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Game Thread Ohio State @ That TeaX Up North - 11/30/19, Noon (FOX)

This is honestly the first time in The Game where there's not one single area where I see a matchup in SCUM's favor.

Unearned hubris?
Poor coaching hires?
Bad quarterbacks?
Head coaches that belong on r/fellowkids?
Head coaches on the spectrum?
Potato salad references?
Ugly uniforms?
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Unearned hubris?
Poor coaching hires?
Bad quarterbacks?
Head coaches that belong on r/fellowkids?
Head coaches on the spectrum?
Potato salad references?
Ugly uniforms?

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Gods Old and New forgive me for potentially jinxing this, but this is the most relaxed I’ve felt about The Game... ever. This team actually lives up to its talent. It’s a machine, but they enjoy it and they play for each other. This coach is exactly who/what was needed post-Urban. This staff exceeds any I can remember. I just don’t see this team letting xichigan sneak up on them. I just don’t see them letting The Game actually be a game. I appreciate State Penn’s defensive effort last week and our guys’ handling of it. This team BEAT Wisconsin and SPU... beat them. Both of those sides are better than the Vulvarenes. I see this as a beat down... and I can’t wait.
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Unearned hubris?
Poor coaching hires?
Bad quarterbacks?
Head coaches that belong on r/fellowkids?
Head coaches on the spectrum?
Potato salad references?
Ugly uniforms?

Unearned hubris? Over
Incompetence? Over
Underperformance? Over
Poor coaching hires? Over
Bad quarterbacks? Over
Head coaches that belong on r/fellowkids? Over
Head coaches on the spectrum? Over
Potato salad references? Over
Jealousy? Over
Excuses? Over
Ugly uniforms? Over

Oh wait; we're not doing that yet?
Oh well. I stand by that prediction.
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this is the most relaxed I’ve felt about The Game... ever.
Can’t say I agree.

msu, wiscy and ped all at home was a blessing for a young offense.*

It’s The Game. A young offense on the road leaves me cautiously optimistic. At best.

Boy would I LOVE a blowout!

Early gut reaction is a 20-7 score with tOSU pulling away late in the sloppy weather.

edit: *mentioned those home games because they’re the closest talent level wise on D to scum and had any of them been road wins it would lead to a ton more confidence.
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Re: As for his perfect record against Michigan as Ohio State's head coach, Meyer called that his greatest accomplishment as a coach, even over his national titles.

List of Urban Meter's greatest accomplishments:

1.A. Winning a National Championship at Ohio State.
1.B. Going 7-0 vs. scUM.
2. Winning National Championships at Florida.
That 7-0 is #1 even more so if the next ten years we’ll I don’t want to think about it. We as fans thought Cooper was hired to beat Scux but the ad and administration just assumed Cooper new that.
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Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.
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Hey Guys - 11242018. Your favorite a wolverine. I’m just swinging by on my annual visit - It’s just a Thanksgiving tradition of mind.

Yet another game is upon us. My hatred for Ohio is alive and well, What a game we will have on Saturday. As you know I am not a “good game guys” Wolverine. I hate you. I hate your city. I hate your fans. I hate your pets. I hate everything about Ohio and that filthy city in which your school is mired. Every year the hatred grows and grows and becomes a part of my soul. It’s called a rivalry.

Michigan wins 35 - 24. Regarding your offense - The crossing routes that killed us last year won’t kill us this year. I think fields is soft and he will show that on Saturday. At times Looked like a little girl against Penn State.

Regarding your defense- You have an elite defense. Chase Young is the best football player in the country - However running quarterbacks seem to create issues for you. We will move the ball better than last year. I expect McCaffery to be used on multiple plays.

I enjoy the delights of trolling and have not missed a year on this forum for almost 10 years. It’s a privilege to come into your filthy echo chamber and enjoy yet another thanks giving football weekend.
Last 7 years has taught you nothing. Carry on.
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