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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

I don't know, but he and Larry JOhnson and everyone else involved needs to donate their damn paychecks to the Children's Hospital there....this is embarrassingly bad....
Couldn't agree with this more. This offense is just not a good offense for Iowa. They have driven down the field basically every drive. Very very poor game plan and poor play.

Why can't we just look at what ped did and copy? It's not rocket science. Do what has been successful
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Cold, hard truth time: IF this team wins out, which seems unlikely given the extremely sloppy play week in and week out, they will get freaking demolished in the playoff.

They shouldn't even be in the playoff if they can't pull it together in the 2nd half and smash Iowa to bits, and then continue doing that. If they manage to win out looking like this, the committee will rightfully leave them out after last year's performance.

Make the 2nd half adjustments.
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Seven was due to the pick six, so that's 24 points. Giving Iowa a very short field on another drive doesn't help either.

Okay, so they got 17 without such help, including a drive of over 90 yards.

That exceeds their point total for the entire game vs Sparty and Northwestern. It matches their game total against Minny.
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Cold, hard truth time: IF this team wins out, which seems unlikely given the extremely sloppy play week in and week out, they will get freaking demolished in the playoff.
Nah I don't think we'd get demolished. For whatever reason Urban Meyer coached teams have extremely high highs and low lows. Like, we could beat Clemson by 50 in the semis only to lose to Alabama by 50 in the NC.
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Cold, hard truth time: IF this team wins out, which seems unlikely given the extremely sloppy play week in and week out, they will get freaking demolished in the playoff.
Oh well. I watched my favorite team nut up and come back against the team I hate more than anything in this world. Some dipshit fan from Tennessee thinking he gets to talk shit on us for making it to the playoffs just doesn’t phase me. The Penn States of the world can throw their rocks from far away while they play in lesser bowls. Doesn’t bother me one bit.
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