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Game Thread Ohio State vs TCU (Arlington, TX) - 09/15/18, 8:00PM (ABC)

Is he really saying that it took late in the third quarter to put in the back ups??!!?! The back up QB was in the first quarter against Butgers...how does that pertain to Saturday night?

I watched that shitty game on Friday and it was no monsoon Francis.

You are right it wasnt just a monsoon, I forgot to mention the accompanying 2 hour lightning delay. Did your game have a 2 hour lightning delay?
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It did in Week 1. And it was at halftime. Ironically enough, a bulk of OrSU’s scoring came after that delay, with backups in on defense.

Well that's not what I wanted to read.

Look, some of you have recovered a bit from the poor start to this thread, and for that I am appreciative. The unfoldings of the last month or so have definitely favored yous guys so there is no doubt you are favored to win at this point, and I dont believe I have stated anything contrary to that.
Let the game be good and injury free, with both fan bases seeing each other in a better light than previously.
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I’m gonna need to hear what your sauce preference is before I believe you. Doubling down on the Prosecco does NOT lend confidence to the opinion that you have proper smoked meat sensibilities. I’m dubious.

It doesn't pair well at all. Brisket eggs benedict?

Sweet BBQ Hollandaise? :pimp:
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Congrats to all yawls


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Well that's not what I wanted to read.

Look, some of you have recovered a bit from the poor start to this thread, and for that I am appreciative. The unfoldings of the last month or so have definitely favored yous guys so there is no doubt you are favored to win at this point, and I dont believe I have stated anything contrary to that.
Let the game be good and injury free, with both fan bases seeing each other in a better light than previously.
Well I think we were on a better road until you threw us on that Prosecco in the suite route. No mutha can be trusted with smoked brisket if that’s his only party option.
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Well then it must be the 100th time ive been pressed to respond to Rutgers game v SMU game. Or as you put it cupcake v cupcake. Its funny that when I respond in defense of a critique given it equates to chest thumping or arrogance. So how does one respond when someone is claiming scoring on Rutgers as their evidence for future victory?
He's speaking your language.
Should I just say "oh gooly jeez you scored 50 on Rutgers we lil froggies gunna get blown out?" Or is it chest-thumping to post a reminder that Kansas is favored against Rutgers?
No, it's ridiculous. The transitive property is the commodity of foolishness.

Also, the point spread is -3, and Kansas is at home. So they're pretty much dead even in a head to head battle of awful teams, maybe a half point better.
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