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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

Cooper was a good coach who never accomplished what Meyer has already done in 5 years. Obviously there are issues with his program, but I'll take Urban over Cooper 10 out of 10 times.

Meyer has one conference title, and caught lightning in a bottle with Cardale Jones.

He blew the B1G CG in 2013. Sammy Watkins catching 16 passes. The Sparty game in 2015. Faceplant against Ped State last year. An egg against the Sooners this year. And now this humiliating debacle.

Tressel coached in three national championship games in his first seven seasons. Meyer? One for six so far.
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Meyer has one conference title, and caught lightning in a bottle with Cardale Jones.

He blew the B1G CG in 2013. Sammy Watkins catching 16 passes. The Sparty game in 2015. Faceplant against Ped State last year. An egg against the Sooners this year. And now this humiliating debacle.

Tressel coached in three national championship games in his first seven seasons. Meyer? One for six so far.
Yeah I've said it a lot tonight but it deserves to be said. Coach Tressel is much better the UFM IMO. Only reason UFM beat us is because he could play the under dog role for 6 weeks...

You knew how we would lose with Tressel (offense wouldn't move the ball) but with UFM you never know which facet of the team will shit out in a big game.
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