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Game Thread Ohio State @ That TeaX Up North - 11/30/19, Noon (FOX)

Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.
Enjoy getting skullfucked - again.
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Each year is a different year. tOSU has probably the best overall team that we've seen in the last two decades. There are also stars at every position. But anyone who thinks this will be a cakewalk is sadly mistaken. There will be the hardest hitting, tackling, and cheering that the Big House has seen. Am as well coolly confident about this year's outcome, but in the back of my mind I remember the times when tOSU has been the more highly ranked, only to have the Wolverweenies upset us. Expect Harbaugh to have them so wound up that some of them may burst in the entry tunnel. My dream scenario would be for the Buckeyes to hold Xichigan to 3-and-outs on their first four possessions, while shredding their vaunted D with pinpoint passing and tackle-breaking runs. There will be pushback, however, last week against PSU showed that tOSU could stiffen and counter-attack. Anyway, this could very well be a game for the ages. Doubt it'll be 63-29 or somesuch, but that'd be nice.....Go Bucks!
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I have one request. I ask to be kept on. Yes I have had multiple IPS over 15 years. I have been banned repeatedly after just 1- 2 posts. I am running out of computers. I will never post anything in a game thread - I will never call anyone a bitch again because apparently I just became one.

oh...it's that guy.
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Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.

Your QB is Shea Patterson and our QB looks like a little girl?

Somebody else will have to tell me what this post said after that.
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Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you the poster child for the DFBIA.....
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Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.

I miss dings....
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I think his performance gets lost because the team (aside from The Game) was forgettable and there's been so many great performances since, but Jonathan Wells 1st half in 2001 was pivotal in swinging the rivalry. 25 for 129 and 3 TDs, on a day when the rest of the offense put up 126 yards, and 25 for 8 yards rushing. Hats off to him.

His TD on 4th and 1 is, IMO, very high on the list of most important plays in the history of the program.

Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.

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Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.

fuck off scum
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