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Game Thread Ohio State @ Iowa, 11/04/17 @ 3:30 (ESPN)

I am not following a few things here...

Why are we playing so much zone? And where is the DL? This is a game where we should have 8 in the box and play man across the field.

Finally, we are not a throwing team. We just aren't.

We are a run the ball and go play action that's what we are.

I do not see us winning this game but hey I didn't think we would win last week either. The first series of the 2nd half will be everything because if they drive and score it's good night

I almost asked that earlier in the half. I guess the coaches thought that was the way to shut down the Iowa offense, but that should have clearly been scrapped after the 1st quarter.
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Only down 14 points. Make our adjustments, don't abandon the run. Stop forcing the ball. Stop the stupid penalties. Stop the stupid turnovers. Defense needs to shut these guys down and get a turnover of two.

What have you seen today that leads you to believe the defense can shut Iowa down. The defense should be able to but for whatever reason they are the liability in this game.
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I am not following a few things here...

Why are we playing so much zone? And where is the DL? This is a game where we should have 8 in the box and play man across the field.

Finally, we are not a throwing team. We just aren't.

We are a run the ball and go play action that's what we are.

I do not see us winning this game but hey I didn't think we would win last week either. The first series of the 2nd half will be everything because if they drive and score it's good night

We throw fine this year. JT just needs to not force it. 2 men on the online going down in back to back plays killed the one drive. JT forcing it killed the other 2.
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What have you seen today that leads you to believe the defense can shut Iowa down. The defense should be able to but for whatever reason they are the liability in this game.

It's lack of discipline. Iowa is all misdirection and play action when they pass. They know what Ohio State can't cover (and hasn't covered all year) and they are running it until Ohio State stops it....
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Disappointed in commitment to run honestly. Although in fairness, offense hasn't been the primary problem.

Iowa is exploiting our linebackers with their TE's. We are built to stuff spread offenses, including power spreads like PSU.

Iowa is KILLING our linebackers with bunch packages where the TE's are coming through the middle of the field free.

The problem for us, is if we want to play pass, we can't account for their physicality and they'll run. They've got us in the cross-hairs. I felt ok about a comeback last week. Have to admit, we might get this to a 1 score game but I'm pretty confident we struggle getting over the hump.

The second half is about to literally turn into an NFL game. Get off the couch for a beer and then next thing you know damn near most of the quarter has disappeared. It's demoralizing and tough to fight throw.

Hope I'm wrong. That fort half was a disaster and getting behind Iowa blows....
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