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Game Thread Ohio State vs TCU (Arlington, TX) - 09/15/18, 8:00PM (ABC)

I was high end happy hour trolled by the Didster today. Thankfully the other Horned Frog chimed in with some good options. He’s good people.
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Nothing wrong with prosecco--partial to La Maschera. The concept of being limited to one specific style of alcohol would be my definition of hell. Puts a chill up my spine.
Agree with all of this. Prosecco is fine. But so is Blanton’s, Pliny The Elder, Pappy Can Winkle, Don Julio, Vincent Arroyo Rattlesnake...the list goes on and on. One must indulge in as many as possible.
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Well no I dont pair my brisket and Prosecco, but brisket eggs benedict might actually be a genius idea, and I may try it with a mimosa.

I suppose I will still have a Margarita on occasion, and yes I have drunk too much of most everything, now settling for Prosecco as drink of choice.

Drink as many margarita's as you can while you are in Tejas, how's that for friendly local tips?
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