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Game Thread Ohio State @ That TeaX Up North - 11/30/19, Noon (FOX)

Speaking of DFBIA, some of them seem to have the weird notion that bad weather gives them a leg up. Odd considering youd figure bad weather would favor the team thats better in the trenches (its not scUX)

I think it does help them tbh simply for the fact that it may allow them to play Don Brown's style of D and not have to worry about covering our WR's all over the field. Our D should shut them down, but bad weather may limit our O a lot too. I also wonder if they'll throw up inaccurate jumpballs and hope the refs cave and call bs pass interference
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I think it does help them tbh simply for the fact that it may allow them to play Don Brown's style of D and not have to worry about covering our WR's all over the field. Our D should shut them down, but bad weather may limit our O a lot too. I also wonder if they'll throw up inaccurate jumpballs and hope the refs cave and call bs pass interference

It may limit our O but you could also argue that it completely handicaps theirs, since they have yet to prove that they can even somewhat run the ball competently against top notch defenses.
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2016 version #2: A nice screen play on 3rd down goes for a good chunk of yards.....but there's a facemask on one of the OLineman downfield blocking. Brings the ball all the way back behind the first down marker, so it's still 3rd down, but only 5 to go. Harbaugh loses his shit and needs it explained to him several times that a 15 yard penalty that brings the ball back to short of a first down, means it's not a first down.

3 plays later, Jerome Baker picks of Speight. Harbaugh is still bewildered about the facemask call. Michigan jumps offsides on the next play, Harbaugh wanted a false start and comes completely unglued, giving us a 15 yard penalty for....I believe the official call was Coach Douchebaggery on the Michigan sideline. While Harbaugh tries to figure out how to put a broken headset on for a good 5 seconds before the camera turns back to the field, TD Mike Weber. Momentum completely swings in our favor, and shit happens, bum juice.
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Weatherwise, this game might resemble the Wisconsin game, just 10-ish degrees cooler.

I think the rain/snow line is going to be northwest of Ann Arbor but it's still going to be mid-30s with a >75% chance of rain. Winds should be in the 10-15MPH range with some gusts up to 20 MPH. All in all a miserable day.

scUM HAS TO throw the ball to win this game. They won't be able to run it consistently enough. The weather does them no favors whatsoever.
This all day. I have no clue what people are smoking when they say the weather aids Michigan. Did no one watch Ohio State absolutely demolish a better Wisconsin team in a torrential downpour and move the ball virtually at will? Did these same people also not watch Ohio State's defense shut down a Wisconsin running game that's far more potent than anything SCUM has been able to muster?

This is honestly the first time in The Game where there's not one single area where I see a matchup in SCUM's favor.
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It may limit our O but you could also argue that it completely handicaps theirs, since they have yet to prove that they can even somewhat run the ball competently against top notch defenses.
The strength of their offense is throwing the ball and ours is running the ball.

Give me our OL, JF, and JK over their OL, Patterson, and whoever they have at RB.

Not to mention the depth of our defensive front which they are critically thin at.
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The strength of their offense is throwing the ball and ours is running the ball.

Give me our OL, JF, and JK over their OL, Patterson, and whoever they have at RB.

Not to mention the depth of our defensive front which they are critically thin at.

I dont know how much of a strength throwing the ball really is for them. Patterson has had 2 big games in a row, but that was against a beat to shit Sparty defense and a meh at best Indiana defense. In the other 2 wins before that after PSU he was pedistrian at best against Notre Dame and Maryland. Would venture to say that the past 2 games were just the scUM WRs out talenting mediocre secondaries rather than Patterson actually making huge strides as a passer.
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Of all the whiny, bitchy ass scUM players to come through that dreaded school, I hated Devin Gardner a lot less than most others. He also showed great humanity and sportsmanship to JT when he went down the year after.
He was a solid player on an otherwise NOT great team who played his ass off to will his team to victory.... only to come up short vs the Good Guys.

Today, we drink to the vanquished.

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The day has arrived and there is not an empty seat in the Big House. A blanket of frost is on the ground and snow is lightly falling as silver helmets glisten. Puffs of air vapor through players facemasks, as a cold chill is in the air. It's High Noon. And it's THE GAME! Nothing else matters for the next three hours. Time is at a stand still as the greatest rivalry in sports begins with a BOOM of a kickoff and bodies collide with a fierceness only reserved for THE GAME. And with the first hit on the kick return we hear Gus Johnson say, "OH MY....THE Ohio State Buckeyes came ready to play!"

