wilson have expressed they're not inclined to send a WR deep every single play because that hinders their ability to push the tempo. Will be interesting to see if they break that tendency Saturday given the matchup and the benefit of playing in a dome.
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Ohio State has a lot of good former players in the NFL right now that should help them on the field Saturday. Archie Griffin won back-to-back Heisman trophies in ‘74-‘75, which looms large here.
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We have depth at Dline too, even w/our All American out due to injury. Of course that injury is a huge advantage for Ohio. As for 2014, That frog line would have decimated Ohio, better talent all around that year for the frogs compared to the buckeyes, other than Zeke.
Why you gotta bring the Bobc'ats into this?
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We have depth at Dline too, even w/our All American out due to injury. Of course that injury is a huge advantage for Ohio. As for 2014, That frog line would have decimated Ohio, better talent all around that year for the frogs compared to the buckeyes, other than Zeke.

I trust you haven't looked up names for that Oline save for knowing Zeke was our RB.

Also unless your name is Brady Hoke you might want to stop calling us "Ohio". You're not facing the Bobcats, chief
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or, the point I was making is that TCU has over 10 straight years of NFL/Rimington caliber Center play and there is no reason to expect that to change in 5 days.
The last three TCU centers who were drafted:

1997 Ryan Tucker, 112 overall
2009 Blake Schlueter, 225 overall
2016 Joey Hunt, 215 overall

Last three centers drafted for Ohio State:

2014 Corey Linsley, 161 overall
2017 Pat Elflein, 70 overall
2018 Billy Price, 21 overall

Keep the hot takes coming. You are amusing.
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