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Game Thread Ohio State @ That TeaX Up North - 11/30/19, Noon (FOX)

It looks like 33F-36F during the game, with wet snow. I think a key to this game is going to be who has warm hands and core body temperature. Cold hands aren't worth too much in that kind of weather.

I think the wisdom is that Penn State shut down Ohio State to less than 175 yds in the second half. Personally, I think that Day decided to score another TD and then shut it down. I expect an entirely different offense, similar to what we saw earlier in the year but with some new wrinkles for this game. And I expect the air corps to be the best part of the offense and for TSUN to have a different QB by the start of the second half.
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It looks like 33F-36F during the game, with wet snow. I think a key to this game is going to be who has warm hands and core body temperature. Cold hands aren't worth too much in that kind of weather.

I think the wisdom is that Penn State shut down Ohio State to less than 175 yds in the second half. Personally, I think that Day decided to score another TD and then shut it down. I expect an entirely different offense, similar to what we saw earlier in the year but with some new wrinkles for this game. And I expect the air corps to be the best part of the offense and for TSUN to have a different QB by the start of the second half.
One wonders why we haven't seen the shallow crossing game much since last year. :wink:
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I've seen/heard quite a few hot takes both on twitter and radio that have TTUN winning and winning comfortably. People seem to think that PSU exposed OSU...but I'm not sure why. It's odd.
Not just anyone can waltz into Ohio Stadium and put up 227 yards of offense. Only Penn State.

I mean sure, FAU put up 228. And Cicinnati 273. Michigan State and their high powered attack had 285. But only Penn State has come in and put up exactly 227.
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Not just anyone can waltz into Ohio Stadium and put up 227 yards of offense. Only Penn State.

I mean sure, FAU put up 228. And Cicinnati 273. Michigan State and their high powered attack had 285. But only Penn State has come in and put up exactly 227.
Well, they exposed OSU's weaknesses, you see. QB runs up the middle, by your 2nd string guy. Oh.. don't forget to start with a short field. Ohio State sucks when you take over at their 12. It's all on film.
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Well, they exposed OSU's weaknesses, you see. QB runs up the middle, by your 2nd string guy. Oh.. don't forget to start with a short field. Ohio State sucks when you take over at their 12. It's all on film.
I love that the media has said PED gave scUM a blue print on offense. First off as you stated they scored 10 of their 17 on short fields and only had 227 yards total. Second the back up QB is a big physical guy and neither QB for them can run power.

Just stupid...

Everyone talks about scUM finding their rhythm? That's what happens when you play Rutgers, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan State, and Indiana.

Sure they beat Iowa at home 10-3 and beat Notre Dame handily at home but neither compare to what they'll face on Saturday. Then they lost to PED competitive or not which means they lost to the two best teams they've played.

They couldn't stop Wisconsin from going for 300 yards on the ground with no threat from the QB throwing or running and they're somehow going to hold us under 300?

The only shot they have is their offense is throwing the ball better... but how successful is that going to be when they haven't played anyone with the total defense like we have or the rush we have.

Add that in with them having absolutely zero depth in the front 7 on defense and how can anyone pick them to win? We are winning by 3 scores minimum.

Only way they are winning is if we have 3+ turnovers again and they hold our running game under 150 and what are the odds of that?

If we go for 200+ rushing and don't turn the ball over they have zero shot.
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I love that the media has said PED gave scUM a blue print on offense. First off as you stated they scored 10 of their 17 on short fields and only had 227 yards total. Second the back up QB is a big physical guy and neither QB for them can run power.

Just stupid...

Everyone talks about scUM finding their rhythm? That's what happens when you play Rutgers, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan State, and Indiana.

Sure they beat Iowa at home 10-3 and beat Notre Dame handily at home but neither compare to what they'll face on Saturday. Then they lost to PED competitive or not which means they lost to the two best teams they've played.

They couldn't stop Wisconsin from going for 300 yards on the ground with no threat from the QB throwing or running and they're somehow going to hold us under 300?

The only shot they have is their offense is throwing the ball better... but how successful is that going to be when they haven't played anyone with the total defense like we have or the rush we have.

Add that in with them having absolutely zero depth in the front 7 on defense and how can anyone pick them to win? We are winning by 3 scores minimum.

Only way they are winning is if we have 3+ turnovers again and they hold our running game under 150 and what are the odds of that?

If we go for 200+ rushing and don't turn the ball over they have zero shot.

Good luck with that if the current weather forecast holds up. Patterson arm punting in a wet snow slop has turnover city written all over it
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Give me bad weather all day for this one...who has the better trenches, running backs, and running QB? Yep what I thought.

Renders their "amazing" 4 WRs moot...

Yep. Not to get over confident but if they dont get handed gifts like Ped State did, this game wont ever be in doubt.
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Yep. Not to get over confident but if they dont get handed gifts like Ped State did, this game wont ever be in doubt.
I take confidence that they couldn't stop Wisconsin when they KNEW what was coming. Now they face a better run blocking OL, an equal back to Taylor, better QB, and better skill.

We will control the game up front eventually. Remember guys in 2017 they went up I think 14 to 0 early so don't be shocked if this is competitive early. Late though I look for us to wear them down like we did in 2015.
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