The silver and gray defense takes the field but before they do they hear these words from their star DE, "Men, it's time to eat! This is for the brotherhood." And eat they do. From the first play to the last a fearless band of warriors battle, fight and clash with the enemy, The Team Up North. The goal: Steal the enemy's heart. Make them wish this game never happened. Remind them who is the crown jewel of the BIG TEN. Don't just win THE GAME but so dominate your opponent that the enemy cannot look anyone in the eye after the game is over. Rob them of their manhood. Crush their pride. It's total humiliation, ALL. OVER. AGAIN!

As the final tick of the clock arrives, finding the Buckeyes once again in a victory formation, everyone sees it once again. You know, that blank stare of the TTUN's head coach, his heart ripped from his chest and his mind wondering what went wrong, yet again? No answers. No hope. No longer any excuses. He, the players, coaches and entire fanbase finally admit with one voice, "THE Ohio State Buckeyes are the superior team."

And once again, the team in scarlet and gray gather together in the end zone, band and fan's assembled with them, and they proudly sing....
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
And songs to Alma Mater raise
While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
Time and change will surely (truly) show
How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

These jolly days of priceless worth
By far the gladdest days on earth
Soon will pass and we not know
How dearly we love Ohio
We should strive to keep thy name
Of fair repute and spotless fame
So in college halls well grow
And love thee better ... OHIO!

Though age may dim our mem'ry's store

We'll think of happy days of yore
True to friend and frank to foe
As sturdy sons of Ohio
If on seas of care we roll
Neath blackened sky or barren shoal
Thoughts of thee bid darkness go
Dear Alma Mater...OHIO!
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Of all the whiny, bitchy ass scUM players to come through that dreaded school, I hated Devin Gardner a lot less than most others. He also showed great humanity and sportsmanship to JT when he went down the year after.
He was a solid player on an otherwise NOT great team who played his ass off to will his team to victory.... only to come up short vs the Good Guys.

Today, we drink to the vanquished.

Good point.....

....fuck him anyways.
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The day has arrived and there is not an empty seat in the Big House. A blanket of frost is on the ground and snow is lightly falling as silver helmets glisten. Puffs of air vapor through players facemasks, as a cold chill is in the air. It's High Noon. And it's THE GAME! Nothing else matters for the next three hours. Time is at a stand still as the greatest rivalry in sports begins with a BOOM of a kickoff and bodies collide with a fierceness only reserved for THE GAME. And with the first hit on the kick return we hear Gus Johnson say, "OH MY....THE Ohio State Buckeyes came ready to play!"

The silver and gray defense takes the field but before they do they hear these words from their star DE, "Men, it's time to eat! This is for the brotherhood." And eat they do. From the first play to the last a fearless band of warriors battle, fight and clash with the enemy, The Team Up North. The goal: Steal the enemy's heart. Make them wish this game never happened. Remind them who is the crown jewel of the BIG TEN. Don't just win THE GAME but so dominate your opponent that the enemy cannot look anyone in the eye after the game is over. Rob them of their manhood. Crush their pride. It's total humiliation, ALL. OVER. AGAIN!

As the final tick of the clock arrives, finding the Buckeyes once again in a victory formation, everyone sees it once again. You know, that blank stare of the TTUN's head coach, his heart ripped from his chest and his mind wondering what went wrong, yet again? No answers. No hope. No longer any excuses. He, the players, coaches and entire fanbase finally admit with one voice, "THE Ohio State Buckeyes are the superior team."

And once again, the team in scarlet and gray gather together in the end zone, band and fan's assembled with them, and they proudly sing....
Oh come let's sing Ohio's praise
And songs to Alma Mater raise
While our hearts rebounding thrill
With joy which death alone can still
Summer's heat or winter's cold
The seasons pass the years will roll
Time and change will surely (truly) show
How firm thy friendship ... OHIO!

These jolly days of priceless worth
By far the gladdest days on earth
Soon will pass and we not know
How dearly we love Ohio
We should strive to keep thy name
Of fair repute and spotless fame
So in college halls well grow
And love thee better ... OHIO!

Though age may dim our mem'ry's store

We'll think of happy days of yore
True to friend and frank to foe
As sturdy sons of Ohio
If on seas of care we roll
Neath blackened sky or barren shoal
Thoughts of thee bid darkness go
Dear Alma Mater...OHIO!

too small, couldn't read
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