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Game Thread Ohio State @ That TeaX Up North - 11/30/19, Noon (FOX)

Three reasons why we will beat Xichigan
1. they suck
2. Shea butter sucks
3, Hairball sucks
3A. their running gaxe sucks
3B. Ann Arbor sucks
3C. Wolverweinies suck
3D. Their helxets with the golden arches suck
3E. Xichigan sucks.
3F. Their cheerleaders suck ( true fact)
3G. Their fans suck
3H. I like Janeson's Black barrel . (I just couldn't put an x in Janeson's)
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One of my proudest moments as a father was when I was putting my then 1.5 year old son to bed after The Game. I was walking out of the room after rocking with him in the chair for a while. He says "Dad?" I say, "Yeah?" He said, "Michigan sucks"

It lives in my heart this to this very day.

my oldest daughter is 20. I have raised her and her sister the best I could. Today she sent me a text with the youtube video of Chad Henne is a Joke. she’s been saying ‘Fuck *ichigan’ since she was 5. don’t judge me. lol
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my oldest daughter is 20. I have raised her and her sister the best I could. Today she sent me a text with the youtube video of Chad Henne is a Joke. she’s been saying ‘Fuck *ichigan’ since she was 5. don’t judge me. lol
I will Judge you. And I judge you to be an outstanding father. Well done, indeed.
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I am a bit surprised about the love the media is showing TSUN. The main argument is that Levis exposed flaws in the Buckeye linebacker corps and secondary in general.

I've seen/heard quite a few hot takes both on twitter and radio that have TTUN winning and winning comfortably. People seem to think that PSU exposed OSU...but I'm not sure why. It's odd.

No disrespect to Mack but I hope he doesn't play more snaps than Olave in this game like he did against PSU

Agree, Olave needs to be out there, but Mack is really important. He's never going to have a huge stat line, but he does everything well and is a really solid target for Fields. Glad he knocked the rust off against PSU.
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