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Game Thread Ohio State @ That TeaX Up North - 11/30/19, Noon (FOX)

I love that the media has said PED gave scUM a blue print on offense. First off as you stated they scored 10 of their 17 on short fields and only had 227 yards total. Second the back up QB is a big physical guy and neither QB for them can run power.

You know who else couldn't run Power from the QB position? Sean Clifford. Which is to say, the success Ped had with QB Power runs was in no small part due to Ohio State not having practiced in anticipation of it. After they had a chance to make some in game adjustments (that is, when the O stopped giving the ball away) they did adjust and .. all of a sudden QB Power runs weren't successful anymore.
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You know who else couldn't run Power from the QB position? Sean Clifford. Which is to say, the success Ped had with QB Power runs was in no small part due to Ohio State not having practiced in anticipation of it. After they had a chance to make some in game adjustments (that is, when the O stopped giving the ball away) they did adjust and .. all of a sudden QB Power runs weren't successful anymore.

Hey let them run power with Patterson a bunch of times, thats sure to go well for a guy whos had fumbling issues.
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Hey let them run power with Patterson a bunch of times, thats sure to go well for a guy whos had fumbling issues.
I welcome this game plan from them more than I welcome them "throwing the ball 50 times" :slappy:

Oh, and to be clear, if they want to throw it 50 times, I welcome that shit too. Especially if they want to try and go downfield.
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Alright, so I was curious.... I sorta said what I said about QB runs falling into the shitter after the D had a moment to actually have a sustained adjustment meeting(s) without having to hurry back on to the field owing to a turnover based on my memory of the game...

When Levis came into the game in relief, and prior to the D having a chance to adjust, he ran 6 times for 31 yards and a score. He also took a 7 yard sack, resulting in the FG after Fields' second fumble (Which, I am not sure that was a fumble, but whatever). After having a chance to meet with their staff and gain instruction on how to handle the new wrinkle, Levis ran 5 times for 18 yards (although, I think one of those runs (for 1 yard) was actually a pass where he avoided a sack for a loss, but did not get the line to gain and turned it over on downs - so, maybe 4 -17). He also took sacks - 2 of them - for a loss of 10 yards, and got credit for a 6 yard loss on a bad snap.

To review:
6-31 (5.2 ypc) and a score He too one sack for -7. 7 carries for 24 yards and a score (3.4 ypc)

after ajustment:
5 - 18 (3.6 ypc) to go along with 2 sacks for -10 and a bad snap recovery of -6 = 8 carries for 2 yards and no scores (.25 ypc)

Some weakness. lmao.
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It looks like 33F-36F during the game, with wet snow. I think a key to this game is going to be who has warm hands and core body temperature. Cold hands aren't worth too much in that kind of weather.

I think the wisdom is that Penn State shut down Ohio State to less than 175 yds in the second half. Personally, I think that Day decided to score another TD and then shut it down. I expect an entirely different offense, similar to what we saw earlier in the year but with some new wrinkles for this game. And I expect the air corps to be the best part of the offense and for TSUN to have a different QB by the start of the second half.

Even better - let’s say they were ‘shut down’. TTUN is averaging 200 yds per half over the course of an entire season. Surely they should expect to improve on that against the #1 defense in the country this week.

In other words, our failures are about on par with their normal.
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Alright, so I was curious.... I sorta said what I said about QB runs falling into the shitter after the D had a moment to actually have a sustained adjustment meeting(s) without having to hurry back on to the field owing to a turnover based on my memory of the game...

When Levis came into the game in relief, and prior to the D having a chance to adjust, he ran 6 times for 31 yards and a score. He also took a 7 yard sack, resulting in the FG after Fields' second fumble (Which, I am not sure that was a fumble, but whatever). After having a chance to meet with their staff and gain instruction on how to handle the new wrinkle, Levis ran 5 times for 18 yards (although, I think one of those runs (for 1 yard) was actually a pass where he avoided a sack for a loss, but did not get the line to gain and turned it over on downs - so, maybe 4 -17). He also took sacks - 2 of them - for a loss of 10 yards, and got credit for a 6 yard loss on a bad snap.

To review:
6-31 (5.2 ypc) and a score He too one sack for -7. 7 carries for 24 yards and a score (3.4 ypc)

after ajustment:
5 - 18 (3.6 ypc) to go along with 2 sacks for -10 and a bad snap recovery of -6 = 8 carries for 2 yards and no scores (.25 ypc)

Some weakness. lmao.
Yeah I don't tale much/any stock in the notion that the Bucks defense has any real weak points. But at this point I do think Skunkbear is playing better than Pedsters on both sides of the ball. And I don't like the weather as it relates to our passing game. Really hoping we bring our "A" game this week, i think we will need it.
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That said, I suppose it's fair to say that the threat of Levis running did open up some running lanes for Brown. Prior to Levis, Brown had 5 carries for 24 yards (4.8). Clifford had run for 12 yards on 4 carries (3.0 ypc), taking an 8 yard sack as well. Noah Cain had 1 carry for 1 yard.

Offensive run production: 11 carries for 33 yards (3.3), not including an 8 yard sack.

After Levis comes in and before adjustments:
Brown had 4 carries for 30 yards and a score (7.5 ypc)
Levis had 6 carries for 31 and a score (5.2 ypc)

Total: 10 carries for 61 yards and 2 TDs

After adjustments:
Brown 2 carries for 10 yards (5.0)
Levis 7 carries for 26 (3.7 ypc)*** while taking sacks of -7, -8, -2, and recovering the bad snap -6
*** I guess I missed a couple carries in my post above.

Total 9 for 36 and no scores (4.0 ypc)

It was literally that awful span where OSU couldn't hang on to the ball long enough to make adjustments (there maybe should have been a TO taken in here somewhere, of course) that brought the PSU running game it's success... Having the threat of Levis for the rest of the game amounted to a whopping .7 more yards per carry.
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Mgoblow folks have been all over the '69 upset was 50 yrs ago so that means tsun will get the upset this year too line of 'thinking.' I don't think sports/life/reality works that way.
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I'm working from home this whole week....which has afforded me the ability to do some re-watching. I'm starting with 2016, and it's always fun to see the little things that these fuckers do that is so in character for them year after year. They'll never learn from them, because they're so subtle. But it's always just a pure Michigan thing to do.

2016's version: Late in the 2nd quarter, it's 3-0 bad guys and our offense hasn't really done very much. We do one of our many punts, and Peppers is back there to receive. He sees that it's going to go over his head, and has a choice to make. Fair catch it to prevent it from going down inside the 5......or take a couple steps up and lower a shoulder into a Buckeye who can't really do anything about it. Of course he chooses the bitch ass cheap shot, allowing the ball to roll dead inches behind the 5 yard line. The. Very. Next. Play.

Never stop being true to yourselves, you glorious shitbags pretending to be football players.
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Weatherwise, this game might resemble the Wisconsin game, just 10-ish degrees cooler.

I think the rain/snow line is going to be northwest of Ann Arbor but it's still going to be mid-30s with a >75% chance of rain. Winds should be in the 10-15MPH range with some gusts up to 20 MPH. All in all a miserable day.

scUM HAS TO throw the ball to win this game. They won't be able to run it consistently enough. The weather does them no favors whatsoever.
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